My Wants
- An Ultra Portable Mini PC
- New Laptop (must be better and faster than my current one of course)
- New Leather Shoe with Pointy Front
- Sony Ericsson Cybershot Cellphone
- White Converse Tote Bag
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Narnia. I wanna get the books!!!
It was such a great show! Can literally see the bible coming out of the whole story.
Or should I say it resembles the four Gospels to be more precise.
Ok, the obvious.
The witch = Satan.
Aslan the Lion = Jesus the King.
Aslan dying for the treachery of Edmund = Jesus dying on the cross for humanity.
Aslan coming back to life = Jesus' resurection.
Aslan killing the witch = Jesus defeating Satan.
How about,
Edmund betraying the righteous for sweets = Iscariot's betraying Jesus for 30 silver?
Lucy being the youngest and the most positive and believing = the childlike faith Jesus always talks about?
Aslan welcoming the treacherous Edmund into the camp and asking everyone not to bring out the past again = Jesus saving the adulteress and asking her not to sin again?
Susan and Lucy crying beside the dead Aslan = the mourning of the women when Jesus died on the cross?
Susan and Lucy being the first to see the resurected Aslan = the women being the first to see the resurected Jesus?
The four different personalities of the silblings and the different kind of tools given to them to fight one common battle = the church making up of people with different background and given different gift from God all gathering for one common purpose?
The splitting of the stone table signifying the breaking of tradition = the splitting of the veil in the temple?
Also, did anyone notice the character of Peter is so much like the biblical Apostle Peter? Someone who is a leader and also talk real big? And when given the responsibilty to lead the whole army, he found himself lacking confidence and need Aslan to keep encouraging him? Just like how Jesus have to keep reassuring Apostle Peter that he was called to lead the church. Read Gospel of John 21: 20-25.
There's definitely more shadows of the bible in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Anyway, after saying so much, I just wanna say,
I shall just add that to my wishlist. :) God is Good.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Christmas 2005.
This year, celebrated Christmas with Brother Meng Chin's members who are really fun and outgoing. Having a CG merger isn't so bad after all. Later, I ended the day having a party at Briony's place together with Cinthia. Hahaha. Also wanna thank everyone who had blessed me something for Christmas and the whole year.
Time to update my wishlist. To date, I have:
1.) 8 new clothes since the past 3 months.
2.) 8 watches altogether.
3.) 2 pairs of leather shoes.
4.) 2 pairs of sandals.
5.) 2 pairs of running shoes.
6.) 1 pair of boots.
7.) 1 pair of leather sneakers.
8.) 1 large buckle belt.
Talk about vanities. Hahaha.
So what I do intend to get within a the next 3 months is...
1.) A new large buckle belt I saw at Bugis Village. Cost: $30++
2.) A leather Billabong wallet with coin compartment I saw recently at The Wallet Shop. Cost: $30++
3.) More new clothes! Cost: $64848465164984+++
p.s. I hope the things I saw don't go out of stock before I get them...
1.) I can't be wearing the same belt all the time.
2.) My current wallet is falling apart. :'(
3.) I don't want people to guess what I will be wearing.
Talk about vanities. Hahaha.
So to cut the story short, let the photos do the talking.
Our 1st ever candlelight service in CHC!

My new CG, W372. :)

A photo I took during fellowship at Bugis Village. Have half the mind to get this watch for someone as a Christmas Gift. :p
Christmas Celebration! 25/12/2005

The stage props for the Chirstmas drama. (The drama ended with pyrotechnics! Cool!)

Kay taking photos with his digital camera. How I wish I have a digital camera too!

These are wounds you get for sitting next to a crazy member when playing crazy surf.

This is me and the crazy member, Peishan. Ok lah, she's a nice girl. Hahaha. 25th Dec happen to be her birthday too. :)
Sending Sjeting Off. 26/12/2005

The ITE team that is leaving for India for community work.

A photo I took with Sjeting before she board the plane. Going to miss her. :'( I will pray for her safety.

A dejected Kay on the way home on MRT, who will miss the punches and kicks of Sjeting. Don't worry, she will be back on the 10/01/2006. Hahaha.
All in all, the year end well. God is Good. :)
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Langundo Up!!!
As for today... Nothing much happens except that I went down to Orchard to get one more Christmas present at 11am. Never knew I would find a suitable present so fast thou. Since I have nothing else to do, I went to report for duty at CDC at 12.15pm!!! I was suppose to start work at 1pm. Hahaha.
My ward was haing a ward party today. So much nice food to eat! I indulged on the roast duck. Hahaha. Anyway, there was so much food that I need not even buy anything for lunch and dinner. Save money. :p
The staff nurse in charge today was pretty strict. Although she is not very senior and she only being working for about a year plus, she is very serious in her work and keep very close observation on us, the students. This kept me on my toes and it wasn't so boring after all. Hahaha.
Perhaps I can only work under stress. Or perhaps, I love to love what I am doing only when under pressure.
God is Good.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Runs for the 3rd day.
Anyway, attachment at CDC is boring as usual. However, we were allowed to join a Christmas lunch party today. Ate turkey (believe it or not, this is the 1st time I actually get to cut a turket and eat it), Christmas pudding and many nice food. Yummy! Spent one whole hour at the party. Kinda nice way to pass time in a boring attachment. Hahaha.
I happened to read a book on infectious diseases in my ward today. It was such an informative book, the details of every disease was well presented and very straight to the point. I so wanted to get my hands on this book that I went to ask sister if I could get a copy of it. However, the book was published by MOH and only distributed to hospitals. Oh wells...
I happen to saw a very cool leather watch at City Chain, Novena Square today. The brand's SMASH and it cost $129. They are having an offer that if you get 2 watches, you will get an overall 30% discount off the total price!!! Since it is so long since I pampered myself, I went back after attachment at around 9.15pm and bought the watch plus another watch which I intended as a gift. Hehehe.
I decided that tomorrow before work, I gonna make one more last minute shopping at Orchard at around 11am. I am finally glad for once that CDC is near Orchard and there's a direct bus. Hahaha. God is Good. :)
If time (and brain) permits, I gonna start another blog soon. It will be a story that I so wanted to write. I have yet to think of the title but I have an idea what I wanna write already. So I will try to write every post chapter by chapter and I hope it will bring out some excitement among the readers. :)
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Not so boring today. a small shock.
Briony called and asked if there's bible study today. We were quite confused but I remembered the bible study teacher said there will not be bible study this week so I told her no.
However, Briony called again and said her CGL said there's bible study today!!! I was pretty shock and I quickly went to sms my leader to ask him. He later called and asked me who was the teacher who said there is no bible study this week... I hope I didn't get that teacher into trouble...
OK. Before bible study, I went to shop for Christmas gift on my own. Went on a shopping spree after I found out that I got my pay today. Hahaha. I also bought 2 new tees from Samuel & Kevin at 2 for $22! (One for myself and one for a friend.) Cheap cheap. Hahaha.
So sad thou, I couldn't find the long sleeve, laced collar maroon tee that I like at Plaza Singapura and Orchard Samuel & Kevin... It's selling at $24 after discount I think... I saw it at the Suntec Outlet last week but didn't have the money to get it. Hope it isn't out of stock... really wanna get a long sleeve tee cuz I already have a long of short sleeve tees. No time to shop for this week anymore. Oh wells...
After bible study, I went to shop with Briony to get more gifts for friends. Briony was on a beverage fast so I made sure we have something to drink before we leave for home.
Peishan also called me to ask about guitar lesson today. So happy that she is excited to learn guitar. Hahaha. Probably will meet her this Saturday to teach her. She just Got her first handphone last night, a LG G262!!! It cost $300++ with contract! It even have a 1.3 megapix camera. WOW! Hahaha. I still remember my first phone is a Nokia 3210. That's 6 years back I think. Hahaha. Also happen to find out her birthday is on the 25th DEC!!! A Christmas baby!
Later talked to Cinthia. She just came back from her camp and I was pretty happy to hear her again, thou she is a little tired. She shared quite a lot about her camp and it sounded pretty fun. Except for a few spoilers "Air" level students from Allied Health who think they very smart. All in all, I am glad she enjoyed herself in this camp. :)
As for me... still not feeling so well with my tummy. It seems ok this morning but it started to rumble in the afternoon. But I think I am better compare to yesterday. I only shit once today, with watery stools while I shited 4 times yesterday. God is good.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Dying of Boredom
Anyway, the posting to CDC is so BORING! There is literally nothing much to do, unlike the busy hospital. Most of the patients in CDC are pretty independent.
Since CDC is meant to isolate communicable dieases, most of the beds are also empty. (It will only be busy if there is an outbreak. The recent dengue outbreak is ending.) Me and another student literally spent 3/4 of our shift sitting around, chatting, reading case notes, reading the newspaper... and it is just so difficult to past time!!!
Ok. 1 and a half more weeks to go. Thank goodness we will only be attached to CDC for 2 weeks throughout the 3 years of our course.
By the way, I just undated BBC UNreal! yesterday. I also updated my wishlist on the sidebar. :)
Monday, December 19, 2005
Disappointment to Depression.
A person can progress from disappointment to distress to doubt to depression. I can literally see that in myself. It all happened for nearly one whole year before it progress to depression the past two weeks.
First of all, cell group wasn't doing well and I somehow thought I shouldn't say about such things nor concern to anyone because I thought that's wrong. I was in denial and spoke about cell group as if "everything's fine".
Finally, Two weeks ago, I told Irene everything and start to "discipline" my members. However, I kinda doubt if telling the truth will help, what if more members backslide?
I then become a jerk and start getting piss off at the slightlest "mistakes" my friends did. I wanna take the opportunity to say sorry once again to all whom I have offended over these past few months of my raging anger and distress.
So to say just last week, I seems to lose everything. My CG will merge and will no longer exist. My ministry as a CG guitarist will also cease... I lost the passion to serve in any minisrty, even to learn the guitar...
However, Pastor really preach a word in season into my life and I realise that even the man of God can fall into depression, much less I! So knowing that it is nothing to be ashamed of, I pick myself up once again and found God strengthening my spirit. God is good.
It turn out the merger wasn't so bad after all. The CG that we merge had very out-going members who love to fellowship. They are also very active in their spiritual life and reaching out to the lost. Perhaps, my members can finally have a new lease of life in their walk with God. God is good.
So with the new year, I am glad that I decided not to end the year with depression. (YES! I believe it is a decision to be happy.)
I pray and hope that a certain friend of mine may also overcome all the blues this friend have for this year. May this friend find joy once again in the fellowship with believers and a rekindled passion to serve God even more.
So to kick off the new year, I also did some tinking to my blog. Hahaha. The most obvious is the removal of comments and the addition of a CBox! Be sure to tag!!! Feel free to comment on any of my post on the CBox too. OR, you can simply tag for fun or to make reminders on the CBox. Dun limit yourself if God doesn't limit you. Hahaha.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
About How I Feel Towards Nursing.
It was a sad feeling, not because this patient had always being under my care, but just mourning for the loss of a human life.
As a nurse, we must always understand that, all patient has the potential to die. I am no longer surprise at anything anymore. Anything can happen. It is not about being dead to your emotional when something happen. It is about having your emotion under control so that it may not affect your work when you are feeling sad or angry.
Any Tom, Dick and Harry can clean shit after a patient or write reports. Anyone can take the body temperature or blood pressure when trained. Anyone can learn good communication skills or mix around with everyone. And I mean ANYONE can be a nurse.
However, only a person who value human lives can be a good nurse. Only someone who have emotions and know how to control it can be a good nurse.
That is also the reason why I am interested in palliative care. It is one thing to be optimistic about recovering. It is another thing... to know you are dying.
What are the thoughts that go thru a person's mind when he is dying? What are the pains he is suffering? How does the quality of life differ from a AIDs patient and a cancer patient? How does palliative care differ in taking care of young patient and to older patients? It is interesting isn't it? (Maybe for me. Hahaha.)
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I have being "sleeping around"...
MAN!!! I am sooo tired!!! Hahaha.
Just today, I woke up a bit later just to catch a little more sleep. However, I end up not having time for breakfast.
I work like crazy in the hospital today and just when I thought I can go for my break at 10plus, something crop up and I got to attend to it. Almost got knocked out as I felt light-headed. Finally went for my break at 1140pm. I also twisted my right knee as I help to shift a patient. Ouch. To tired to postion myself properly.
After work, I met Cinthia and went to Ikea (It rhymes!) I was looking for fix-it-yourself shower screen to replace that damaged door in the master bedroom's bathroom. It's pretty affordable, I shall get it after discussing with my mum. Cinthia also bought a pack of straws for her dad, for one of those emergency cases.
Later, we went to eat at the Ikea restaurant. Ordered Swedish MEATBALLS! If you have yet to try it, you must go there and savor it! No wonder Pastor Kong loves the meatballs there! But I got to leave early for my bible study in town. Cinthia looked so sad, felt so bad for her.
BS is pretty good. Learnt about God's plan for the Churches. If you wanna find out more, PESTER your CGL to quickly finish up your BS and come to Authority For Believer. Hahaha.
Later, I went to shop with Briony for Christmas gift. We went all around City Hall and Suntec City. It is so fun yet so tiring!!! I hurt my heel (the left one) again... But I was laughing so heartily and it was great! Haven't being laughing so much for such a long time and it does feel good. Hahaha. But I was so so so tired I doze off in the MRT after talking to Sjeting on the phone.
As for Sjeting... Do pray for her. Her uncle who is very close to her passed away yesterday.
So something I learn.
Shopping is one great form of exercise. It keeps your brain active as you try to be creative with your purchase. It helps you burn calories with all the walking. No wonder ladies who shop a lot are so slim!!! (No wonder it is never "cheap" to lose weight. :P )
So... now my left heel hurts... and so is my right knee... and I feel like I will "die" on my bed soon. But I still enjoy myself today. :) God is Good.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
About Me.
1. When I am down, I like someone to be beside me and not leave me alone. But that person must be someone close. I will shoo away any Tom Dick or Harry that try to get flesh with me. Hahaha.
2. When I am happy, I like the whole world to celebrate with me.
3. I prefer a call over the phone then sms. I am a talkative person. The opportunity to open my mouth to talk is a great blessing for me. Hahaha.
4. I will shower twice a day.
5. I like to shit at least once a day. Help me to lose that 500g of body weight.
6. I may take up to 30mins to dress up. That include doing my hair, choosing my clothes and shoes and watches. (I have quite a few of them, aren't I vain? Hahaha.)
7. I shave my armpit hair. I believe untamed armpit hair is the cause of many BO out there. If you ever feel people are avoiding you, try shaving your armpit hair. Men in ancient Egypt do shave their body hair because of the heat and to prevent BO.
8. If someone ever piss me off real badly, I will wish for revenge. But when the opportunity for revenge come, I will end up blessing and protecting that person. Maybe I am too merciful, or maybe I thought this is a better way to "put hot coals on their head". Hahaha.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
1st Service at Expo!!! + few issues to settle.
Happy Birthday Sandy!!!
Wish you all the best in your walk with God. May you prosper in your studies, in your relationship and everything you do!!!
Ok, service today is super long but it is also super GOOD! hahaha. Pastor shared about fear and the love of God.
Learned today that "Abba" is a very intimate term of calling father. Like calling "daddy". I believe I had a breakthrough today as memories of the good things my earthly dad did for me flash through my mind.
One particular incident was when my dad drove me to the hospital because I had a really high fever. I remembered my dad was really worried and he was speeding. I can still remember how I felt, very wretched, very sick and tears kept flowing down my eyes as the fever got higher and higher.
Then I begin to call God "Di" (as in dad-"dy"), the intimate way I used to call my earthly father and tears start to flow down my eyes. I begin to understand God as my loving Father even more today.
Went to fellowship with Brother Meng Chin CG today, pretty fun and got to know more people. However, I didn't join them for too long as I felt really tired. As I reach home, I was feeling headache, a bit nausea and I can't even really keep my eyes open.
Not really being in the best of health lately. Makes me pretty impatient so I hope all my friends will understand.
I really wanna talk about this.
I "scolded" my members for being late today. Got to wait for everyone. I decided to be a "lion" today nonetheless. But still, I feel my tone and my words are far from being a lion. I remembered the days I will ROAR at my members for doing brainless things right in church. I felt I am too much of a lamb these days le. Got to balance out, gotta be more like a lion also. I told off my members with a smile!!! Can you imagine that!
Please if you are reading my blog. Don't ever be late for CG or SVC again. You are not just wasting my time and the time of the people who reach early to book seats but also the CGL's time. Do you know our whole CG is late and Brother Meng Chin's CG members are booking seats for us? Do I have to keep repeating myself, "Don't be late!"
And I always see the same few people being late. Excuses like "The bus was delayed" is REALLY LAME to answer why you can be late for 40MINS! What's worse today? The whole CG is LATE!
Is it because I am always smiling that everyone thinks it is OK since I will not get angry? Or is it because Irene is too soft and you think because she will not scold or she will not be able to stop you that's why everyone dun bother? Or somehow, did you got into some doctrine that you can keep sinning by breaking your time promises because God's grace have given you the right to keep sinnning?
When you are late, you are also telling God He is not important by not turning up on time. This is the church, the house of the Almighty King, Lord of Host.
Our church called
God is called
Please pull up your act. I still love all of you. I don't shout nor frown but it doesn't mean I am not angry. Please pray for one another, pray specifically for everyone. CG is not doing well, but what are we doing about it? Do you really want it to be disbanded? Or maybe you wanna be like a few who choose to backslide? Or why keep saying about how other members are not doing well and make it seems like YOU ARE DOING VERY WELL? The bible says,
Matthew 7:13
"And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?"
If all we have is just 4 or 5 people now and we can't even learn to love and unite one another, what makes you think we can contain 6, 7, 8 or more people?
Backsliders, I still love you all. I hope the grace of God still be with you. If not all of you but just one of you can come back and believe together once again, God can still revive a dead dream and turn it into a reality. Remember how we once multiplied into two CGs. Remember how we used to be so on fire to reach out to our friends. Remember how we always stay around to fellowship. Remember how excited we were when we joined a ministry and how proud we were when we are on duty?
How come a mere "O" level, exams, attachments or other worldly things could cause you to decide to leave a God who had suffered, beaten, humiliated and died on the cross for the sins of you and I? Remember how you shared testimonies on how God blessed you in your finances, in your studies, in your relationships?
The bible says:
Proverbs 23:13
"Do not withhold correction from a child, For if you beat him with a rod, he will not die."
Proverbs 29:15
"The rod and rebuke give wisdom, But a child left to himself brings shame to his mother."
I say all these because I love all of you enough to say it. All of us have a part to play to make the CG grow and to sharpen one another. We need each other to pray for one another, to care for one another and to love one another. Including me. I feel I need to do even more from today onwards.
Please pray for my health. I had being saying that I am tired since last week and this is what really makes me tired about but I am not going to give up anytime soon. I pray none of you will give up easily too.
God bless you. May the peace of God that surpass all understanding rest on you. May God gives you strength to keep fighting the good fight of faith. Amen.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
A Change for the New Year.
What Breed of Dog Are You? Test
My results:

No bones about it, you're a good-hearted, people-loving Bernese Mountain Dog. Down-to-earth and loyal, no one works or plays harder than you do. You put your nose to the grindstone when it really counts, but you never neglect your social calendar. Simultaneously strong and sweet, you're very tuned-in to the feelings and needs of the other dogs you run with. Without having to be asked, you always have a helping paw to lend and a sympathetic shoulder to lean on. "Communication" is your middle name, and when that's paired with your unswerving devotion, you get a breed that everyone respects and trusts. Woof!
Dun you think it is quite true? Hahaha. The link is here:
I am quite a socialite. Can't really survive without having a nice conversation everyday. Quite the kind of person who will die if ever trap alone on a small island with a coconut tree.
Have you heard of the story, "The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe"? It is about a guy who was trap on an island alone for 24 yrs.
If the character is me, the title will be called, "The Adventure of Benjamin Croaks".
Page 1: Benjamin shipwreck!
Page 2: Benjamin dies.
Duration of stay on island: 24 hours.
Cause of death: Lack of communication.
Last thing I am doing: Talking to 2 rubber balls I named "Briony" and "Cinthia".

I just did the D.I.S.C. personality test again today after so many months. I used to be a "DC", now I am an "ID"!!! Goodness!To say I am an "ID" means my primary personality is an I and my secondary is D. There are altogether 4 type of personality namely:
D - Choleric I - Sanguine S - Phlegmatic C - Melancholy
"D" and "I" are natural extrovert, "D" wanna be the boss in every situation, don't like delay, want effiency in everything they do. "I" like to have fun and enjoy everyone, talk and joke with everyone. Can't survive without friends, lots of friends all the time, but might not have very close intermate friendship. (This part is for me. I am more "I" than "D" thou.)
"S" and "C" are more introvert. "S" is very relational, agree with what everyone is saying, detest changes. Build lasting friendship. "C" is very detail, sort of perfectionist, always very talented. Difficult to have a lot of friends, yet will willingly commit his life for a true friend.
Party situation:--- All the noise make and screaming, shouting, dancing will most properly will done by the "I", "C" will thinking about why they serve apple juice instead of orange juice, "S" will tried to be nice to everyone and maybe even do counselling in the midst of all the noise, "D" will try to take over the host.
If you are interested to do the D.I.S.C. personality test, click HERE. (You must have Microsoft Excel.)
To read up more on the different personalities, click HERE.
Thanks to
What I do want to to be more "I" and "S". Hahaha. Anyway, my "S" is in third place now, slowly catching up. Hahaha. My "C" drop rock bottom thou. BUT I AM STILL VERY SERIOUS WHEN IT IS TIME TO BE SERIOUS. Pls read previous post. Hahaha.
After so much new things and changes for this year, I probably will be changing my side bar too. Take away some things, add a chatbox, make it simpler yet more informative etc. Hahaha. Going to make it more ME for sure. God is Good. :)
Friday, December 09, 2005
Focus. Focus. Version 1.1
1. An Acoustic Guitar.
Brands like Takamine, Taylor, Yamaha, Ibanez are my favourites. But if you wanna get something cheaper, a Harvest one will do (good as my practise guitar. :) ). I am more than willing to invest on my own "Favorite Guitar". Hahaha.
2. New Clothes!!!
I like the range of clothes that look rugged, cool and casual. Those with "tattoo" designs.
Brand-wise (or shop-wise), for a cheaper economic ones I would prefer Samuel & Kevin.
If you (or I) can spend more, Man Studio and Zara.
If you (or I) feels very rich, Skin and Ed Hardins. Hahaha.
3. A leather strap watch.
Have you seen the thick, black leather strap watch I always wear? That is only a cheap imitation I bought from Far East, $10 only!!! I would really appreciate if anyone (or myself) will get me a real, genuine one that is branded. Hahaha. My friend mentioned the brand Fossil or Tissot do carry such designs.
4. A new wallet?
Hmmm... My specification for a wallet... Lot's of card holders, coin compartment, Must be leather, must look COOL! Hahaha. Brand-wise... not too particular. But shop-wise, I will prefer the range found in the Wallet Shop, Seiyu and Takashimaya.
What not to get me?
Don't give me decorations, soft toys (PLEASE!!!), food, water bottles, drinking cups and mugs, photo frames... any other COMMON and USELESS and NON-CREATIVE ITEMS!
Also don't get me bags and shoes. I have a new bag already. I prefer to shop for my own shoes.
Aren't I thick-skin? Hahaha.
About my Attachment...
I got a case that was pretty serious yesterday. Right after dinner when I was nursing that case, I totally clam up and make no more jokes or fool around.
Strangely, whenever I come across such particular case, I will become a no-nonsense person. Friends who know me will know that I am pretty crappy most of the time. Always making anti-climax joke.
However, I was only smiling all the way yesterday but I was totally in no mood for casual conversation. I was extra nice to all the patients and visitors in my cubicle but I can take no joke from any of my friends or colleauges.
For example,
I need to borrow the parameter machine from my fellow student (also a good friend) to take the strict hourly parameter of this serious case. She "joked" with me saying "who was the one who said he don't need the machine for the time being" then she acted as if she will not lend it to me.
With a smile on my face, I just said, "ok" and I went off to take another machine from the linen room.
When she saw me coming back with the machine, she was pretty shocked and said, "You know I was only joking!" and I just tell her, with a smile, "I am in no mood for joke right now. Jokes aside, I have a pretty serious case under me." I don't waste time fooling around when I am serious.
However, I was extra nice to the patients and visitors like I said. I talked to them, celebrated one of the patient's birthday, make a deep impression of myself yesterday. Probably nursing that particular case is my calling.
For that case, I spend almost 2 to 3 hours straight attending to him as his condition sudddenly turned for the worse. Kept talking to him, groomed him, cut his nails, taking his very hard-to-read parameters (cuz it is so weak...) and even do Range of Movement exercises for him to try to improve his circulation. His condition only became a little better with much mechanical help.
For me, it is always a pleasure to take care of such cases. I will become very calm, focus, very detailed yet very empathetic. There will be a calm smile on my face at all times, and I will become eerily quiet... I may not even answer anyone if I am working on the case, and I will only be nice to my clients but I make it a point not to scream at or scold anyone if disturbed.
My revelation to my work, knowing when to joke, when to be serious. came from this verse,
"There is a time for every activity under the sun."
and my version?
"...a time to have fun, a time to be serious."
Oh well. Not easy to understand what I am trying to say huh?
To all my friends, please know when I am not in the mood to joke, especailly when I am in the midst of serious work. I may get pissed off even though I will still smile. :)
Now a simplier thing to understand.
I am having a pretty bad sore throat now so please pray for me. I am taking medication so I am not fasting this week. oh wells...
Something about me. In case I have yet to say how I like to be appreciated, please know that I do things according to this principle, "Do unto others what you want others to do unto to you."
To put it simply, what I do for others are what I myself will appreciate others to do to me too. I will not do anything I don't like to others. So if anyone still thinking how to please me, just think of how I always try to please you. Hahaha.
Writing this down cuz a few people seem to think I am a mystery and don't know what I like.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Summary - 1.CHC Shifting to Expo 2.Cinthia's Birthday.
Goodbye Jurong, Hello Expo!!!
After being at Jurong for 4yrs, we finally outgrown our miracle building and have to shift to a larger space at Expo. The last weekend service happen to have the last water baptism for the English service in Jurong. Here's the photos...
Last look at our miracle, pillar-less auditorium...
The "last" water baptism (for the English service).
On Wednesday, I attended the prayer meeting and get to see the new worship location at Expo for the very 1st time!!!
3 screens!!! Isn't it magnificient?!!!
Look at the crowd as the members fills up the 7000 seater capacity hall!!!
Making Things Come True For A Friend.
It's Cinthia's birthday. She treated Briony and I at The Myammar Restaurant for Burmese food. Briony and I got her a cake and a new outfit!!!
At the restaurant. The Tiramisu cake for Cinthia. The cake itself is a miracle. Hahaha. Right Cinthia and Briony?
Now the most fantastic moment of the birthday...
Cinthia trying out the outfit Briony and I got for her!!! Isn't she pretty?!!! Hahaha.
P.S. I think the white half jacket goes well with almost any simple top, so long it isn't too white. Hahaha.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
I Think I am Getting Old...
Yesterday was Monday Blues for me. Made a lot of mistakes while charting down my observation. A lot of chart had my signature on it, all the cases of countersigning against the wrong entry I made. Haiz... Hahaha.
Anyway, today seems much better. It isn't so busy in the ward, or perhaps, I got used to it that I no longer think it is "busy". I joked around with the rest of the students and staff nurses today. Making anti-climax joke as usual "suanning" people. Hahaha. Yup. I can say I am getting used to thing in AH already. :)
I have being pretty drained though... not just because of atttachment but also because of the things I am struggling with. Do pray for me. :)
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Mixed Feelings
Had a pretty good fellowship with Brother Meng Chin's CG members after svc today. One of his member is getting water baptised today too. My CG went along to grace the event. Since Brother Meng Chin CG is about 40plus strong (almost like a zone), we happen to be one of the loudest when that member went down the water. Hahaha.
Briony and I celebrated Cinthia's Birthday today!!!
Thanks for the treat at the Burmese restaurant. Thanks for being such a great friend!!! I am so glad you like the outfit we got for you. IT REALLY KILLED OUR BRAIN CELLS WHEN WE WERE SHOPPING FOR IT!!! Hahaha.
Halfway thru, Irene called me up and I share certain issues that I had be shouldering and keeping for so long. It made me kinda glad, yet sad... I felt I kinda ruin the birthday cuz of it, I hope Briony and Cinthia don't mind... But thanks for listening gals. I felt I had a breakthru today cuz I finally shared something that I had always feared to share for the past one year.
Since the 2 of you know, pls pray for me. I thank God for friends like you two, who can listen and understand to much extent the things I go thru to share such things. Pls pray for me. Thanks. GOD IS GOOD. :)
P.S: Dun ask me what is the issue. It is something personal so I will not share it with everyone, for I don't seek attention. :) Thank God for Briony, Cinthia and Irene. Thank God for listening too. GOD IS GOOD. :)
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Makeup CG
Today happen to be their CG multiplication and it multiple 3 WAYS !!! WOW!!! Hahaha. That is something to behold.
I get to know a few of his members like Terry, Sandy, Elton, Pei Shan and Jenna whom I brought to COPE ministry today. Hahaha. (There's more people but I think it will form a long list.)
When you don't know what to do, do what you do best. I played the guitar and it happen that a few of the members wanted to learn the guitar and we start having a guitar fellowship! Hahaha.
It is an amazing CG. Thank God it is this CG I will be attending for makeup for the next 4 weeks. Brother Meng Chin is a great CGL!!!
I think I quite bored today, went to do a personality test and this is the result I got.
Title of Quiz: Get to know yourself better
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
I think it pretty much reflect the real me. Hahaha. If you're bore or curious, do try it at
Let me know if it's accurate for you. :)
Friday, December 02, 2005
One week of attachment.
I am now my usual jovial self, making people laugh everywhere I go. Making puns, anti-climax jokes, making fun of people, being dramatic and laughing out loud. Hahaha.
I am happy that this shift of student nurses I work with are hardworking and also easy to get along. As a joker, I am able to get along well with everyone, just put a smile on your face at all times.
The students that work closer with me are Szemin, Janna, Yiling and Soek Mooi. For some reason, I can really build pretty good rapport with them. Hahaha.
I think tonight going to be a grandmother of storm. The wind is very strong and it looks like it is about to have a down pour. Oh wells...
By the way, here is a poem by my brother that was commented by his school teacher. Here it goes...
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
I Love AH But...
The facilities and equipments are different. The protocols are different.
I feel like an idiot today as I look at the disposable dressing set. This is the 1st time I actually fumbled!!!
Back in my previous hospital, they use a full metal, autoclavible set. I was already so used to it that all of a suddenly, I find myself not able to use the plastic disposible sets!!! I fumbled right in front of my peers and the EN!!! ARGH!!! This is so embarrassing!!! To think I always get praises in the past for my dressing, this time round I was like an total IDIOT!
There are other protocols that are different too... too depress* to even talk about how I screwed up in other areas...
I really love the culture in AH. I felt the staff and sisters here are so much nicer, so much caring and heartwarming towards the patients and to us the students. I can see the patients are happy with their stay.
Patients who are dying are well taken care of by palliative nurses who ensure that they don't suffer the tortures of treatments that are no longer going to help them much (such as giving them IV or doing some invasive procedures) and also educate the staff about the process of dying and to understand such patients. This is something lacking in the previous hospital, where I see terminally ill patients still having to go through normal treatment and the staff don't really understand them. (Some even classify them as difficult patients to the time they die.)
Haiz... I really wish I had come to this hospital earlier and I will not feel so alien. Even my lecturer said AH has a better culture then the previous hospital I am attached to.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I Love My Brother.
This is the story of my brother.
One particular child, I will call her A, claimed that she had being having nightmares about someone wanting to cut her. She later said that it was because my kid brother had threatened to cut her with a scissor.
The Managing Director of the childcare than accused my brother without any other evidence but with just the basis of the so-called victim. She threathened to bring my kid brother to the police if he will not admit to the charges.
The MD being an adult, a teacher with authority over my brother and with the threat of bringing my kid brother to the police, which child at the age of 11 years old will dare say he didn't do it? She forced him to apologise to A right in front of the whole class, thus humiliating my kid brother.
On top of that, she even forced my kid brother to write a letter of apology to A. The whole letter according to my brother was directed by the MD herself. My brother was then told to sign the letter and was given a photocopy of the letter, with the original letter given to A to show her parents.

I tried to call the MD last night and talk about the matter but all she seems to do was to keep defending herself, not allowing me to speak much. She simply just slam down the phone. WHAT KIND OF ATTITUDE IS THIS?!!! This is so shocking to think it come from a person who held such a high office.
Today, the MD called my mum and said I was very rude last night and claimed that I said things I didn't say. Thank God my mum was beside me when I was speaking to the MD last night so my mum defended me.
Later, the MD keep insisting she is right and keep bringing up the past misbehaviour of my kid brother. According to my mum, the MD just keep speaking and not allowing my mum to speak much. All the MD wanted to do is not really to settle the problem but only to prove that she is right, without consideration about how my mum feels or the truth. WHAT'S WITH THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT SLOGAN THESE DAYS?!!!
Thus, I came up with the conclusion, we should pull my kid brother out of the childcare. You can be sure I will not just let the case rest. I am gonna complain to MOE or CASE about this.
Monday, November 28, 2005
It's Being a Long Weekend (with a new environment)
Served in my COPE ministry. We were handing out flyers door to door to create awareness of dengue fever among the elderly. Since I am a nurse, talking about the SIGNS ans SYMPTOMS to the elderly is a breeze... Hahaha.
After COPE, I went to help up at Irene's costume shop. I finished up with the walking stick I was working on and the result was pretty good! It really look like a stick made of a piece of ebony wood except for the fact that the wire skeleton made it a bit wobbly. Hahaha.
I also created the template for the spears to be use in the Alice in Wonderland set. The spears are meant for the poker card soldiers of the Queen of Hearts. The costumes were made for a preschooler stage play so the cute spears are only a metre long, with a fat spear head for those little child actors. Hahaha.
Later met up with Cinthia at Bugis and shopped around a little. We waited for Briony to join us before having dinner. Just as I promised, I treated them to Indonesian food. We went to House of Sundanese and ate Tahu Telor, Sayur Lodeh, Ayam Goreng Sunda, Sedap Ikan Seabass Bakar, Cumi Cumi Bakar. Not bad Hehehe. However, I personally feels Sanur Restarant is better, it's pricier but classier. Hahaha. I should treat them to Sanur next time round. Maybe during 14 Feb next year?
Later on, we actually went to Irene's shop and help her to rush her props. We tried to finish up with the Alice in Wonderland set. Cinthia and I helped with the card soldiers set and Briony helped with the sewing. So sad that Cinthia had to leave early because she had things on the next day. Briony and I stay till 1.30am!!!
Before Briony and I left, Irene gave us $50 as a token of appreciation!!! THANKS IRENE!!!
Therefore, if you are reading this Cinthia, you just have to return me $10. keep the rest of the money and please don't return me the cab fare. That's my token of appreciation for you!!! And in case you thought you didn't help out much, I wanna say every effort you put in helped us to achieve all these!!!
Went for service. Rev. Phil was preaching about make space for God to enter. He was using the illustration of how Jesus stepped into the boat of Peter and gave them a miraculous catch of fishes and remind us that we are all called to be "FISHERS OF MEN." AMEN!
After service, I finally saw Benecia again! She was queuing up for the next service and I happen to see her on the way up the stairs. She also recognise me. Hahaha.
Later Hong Yun and I went to Jurong Point. Really nothing much to do... I was so tired due to lack of sleep, yet, I just don't wanna go home so early... anyway, this is a photo I took at Jurong Point. (You can see how brain dead I am.)
Let me say this though, DON'T ever give me any Doraemon decorations or plush toys! Especially not for Christmas!!! I love the manga but I am a guy and I DON'T aprreciate such stuff.
Later at home, I called Jing Ying, my fellow guitar student and talked on the phone. Talked from 9plus to 11plus. I really love talking don't I? Hahaha.
This is the 1st time I am atttached to AH for my attachment. It's quite a cultural shock as this small hospital run things quite differently from the previous hospital I am attached to.
I will not go into the details, it just simply make me feel a bit alien in this new environemnt. However, despite the facilities being old, this hospital really take care of their patients real well!!! For the 1st time, I see every patient in my cubicle so happy!
In the previous hospital, the patients are always complaining about this staff nurses that staff nurses and about everything. But in AH, every patient seems to be quite satisfied with things, some even seems to be happy!
For once, I was reminded that the reason I joined nursing is not because "the hospital had the state of the art facilities" or "just another diploma to further my studies". The reason is really the compassion for people and the desire to comfort the ones who are sick.
Yes, nurses and sister have high expectations not just for the student but also for themselves. To me, seeing how much the hospital dedicate to the comort of the patients, it is enough for me to enjoy my attachment there. Sister is very nice actually. Hahaha.
The system may be old, things need to be renewed, but I don't see that as the reason to regret bonding to this hospital. In fact, I see it as an opportunity to suggest improvements! Aren't we Christians suppose to be a light to the world? Yup! So instead of complaining that the hospital lack this and that, the beds are all manual wind, the nurses are strict etc etc, the most important thing is still the human factor that AH delivers.
I do have one regret though, I wished I could have being attached to AH earlier so that I am more familiar with the hospital. Oh wells... better late than never. :)
Saturday, November 26, 2005
At first, it seems like we are all similar and we are happy to find each other always on the "same side". Now as the time goes by, we start to see more of each others similarities, but also the differences.
Not just that, the closer we are, the more we discover each other's talents and strengths, also our struggles and weaknesses.
It is always a miracle how people can become friends. Not just any casual friends, but
friends who will pray for and with one another,
friends who will rejoice and mourn together,
friends who will be excited to discover each other more each day,
friends who will take interest in what each other is doing,
friends who will be there for one another,
friends who will not despise each other's weaknesses,
friends who will not mind each other's differences,
friends who will appreciates each other's strengths,
friends who will enjoy each other's smilarities,
friends who will freely give to one another,
friends who will freely recieve from one another,
friends who will lay down their life for one another,
friends who will simply love one another.
Despite the differences and the shortcomings, being friends doesn't really mean to make each other better, being friends simply make oneself wanna become better. That is what friendship is all about, "Iron sharpen iron."
We don't look down on one another as we see more weakness, we cover up one another with love and delight in each other's strength.
Just tonight, I wanna share this words that come to mind, an understanding from the experience I had over this few months.
We are similar in certain ways, that's what brings us together as friends.
We are different in certain ways, that's what makes this friendship interesting.
Friday, November 25, 2005
This Saying is SO TRUE...
"The heart knows its own bitterness, And a stranger does not share its joy."
Unless you know the significance of attending CG meeting, to come and meet with God, to be able to finally play guitar for CG, to actually feel a hollowness in your heart everytime when you can't attend CG meeting, how can anyone understand the kind o grieve I have to go through?
Who if all they can think of is "OH, miss CG only, it's ok." or "Miss CG can go make up.", can ever understand what it is like to truly MISS CG? Esp now I am not able to attend any till next year...
The hollowness in my heart everytime I miss CG, when the time starts for CG to begin and I am not there but somewhere else, busy with other things... I will keep thinking...
"I wonder what is my CGL going to share today?"
"Are the members going to get ministered?"
"What am I missing out?"
"How's everybody?"
"Is the presence of God strong today?"
ARGH!!! Can anyone understand!!!
CG... I will miss you... Sob...
I was telling a few friends yesterday as my attachment next Friday is an afternoon shift (3.30pm till 9.30pm), I will not be able to attend the 1st CG with my new CGL, Brother Ming Jing.
That will also means:
1. The members cannot use my place for CG.
2. I will not get to play guitar for CG.
3. I will have to go for a
And the worst to come... I went to recheck my attachment schedule again this morning... I am going to have afternoon shift on Friday for 4 WEEKS straight!!! ARGH!!!
On top of that, December being a busy month on the church and only my last Friday, which is on the last week of December is a morning shift, it happens to fall between Christmas and New Year... it means that there may not be any CG meeting that week...
In other words...

I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND MY OWN CG MEETING FOR THE REST OF THIS YEAR!!!! WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone come and comfort me or something... sob sob.
Depress Mode *ON* T_T
Guitar Lesson, May the FORCE be with you.
This time round, it seems that I had improved on my dynamics, according to John. My flow into the spirit is very smooth, like a gentle wave. John gave me a lot of good advice on how to spice up a song and build up the atmosphere.
For now, I really do wanna play guitar with a few other people so that I can have some honest opinions on how I can improve further. I was thinking of Kay and Cinthia, cuz these two have practise together with my in the past and they have seen how I played initially. Also, the two of them have experience in this skill and being honest, they make pretty decent judge.

Now making some stage props for Irene. Making a stick that looks like the one Emperor Palpatine carries in Star Wars and the horns on Darth Maul's head.
Reminds me...
"Horrr... (Deep breathing sound.) Luke, tay wor ki or or he peng. hor..."
(Translate as: Luke, follow me to the dark side.)
Click here to watch the video, STAR WARS IN HOKKIEN.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
"Shit" Happens.
When I was on the bus to the MRT station today, I step onto something soft and mushy... I took a look at what I had stepped and saw something brown... I was thinking... "Great! Stepped on some defecated matter." (sometimes known as stool, poo, feces or "land mine" but known most commonly as SHIT. Yes!!! SHIT!:S )
I quickly find a seat, sat down and have a closer look at my shoe. As no one will be dumb enough to try to touch it, I do what most people will try to do at first.
I sniffed it.
Smelled like tomato, BBQ sauce... it smelled like hamburger.
"Did someone just shit undigested hamburger in the bus?"
I have a look at the "thing" I step on once again, and realise it is actually a hamburger patty (which look very much smashed and sh**y thanks to me.) Thank goodness, "shit" don't happen all the time.
Anyway, I had the bald caps collected and delivered to Irene. On the way, I did some shopping and only bought some food and drinks for myself. I am tempted to buy some tops from Samuel & Kevin but I decided not to... as usual since I don't really like to spend too much on myself. Got to go for my guitar lesson soon. :)
Fellowship; God's Way.
God said, "it is not good for man to be alone." ~ Gen 2:18. As Christian, we are called to be the light of the world and God called us to fellowship with other Christians. Therefore, we can never keep to ourselves. It is important that we make Godly friends, to fellowship so that we can have personal experience with God.
I have seen many Christians and backsliders complained that they "don't" experience God anymore. They prayed, they read the Bible, they fasted but God is "no longer" talking to them. Ask them if they have fellowship with other believers, they will say, "Of course I do, I have many friends in church, we go out often, we can talk about anything, we hang out like close friends, I do 'fellowship'."
If fellowship is all about making friends and hanging out with each other, then even non-Christians are "fellowshipping".
A certain group of halfings, dwarf and humans also fellowship around a ring.
If you want to experience God, you must always go back to the Word and fellowship God's way, not your way and not the world's way.
Yes, fellowship is about making friends, hanging out together, caring for one another. However, remember God made us holy, set apart from other people because we are the ones who can hear and fellowship with God. Therefore, even the way Christians fellowship are special. Let's see what the Word says about Christian fellowship.
1 John 1:3
"what we have seen and heard we also declare to you, so that you may have fellowship along with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ."
1 John 1:7
"But if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin."
From these two verses we can clearly see a few important features of a good Christian fellowship.
1. Fellowship is the sharing of personal experience and testimonies with one another.
We don't just hang around and talk crap all the time. We share the problems we have, the things we see and the blessings of God in our life. That is what it means to be walking in the light. It helps to build trust among one another.
However, be careful who you share things with though, make sure that person is spiritual and trustworthy before you share personal things with him/her.
2. Fellowship is the sharing of revelations.
What is the similarity between The Dead Sea and The Sea of Galilee? Both are giantic lakes found in Israel.
What is the difference? One is dead and nothing can lives in it while the other is full of life with many fishing companies flourishing around it's shore.
Both lakes have rivers flowing into them. The rivers carries rich mineral that is vital for marine growth. However, the Dead Sea does not have a river that flows out of it. It become one big basin that keep accumulating minerals. As we have learnt in science that when you add more salt to water, it become saturated and when that happens, no more salt can dissolve in the water. The high amount of minerals in the Dead Sea make it totally unsuitable for marine life to flourish.
The Sea of Galilee however have rivers that flow out of them into the ocean. This ensure that the lake is never saturated with minerals yet still provide the necessary nutrients for marine life to flourish.
This is what happen to many believers. They are on fire at first. They can pray and will keep getting blessed and hear from God. However, as the time went by, they begin to feel dry, less on fire. Sometimes, it is because they don't share these revelations with others. They keep storing the "wealth" in them until it become too much and they can no longer contain new revelations anymore. They have become a "Dead Sea".
Become a "Sea of Galilee" today, start sharing your blessings by being generous in giving to others, share your revelation and edify one another. That way, you can be sure God will keep pouring forth His wealth into you.
3. Fellowship is praying for one another.
James 5:16
"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful."
This is the most important point. Prayer brings you closer to God and closer to the people you are praying for. Do you pray for one another? When one is sick, do you lay hands and pray for them? If you know someone is depress, do you pick up the phone, talk to them AND pray together with them?
Fellowship is strong in a group that pray FOR and pray WITH one another. Jesus said, "When two or three come together in my name, I will be there among them." ~ Matthew 18:20.
You see here, if you truly feel that you cannot sense God in your own prayer life, start praying in a group! Jesus promised He will be there! Also, with Jesus as the centre of the fellowship, you can be sure this friendship will only become stronger.
Ever since I had friends like Briony and Cinthia in this past few months, both trustworthy people whom I can share my revelations, personal struggles, pray together with and of course, share my blessings with , God had being speaking to me more than the past 5 years in church! I can hear from God or see visions even when I am not praying (e.g. On the bus, playing games etc), I can chat with my friend and start having revelations and go offtrack on our topic then my friend and I will go "WOW!" It is within this few months then I am beginning to understand my calling, even though the picture isn't clear, I finally know the general direction I am suppose to go.
That is what true fellowship does for you. as "Iron sharpens iron,and one man sharpens another"~ Proverbs 27:17 God make it clear that He uses people to help others grow.
Like I always say, GOD is GOOD! :)
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Bullshit Cases Exposed! Part 2
I was suppose to meet up with one member to visit another member at Sim Lim Square today. However he got things to do last minute and so he can't meet with me.
At Sim Lim Square, I didn't get to find the member I am looking for... oh wells...
That's two disappiontment.
The 3rd disappointment? I called up a friend to chat in the evening but for some reason, I was made to feel as if I am talking to a very busy, tight-scheduled CGL and that totally put me off. End up dun feel like sharing anything important anymore.
Now to the main thing I wanna talk about.
In the previous post, I talked about the 1st bullshit case, so now I shall talk about the 2nd bullshit case.
Bullshit case no.2
Sometimes, we see the guitarist snapping the guitar string during CG meeting. However, there are some guitarist who will snap a string or two in every CG meeting.
Some people claimed that it is the anointing of God that cause the strings to snap. So, the more anointed the guitarist or the CG meeting is, the more the string will snap.
Now now, do we see the worship leader on stage breaking every string in every service? Shouldn't the worship leader be the most anointed guitarist? If that's the case, shouldn't he be breaking every string when he play? Or perhaps, shouldn't he be having dozens of backup guitar on stage everytime? We don't see that right?
The reason the guitar string breaks is really due to a few simple reasons.
1. The string is too old.
2. The string is of poor quality.
3. The string is poorly maintained.
4. The guitarist had poor strumming method that damages the string too easily.
Therefore, it is really human factor that cause the guitar string to break everytime. The statement, "The reason my guitar string snap is the result of God's anointing."... is bullshit
Bullshit Cases Exposed!
We were at Cineleisure anyway and I saw earrings going at pretty cheap prices and decided to get one for Cinthia, since she only had 2 pairs of earrings and I can almost predict which one she will be wearing everyday. Hahaha. The four letter word that motivates me to buy, S.A.L.E. Just kidding. Hahaha.
Later we went to Sim Lim Square to visit a member, but anyway... our objective wasn't met... Sad...
Went to attend the last lesson of The Tabernacle and as usual, the bible study was great! This time round, the lesson teaches about the Holy of Holies and about the human spirit and how we are to present ourselves as holy and righteous before God. It reminds me a song...
Purify My Heart
Now to the main thing I wanna talk about.
After being a helper for quite a while, I have come to see a few funny bullshit cases, excuses that sound right but just pure dumb. I will not talk about all of them at once because it will make my post too long if I do so... So here's the 1st one.
Bullshit case no.1
There are people that can say that they have certain talents and abilities, being in a ministry for quite sometime and they are needed in that ministry. That's true.
But, when they are facing certain problem (e.g. they need to take leave for their exams or they need to do some adjustment due to change in CG timing), they will try to make the excuse that they "can't" leave the ministry behind because they are "needed".
Hello! Are you the senior pastor? Or are you the chief in the ministry? What makes you think the ministry really needs you that much? If the ministry is of God, it sure will go on even without you! Go and settle your things first before coming for ministry! You are serving God and you don't wanna come serving with all the wrong motives or with all the bad testimonies, it doesn't bring glory to God.
The statement, "Even though I got (this and that problem) but I can't leave the ministry because they need me."... is bullshit.
I ended the day with 3 aches. Headache, backache and heel-ache. Argh!!! Must have being moving around too much, or perhaps the cold weather. Whatever, life still have to goes on. At least some people care about me. And I know for sure, GOD cares. :)
Maybe an ankle guard/support will do good for my heels esp during my 5 weeks long attachment...
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Heel Pain 2
Went to visit my Godmother yesterday. This is the first time I actually gave my Godmother a red packet with $60 out of my own money. It used to be my mum who prepared the money so I was kinda "proud". Hahaha. Anyway, my Godmother also gave me a red packet as usual which is so much more than what I gave. Hahaha.
Before I went there, I was thinking what else to get for my Godmother as a gift. My mum was just saying that anything, maybe fruits will do because my Godmother will not mind. Yes, she will not mind but I WILL. Hahaha. Since she stayed in Eunos, I took the MRT and stop by Bugis, went to Crystal Jade Cakery to get Lao Po Bing and those egg-white tarts then I took the MRT down to Eunos again.
Godmother prepared lunch for me and guess what she cooked? Sweet potato porrigde!!! And she also prepared the typical dull-looking soya sauce dishes that go perfectly well with the plain porridge. Being so long since I ate such typical Hokkien lunch. My mum is a Cantonese so she don't really like porrigde. I can't really cook porridge that well. :P I wanna eat it again... sob sob.
For your information, my paternal grandmother is a Taiwanese who spoke Ming Nan language (a form of Hokkien that have a nice ring to every word spoken, it is said to be more refined than the Singaporean Hokkien we hear everyday, like comparing Bahasa Indonesian and Bahasa Melayu. I also speak such form of Hokkien. :) ), my paternal grandfather is an Indonesian Chinese of Hokkien descent. My grandmother's surname is Lim, my grandfather is of course Tan, the 2 most represented surname of the Hokkien descent. Hahaha.
My maternal grandparents are Cantonese. Thanks to them, I can only speak a little Cantonese but I can understand Cantonese very well. I know what my maternal family is speaking all the time although they sometimes think I don't. I will occasionally turn on my "Cantonese" mode and speak in Cantonese with them. However if you suddenly ask me to speak in Cantonese, I can't. Dunno why. Hahaha.
So you can see my "roots". Hahaha. It is no wonder I can get along well with Taiwanese and Indonesians in church (and once with a Hong Konger patient in the hospital) Hahaha. Having the best of THREE worlds, I really love Hokkien, Cantonese and Indonesian culinary, especially those simple ones. Hahaha.
I'm going to bring my friends to savour Indonesian food one of these days. My treat. Hahaha.
Anyway, I had a pretty good conversation with my Godmother and found out many things happening recently in her family. And we also talk about "old times" (as if I am very old. Hahaha) which bring to remembrance of the struggles my family used to have.
Later, I bought the famous 1A curry puff from their main store in Eunos and delivered them to a friend's place as I had promised. The curry puff are not anywhere cheaper than the Crystal Jade Cakery I bought for my Godmother so you have to appreciates it hor. Hahaha. (I think it is more expensive than it used to be, but who cares, so long as it is nice. Hahaha.)
Monday, November 21, 2005
Heel pain.
God had spoke to me quite a lot over the (Ouch, my heels...) weekends. I even had holy laughter on Saturday night, in a rather funny way. I am beginning to feel the burden for a particular thing, one could say I am beginning to feel the stress, I wonder who to share it with now, the things in my mind.
Pastor talked about focus this weekend. He talked about building our talents. I actually know of at least 2 talents in me.
1st talent, some people are called to be creative and start something new. I have the ability to develope on that idea and make it big! Many times when someone came up with a insignificant idea, I will quickly support it, give more ideas to improve it and ultimately make it a wonderful idea! It will appear that I seems to be the one who came up with everything, which is dangerous, so I always publicly honor the person who came up with the idea initially, to stay humble.
My 2nd talent is not the cup of tea for most people. So I will not share it openly here. Only a few who are close to me shall know. I will develope upon it through sharing and studying. But one day after I've rehearshed it well, I shall share it openly.
One more week to attachement now, hope my heels heals before that. I think I will get kind of lonely this week... everyone seems busy. Haiz... Hahaha. I hope everyday would be fruitful. :)
Friday, November 18, 2005
What Do I Want For Christmas???
For once, I have a change of heart and decided that it would be GREAT to actually own an ACOUSTIC GUITAR!!! Dun really have the money to buy one yet... I don't wanna buy a lousy one only to end up having lot's of tuning problem later. However, a decent one like the Harvest GA Acoustic or the Yamaha F-310 would still cost at least $100+. BTW, I dun mind if I get it as a gift for Christmas thou, probably it will be the best gift!!! Hahaha. (Ben dreaming again. :P). I shall add it in my wishlist nonetheless.
I will have to content with my classical guitar for the time being. Oh wells... Better than nothing. Hahaha. Probably should have just gotten an acoustic guitar in the 1st place. But my classical guitar still have many fond memories. Dun worry Classitar, I wouldn't give you away or sell you after I get a new guitar. :)
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
CG Helpers!!! Read This!!!
Extract from God's Armor Bearer Devotional.
Revelation 4: 7
"And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth was like a flying eagle."
In this verse we see the four faces of Jesus. A lion, a calf, a man and an eagle. We see Jesus as a lion in dealing with the devil and sin. We see Him as a calf as He came to serve humanity. We see Him as a man as He held the little children and blessed them. And we see Him as an eagle as He prayed, preached and healed the people.
In every leader you will see a lion when it comes to dealing with a problem, a calf when it comes to serving people, a man when it comes to tending the sheep, and an eagle when it comes to standing up to minister the Word of the Lord. But you will also see your leader as a man when he is hurt and wounded.
Most people only see their leader as an eagle, but as his armorbearer you will see all four faces of your leader. You will see him when he is less than full of faith and power, when he says something or does something that may offend you, when things are tight financially and you have to cut back the budget of your department.
It is easy to respect your leader when he is functioning as an eagle under God's anointing. But you must also respect him when times are hard and he is operating more as a man. Respect is due the leader no matter how he may appear or feel.
Some people have the mistaken idea that those who work in the ministry sit around all day praying and fellowshipping with one another. The ministry, however, is work, work and more work. It requires an ability to work with other people without giving or taking offense. True armorbearing is the ability to see the human side of our leaders and still maintain respect for them.
Developing the Spirit of an Armorbearer
The following are some ways that you can show respect for your leader under all circumstances:
The End is Coming... (I mean the year lah.)
Speaking of attachment, I remember a certain someone who promised that she's going to get a MUJI pen for me to use during my attachment 2 months back. Now my attachment is going to start in 2 weeks time!!! (Ok. Ben don't forget things. Hahaha.)
So much things I wanna plan... The birthday of a certain someone is coming, me and another friend is going to plan something BIG for her. Hahaha. I will always remember my birthday was so special this year, 16 Oct 2005...
Christmas is coming, planning to celebrate it in a special way this year. Was hoping to make a reservation in some restaurant to celebrate on the 26th Dec. Got to do it fast, maybe a few weeks in advance or we may not get any reservation at all. (Why not 25th? Simple, we probably will have church service on that day but we may just consider it to be at night too.)
Cell group, I really don't know what is going to happen now. I will be expecting a lot of changes but I will not say anything about it. Nonetheless, I must never let my passion to do God's work die down. I pray sincerely that N196 will bond together and every member will take charge to take ownership of the cell group, reach out to friends and family members and go after perfection in the godliness of their character. God bless N196.
Always have the fear of the Lord. That does not means to have terror, but to love the Lord so much that you don't want to grieve Him. Watch our speech, watch our conduct, before doing anything, always ask, "Is God alright with what I am about to do/say?"
I pray I will always be a better person everyday. I love what pastor said a few weeks ago, "It is good to delay your gratification." Yes... It helps you to be patient, it helps to discipline your flesh and strengthen your spirit man, and draw you closer to God.
Our Soul = Our Will, Our Mind, Our Emotion.
In case you haven't notice, I have created a new blog with my friends, Briony and Cinthia, it's call BBC UNreal! News. Do visit! It's a blog of made-believe news for laughter, all of them are original ideas that come from the three of us.
Bible study was great once again! Pastor taught about the human intellect and emotion last night. Basically, the human soul has three aspect.
The Will - the determination or the mind set.
The Intellect - The knowledge that we generates and input in our mind.
The Emotion - Our attitude and expression of our feelings.
I will touch on the part about emotion.
Pastor was teaching that the emotion is to be well controlled and well disciplined. Having no emotion is no good as that makes a person doesn't know how to love. Having emotion but having it out of control makes the person hard to get along with or simply insane.
Something is wrong if a person is crying all the time, even at the smallest thing. Something is wrong also if a person is laughing all the time, even in inappropriate moments, it's freaky anyway.
Our emotion must be able to flow in the spirit. God is a God of order, He doesn't come to create chaos but unity. At any moment of time, even when we are slained, we can all still be consious of what is happening around us. YES! We can still stand up the moment we fell, when we knee down, we can also stand up anytime.
There was once a bible school student prostrates during ministry time and he stayed there all the way till the service end. Pastor went to check on him... and found him sleeping. Great...
Anyway, have you seen people kneeling down way longer than anyone else during service? Or people who will clap very fast all of a sudden during a praise? Or suddenly shout "halleujah" or "amen" or shout some other things or start clapping during inappropriate moments when pastor is preaching and everyone is quiet? Or the most classic example, when many people come down for ministry and one person who got slain just refused to get up and hinders the service? These are examples of people who do not have self-control and does not flow with the body of God.
These things are alright if you are alone in your own prayer closet but when you are with the rest of the believers, it just makes you look religious, fake and the word I wanna say, ATTENTION SEEKING.
Remember Pastor Kong shared a very good testimony on how he has a very good control over his emotion. There was once he was going through very tough times and he was facing a lot of opposition. When he was having a board meeting with his staff, he doesn't express his fatigue and sadness. However, the moment one of his senior pastor (I can't remember if it is Rev. Ulf or Rev. Phil) enters into the meeting room, Pastor Kong then allow the tears that he had being holding back to flow, allowing himself to cry in the presence of his spiritual father.
Emotion is indeed very important, it is a good servant but a lousy master. I have seen people who allow their emotion to take control over their lives and I see them having mood swings like a roller coaster ride. It is definitely not easy to get along with such people, I have being offended but such people many a times, they laugh when they are happy but say hurtful words when they are down and later they will "apologise" and blame it on their mood swing. That's bullshit.
Your emotion is part of you, if you say it's your emotion's fault, it is also your fault. When you steal something using your hands, you can't say it's only your hands are at fault because they are "itching" to steal something, your whole person will still get punished and get jailed.