My Wants

  • An Ultra Portable Mini PC
  • New Laptop (must be better and faster than my current one of course)
  • New Leather Shoe with Pointy Front
  • Sony Ericsson Cybershot Cellphone
  • White Converse Tote Bag

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Mixed Feelings

It was wonderful today. Hahaha. Sister Robin share her life testimony in church and all I can say is, GOD IS GOOD! Hahaha.

Had a pretty good fellowship with Brother Meng Chin's CG members after svc today. One of his member is getting water baptised today too. My CG went along to grace the event. Since Brother Meng Chin CG is about 40plus strong (almost like a zone), we happen to be one of the loudest when that member went down the water. Hahaha.

Briony and I celebrated Cinthia's Birthday today!!!


Thanks for the treat at the Burmese restaurant. Thanks for being such a great friend!!! I am so glad you like the outfit we got for you. IT REALLY KILLED OUR BRAIN CELLS WHEN WE WERE SHOPPING FOR IT!!! Hahaha.

Halfway thru, Irene called me up and I share certain issues that I had be shouldering and keeping for so long. It made me kinda glad, yet sad... I felt I kinda ruin the birthday cuz of it, I hope Briony and Cinthia don't mind... But thanks for listening gals. I felt I had a breakthru today cuz I finally shared something that I had always feared to share for the past one year.

Since the 2 of you know, pls pray for me. I thank God for friends like you two, who can listen and understand to much extent the things I go thru to share such things. Pls pray for me. Thanks. GOD IS GOOD. :)

P.S: Dun ask me what is the issue. It is something personal so I will not share it with everyone, for I don't seek attention. :) Thank God for Briony, Cinthia and Irene. Thank God for listening too. GOD IS GOOD. :)