This year, celebrated Christmas with Brother Meng Chin's members who are really fun and outgoing. Having a CG merger isn't so bad after all. Later, I ended the day having a party at Briony's place together with Cinthia. Hahaha. Also wanna thank everyone who had blessed me something for Christmas and the whole year.
Time to update my wishlist. To date, I have:
1.) 8 new clothes since the past 3 months.
2.) 8 watches altogether.
3.) 2 pairs of leather shoes.
4.) 2 pairs of sandals.
5.) 2 pairs of running shoes.
6.) 1 pair of boots.
7.) 1 pair of leather sneakers.
8.) 1 large buckle belt.
Talk about vanities. Hahaha.
So what I do intend to get within a the next 3 months is...
1.) A new large buckle belt I saw at Bugis Village. Cost: $30++
2.) A leather Billabong wallet with coin compartment I saw recently at The Wallet Shop. Cost: $30++
3.) More new clothes! Cost: $64848465164984+++
p.s. I hope the things I saw don't go out of stock before I get them...
1.) I can't be wearing the same belt all the time.
2.) My current wallet is falling apart. :'(
3.) I don't want people to guess what I will be wearing.
Talk about vanities. Hahaha.
So to cut the story short, let the photos do the talking.
Candlelight service on 18/12/2005.
Our 1st ever candlelight service in CHC!

My new CG, W372. :)

A photo I took during fellowship at Bugis Village. Have half the mind to get this watch for someone as a Christmas Gift. :p
Christmas Celebration! 25/12/2005

The stage props for the Chirstmas drama. (The drama ended with pyrotechnics! Cool!)

Kay taking photos with his digital camera. How I wish I have a digital camera too!

These are wounds you get for sitting next to a crazy member when playing crazy surf.

This is me and the crazy member, Peishan. Ok lah, she's a nice girl. Hahaha. 25th Dec happen to be her birthday too. :)
Sending Sjeting Off. 26/12/2005

The ITE team that is leaving for India for community work.

A photo I took with Sjeting before she board the plane. Going to miss her. :'( I will pray for her safety.

A dejected Kay on the way home on MRT, who will miss the punches and kicks of Sjeting. Don't worry, she will be back on the 10/01/2006. Hahaha.
All in all, the year end well. God is Good. :)