My Wants

  • An Ultra Portable Mini PC
  • New Laptop (must be better and faster than my current one of course)
  • New Leather Shoe with Pointy Front
  • Sony Ericsson Cybershot Cellphone
  • White Converse Tote Bag

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Heel Pain 2

Seems like the focus is on my heel again. My member said it could be some serious condition in the comment of my previous post. Hahaha. Anyway, it still hurts but not so bad. I only hope it will not affect my attachment next week. The worst is only when there is a sudden sharp pain when I accidentally bend it in some awkward position.

Went to visit my Godmother yesterday. This is the first time I actually gave my Godmother a red packet with $60 out of my own money. It used to be my mum who prepared the money so I was kinda "proud". Hahaha. Anyway, my Godmother also gave me a red packet as usual which is so much more than what I gave. Hahaha.

Before I went there, I was thinking what else to get for my Godmother as a gift. My mum was just saying that anything, maybe fruits will do because my Godmother will not mind. Yes, she will not mind but I WILL. Hahaha. Since she stayed in Eunos, I took the MRT and stop by Bugis, went to Crystal Jade Cakery to get Lao Po Bing and those egg-white tarts then I took the MRT down to Eunos again.

Godmother prepared lunch for me and guess what she cooked? Sweet potato porrigde!!! And she also prepared the typical dull-looking soya sauce dishes that go perfectly well with the plain porridge. Being so long since I ate such typical Hokkien lunch. My mum is a Cantonese so she don't really like porrigde. I can't really cook porridge that well. :P I wanna eat it again... sob sob.

For your information, my paternal grandmother is a Taiwanese who spoke Ming Nan language (a form of Hokkien that have a nice ring to every word spoken, it is said to be more refined than the Singaporean Hokkien we hear everyday, like comparing Bahasa Indonesian and Bahasa Melayu. I also speak such form of Hokkien. :) ), my paternal grandfather is an Indonesian Chinese of Hokkien descent. My grandmother's surname is Lim, my grandfather is of course Tan, the 2 most represented surname of the Hokkien descent. Hahaha.

My maternal grandparents are Cantonese. Thanks to them, I can only speak a little Cantonese but I can understand Cantonese very well. I know what my maternal family is speaking all the time although they sometimes think I don't. I will occasionally turn on my "Cantonese" mode and speak in Cantonese with them. However if you suddenly ask me to speak in Cantonese, I can't. Dunno why. Hahaha.

So you can see my "roots". Hahaha. It is no wonder I can get along well with Taiwanese and Indonesians in church (and once with a Hong Konger patient in the hospital) Hahaha. Having the best of THREE worlds, I really love Hokkien, Cantonese and Indonesian culinary, especially those simple ones. Hahaha.

I'm going to bring my friends to savour Indonesian food one of these days. My treat. Hahaha.

Anyway, I had a pretty good conversation with my Godmother and found out many things happening recently in her family. And we also talk about "old times" (as if I am very old. Hahaha) which bring to remembrance of the struggles my family used to have.

Later, I bought the famous 1A curry puff from their main store in Eunos and delivered them to a friend's place as I had promised. The curry puff are not anywhere cheaper than the Crystal Jade Cakery I bought for my Godmother so you have to appreciates it hor. Hahaha. (I think it is more expensive than it used to be, but who cares, so long as it is nice. Hahaha.)