My Wants

  • An Ultra Portable Mini PC
  • New Laptop (must be better and faster than my current one of course)
  • New Leather Shoe with Pointy Front
  • Sony Ericsson Cybershot Cellphone
  • White Converse Tote Bag

Saturday, November 26, 2005


The more I hang out with my group of friends, the more differences I find the aong one another.

At first, it seems like we are all similar and we are happy to find each other always on the "same side". Now as the time goes by, we start to see more of each others similarities, but also the differences.

Not just that, the closer we are, the more we discover each other's talents and strengths, also our struggles and weaknesses.

It is always a miracle how people can become friends. Not just any casual friends, but
friends who will pray for and with one another,
friends who will rejoice and mourn together,
friends who will be excited to discover each other more each day,
friends who will take interest in what each other is doing,
friends who will be there for one another,
friends who will not despise each other's weaknesses,
friends who will not mind each other's differences,
friends who will appreciates each other's strengths,
friends who will enjoy each other's smilarities,
friends who will freely give to one another,
friends who will freely recieve from one another,
friends who will lay down their life for one another,
friends who will simply love one another.

Despite the differences and the shortcomings, being friends doesn't really mean to make each other better, being friends simply make oneself wanna become better. That is what friendship is all about, "Iron sharpen iron."

We don't look down on one another as we see more weakness, we cover up one another with love and delight in each other's strength.

Just tonight, I wanna share this words that come to mind, an understanding from the experience I had over this few months.

We are similar in certain ways, that's what brings us together as friends.
We are different in certain ways, that's what makes this friendship interesting.
