Extract from God's Armor Bearer Devotional.
Revelation 4: 7
"And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth was like a flying eagle."
In this verse we see the four faces of Jesus. A lion, a calf, a man and an eagle. We see Jesus as a lion in dealing with the devil and sin. We see Him as a calf as He came to serve humanity. We see Him as a man as He held the little children and blessed them. And we see Him as an eagle as He prayed, preached and healed the people.
In every leader you will see a lion when it comes to dealing with a problem, a calf when it comes to serving people, a man when it comes to tending the sheep, and an eagle when it comes to standing up to minister the Word of the Lord. But you will also see your leader as a man when he is hurt and wounded.
Most people only see their leader as an eagle, but as his armorbearer you will see all four faces of your leader. You will see him when he is less than full of faith and power, when he says something or does something that may offend you, when things are tight financially and you have to cut back the budget of your department.
It is easy to respect your leader when he is functioning as an eagle under God's anointing. But you must also respect him when times are hard and he is operating more as a man. Respect is due the leader no matter how he may appear or feel.
Some people have the mistaken idea that those who work in the ministry sit around all day praying and fellowshipping with one another. The ministry, however, is work, work and more work. It requires an ability to work with other people without giving or taking offense. True armorbearing is the ability to see the human side of our leaders and still maintain respect for them.
Developing the Spirit of an Armorbearer
The following are some ways that you can show respect for your leader under all circumstances: