HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! hahaha.
If there is anyone special I wanna thank, I already did so in this post, <I Wanna Say Thank You...> Hahaha. (Did this earlier than you Cin. :p)
Anyway, I will just mention the names, with a few photos of the people who had made this year a great year for me. :)
And they are:

I will only put these photos up cuz
1. Not easy to put so many photos on blog due to the server.
2. Dun have your photos. (SORRY!!!)
So without photos a do, these people are,
Jasmine from N196, Irene from N196, Pastor Audrey, Brother Ming Jing, Abel, Jing Ying, John my guitar mentor, Vincent my COPE leader, Vivian my COPE leader, Lifeng, Chloe, Desmond, Maison, Eve, Ji Ji, Jenna, Szemin, Phui Yun, Feng Lin.
The rest of the people in MJ Zone, COPE, NYP, AH Ward 4, CDC Ward 71.
Not forgeting my mum and bro and the rest of my family members.
Not forgeting the most important person, Jesus Christ. :)
And the changes for the new year.
1. No more N196 but merge to form W372. A good change. :)
2. A new CGL, Brother Ming Jing.
3. A new zone!!! MJ ZONE!
4. Zone shifted to Saturday service from this weekend onwards. Briony's cg also going for Sat service from now onwards. Saw many other CG from AN zone attending too. (MJ zone is still under AN zone for now.)
5. CG day may also change.
6. A possible nothing-to-do Sundays from now onwards. Argh!!!
7. A new semester for year 2.
What a way to greet the new year. hahaha. God is Good.
Side issues, (The first things...)
The first creature I saw on a New Year's day morning, (around 1215AM), was "Xiao Qiang" aka cockroach. crawling around the void deck of my block.
The second creature I saw was another "Xiao Qiang". This time on the stairs that I am climbing up to my flat.
Looks like everyone just wanna stay awake to celebrate new year, (or simply there is a need to clean the block.)
The first thing I did when I reach home on a New Year's day morning (around 1220AM) was to shit in the toilet.
What used to be food last year, was shit this year.
Moral of the story:
"Don't hold on to your past, empty yourself to be ready for the future."
Cockroach and shit... I wonder what this year has in stall for me...