And despite of my fatigue, I suddenly thought of an interesting way to do one of the presentation... Which you will not to read it on my blog yet, not until the presentation is over. It is "industrial secret". Hahaha. GOD IS GOOD.
Here's some photos taken during the CHCSA appreciation dinner yesterday. All the different departments from the children outreach to the prison outreach were there. I am part of the elderly outreach department.
(The photos isn't too fantastic because my phone camera isn't meant to take pictures in dim lights. Oh wells... Hahaha.) A performance by THE TRIOS! They had volunteered to perform in many outreach events too. They really had the crowd cheering for them during the dinner!
A drama put up by IMAGINE THEATRE. They had also volunteered to perform in many outreach events too. They really tickled everyone with their hilarious acting. Hahaha.
The Vice-President of CHCSA, MR. Tan Ye Peng giving his thanksgiving and vision speech. He really stayed true to his faith with once a while "Amens" and "Hallelujah" in between his speech. Hahaha. You should also see one of the department head, MR. Derek Dunn in the photo too. Hahaha.
The awards winners of all the best volunteers from different departments taking a group photo. The best volunteer of our department is VIVIAN!!! We are so proud of you!
Oh, just another rare shot of Hong Yun again. Hahaha. This fellow always run away from the camera because he said he had "photo-taking-phobia". It was interesting how he came to have this phobia.
It was when he was a boy, a friend wanted to take a photo of him. The friend stood really close and the moment the friend said, "1, 2, 3, CHEEZ!!!", water spray out from the lens. Not just any water but some smelly black water. When little Hong Yun got home, he was caned by mummy for dirtying the clothes.
From then on, Hong Yun never dared to have his photo taken again because he felt, "water will just spray out from the camera" anytime.
(The above story is totally fictitious. Any resemblance to anyone dead or alive or any event is purely a coincidence.)
Ok. Time to mug for my project. I pray that everything will go well with my 1st presentation this coming Friday.