My Wants
- An Ultra Portable Mini PC
- New Laptop (must be better and faster than my current one of course)
- New Leather Shoe with Pointy Front
- Sony Ericsson Cybershot Cellphone
- White Converse Tote Bag
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Happy Lunar New Year!
May all my friends and my family be healthy and prosper in the new year.
May all my friends who are studying have excellence for their academic.
Friday, January 27, 2006
A Stop Over
Thanks Phui Yun, Jeyamalar, Xueqin and Ting Ting, it was great working with you gals and no one stumbled when the class raised any questions, you really did well to rehearse on your part and you know your details well. A few of the classmates had said the presentation was well done too. One even commented that the information was good despite the whole presentation is only limited to 20mins. Hahaha.
It was really a challenge to try to bring in all the relevent details within 20mins. There is just so much things to talk about and everything was so hard to understand! I had to read through pages after pages of information and technical terms and simplify them until it can be easily understood.
I tried to summarize one particular information from 2 to 3 pages into less than half the page and I made it simple enough for any layman to understand. I send one of the final draft to Eunice, who had no experience in the healthcare section, to read through and she could understand. Good! Hahaha.
Here's a detailed copy of what we presented today. It is not exhaustive, remember, we only have 20mins to present so we have to be selective on what we want to present.
ICA on Acute Liver Failure
Learning Objectives
(presenter: Phui Yun)
Summary of the case study
Explain the pathophysiology of Acute Liver Failure.
State the rationale for the investigation done.
Describe the abnormal laboratory findings.
Presentation of drugs.
Discuss the collaborative management.
Discuss health education to be given to patient.
Conclusion of today’s presentation.
Summary of Case
(Presenters: Benjamin & Phui Yun with role-play)
Name: Ms Tan (F)
Age: 23
Race: Chinese
Social history: Single post graduate student
Drug Allergy: Nil
Date admitted: 01/07/2005
Time clerked: 10.45am
Diagnosis: Paracetamol Overdose with Acute Liver Failure
Present History:
Admitted twice for Paracetamol overdose in the past six months
Noted to take 10 paracetamol for menstrual pain 2 weeks ago, last menstrual period on 19/06/2005
Took 8 tablets of Paracetamol today because of “stomach pain”
Complained of:
Nausea and vomiting, fatigue, diarrhea and loss of appetite for 2 weeks
Jaundice for 1 week.
Family History:
Mother has hypertension
Father died of “old age”
Sign and Symptoms Presented by the patient:
(Presenters: Benjamin and Phui Yun with role-play)
Physical Examination
Normal vital signs except for fever of 38.2°C
Ø Could be due to infection as the liver failed to detoxify toxins and other harmful agents in the system.
Poor nutrition with Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea and Loss of Appetite
Ø As part of the digestive system, the liver regulates the breakdown and metabolism of certain food substance (e.g. lipids).
Ø Liver failure will disturb the normal functioning of the GI tract and cause the patient to have Nauseas and Vomiting, Diarrhea, Loss of Appetite.
Looks weak
Ø Due to poor nutrition
Dehydrated skin
Ø Poor nutrition
Ø Loss of appetite
Ø Loss of liver function to regulate blood volume
Tenderness of the abdomen
Ø May be cause by pain in the liver and discomfort in the GI tract in relation to liver failure.
Sluggish bowel sounds
Ø May be caused by poor function GI functions in relation to liver failure
Jaundiced skin
Ø Yellowing of the skin due to accumulation of bilirubin in the skin as the liver fail to metabolize it.
Slightly confused
Ø Accumulation of urea as ammonia is converted cause encephalopathy
Introduction to Acute Liver Failure
(Presenter: Ting Ting)
Functions of the Liver
To detoxify drugs
To produce proteins for the synthesis of clotting factors and albumin
To regulate glucose/biblirubin metabolism
To serve a blood volume regulator
To aid in digestion of certain nutrients e.g. lipids
What is Acute Liver Failure?
Acute Liver Failure occurs when large parts of the liver become damaged rapidly (in as little as 48 hours) and the liver is no longer able to function.
This is a life threatening condition.
What are the Causes of Acute Liver Failure?
Paracetamol overdose - most common
Hepatitis A, B, and C
Reactions to certain prescription medications
Ingestion of poisonous wild mushrooms
Pathophysiology of Acute Liver Failure due to Paracetamol Overdose
Acetaminophen, the parent compound of Paracetamol, is nontoxic, but hepatic metabolism leads to formation of a toxic metabolite, N-acetyl-benzoquinoneimine (NAPQI).
The liver will then release Glutathione which will bind with NAPQI and form nontoxic conjugates which will be excreted. As glutathione stores are used up, NAPQI is not detoxified and binds to the lipid bilayer of hepatocytes causing centrilobular necrosis.
In simple terms, it means when the glutathione is used up, the remaining NAPQI will bind with the liver cells instead and destroys them, causing Acute Liver Failure.
Complications of Acute Liver Failure
· Liver Cirrhosis
· Renal failure
· Multi-organ failure
· Hepatic Encephalopathy
· Coma
· Death
(Presenter: Xue Qin)
Note - First of all, let’s understand that Liver Failure can lead to multi-organ failure.
FBC- Full Blood Count
This is to check for any abnormalities in the blood in the patient by checking the level of RBC, WBC, platelets, Hb and RBC size, which could determine any form of blood loss or infection
U/E/Cr – Urea/ Electrolytes/ Creatinine
This investigation test the level of urea, electrolytes and Creatinine in the blood which could be used to assess liver function, kidney function and possible electrolyte imbalanced due to vomiting and diarrhea
PT/PTT – Prothrombin Time/ Partial Thromboplastin Time
This test is ordered to determine if the patient have any impaired blood clotting and risk for bleeding
Amylase Test
As the pancreas is responsible for amylase production, this test is ordered for the patient to check for pancreatic functions.
Liver Function Test
This test is ordered for the patient to check for level of certain enzymes and substances such as AST, ALT and albumin which are used to assess liver function
GXM - Group and Cross Match
To check the blood group so as to prepare the patient for blood transfusion if required
CXR & AXR – Chest X-Ray, Abdominal X-Ray
This test screen for any abnormalities of the patient’s liver and other organs
Urine C/S – Culture and Sensitivity
This is to determine if there is any infection in the patient’s urinary system
Paracetamol level
This is to test the patient’s paracetamol level since she had paracetamol overdose
ABG - Arterial Blood Gas
This is to test the patient’s respiratory and metabolism functions by checking the pH, oxygen and carbon dioxide of the arterial blood
Explanation of Abnormal Laboratory Results
(Presenter: Xue Qin)
Low Glucose Level
The loss of glycogen stores in the liver from damaged cells and impaired gluconeogenesis result to hypoglycemia.
Hypoglycemia can also be attributed to the loss of appetite and poor nutrition.
High level of Albumin, AST, ALT, Amylase and Bilirubin
High level of Albumin indicates dehydration
Elevation of the activity of AST & ALT in serum is believed to be the result of leakage from damage cells and this reflects hepatocyte injury.
ALT is found in high concentration in liver cells, small amounts in cardiac, renal and skeletal tissues, so ALT is a better marker of liver problems.
Amylase is produced primarily by the pancreas, but is also produced in the salivary glands and liver.
Elevated levels of serum amylase are found with pancreatitis, bile stones or obstruction and perforated peptic ulcer etc
High serum bilirubin level suggest liver disorder
Increased Prothrombin Time and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
The liver produces proteins that are essential for the synthesis of certain clotting factors. Liver failure will cause poor coagulation as the clotting factors in the system decreases.
High level of White Blood Cells
A raised level of WBC mean that the patient is having some form of infection. Infection is common as a result of neutrophil and kupffer cell dysfunction.
Collaborative Management – Pharmacology
(Presenter: Xue Qin)
I/V Acetylcysteine
Theraupeutic effects - Acetylcysteine is converted in the body into metabolites that could function like glutathione to bind and detoxify NAPQI
Indications - Paracetamol overdose
Contraindications - Known hypersensitivity to the drug
Adverse Reactions - Rash, pruritus, nausea, vomiting, wheezing, angioedema, tachycardia, bronchospasm, hypertension, flushing and hypotension, especially with IV administration
Drug Interactions – Can interact with activated charcoal. Not recommend to give immediately after activated charcoal is given through lavage
1) This antidote is most efficacious within 8 hours of ingestion and should be given as soon as possible. Re-assess when serum concentration result is available.
2) Late administration of NAC has been found to be beneficial. Therefore, NAC is still recommended in patients who are already in liver failure.
I/V Omeprazole
Drug Class- Proton pump inhibitor
Theraupeutic effects- suppress the gastric acid secretion relieving gastrointestinal distress and promoting ulcer healing
Indications - For alternative use to oral medication in duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, reflux oesophagitis.
Contraindication - Known hypersensitivity to omeprazole
Adverse Reactions - Headache, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, flatulence.
Nursing Care after drug administration
Monitor the patient for any adverse reaction and report to doctor if there is any.
Since both drugs may cause vomiting and general GI discomfort, report to the doctor if patient’s condition worsen and stop the drug or administer additional drugs such as antiemetics if prescribed by the doctor.
Collaborative Management – Medical + Nursing
(Presenter: Jeya)
Management of Fever and Infection
Observe strict hand-washing
Perform cold compress or tepid sponging for the patient
Administer antibiotics or antipyretics if prescribed by doctor
Monitor vital signs, especially temperature regularly to monitor the progress of the treatment
Management of Liver Function
Administer paracetamol antidote, Acetylcysteine
Regular liver function test and other necessary lab test to monitor the progress of recovery and effectiveness of treatment and to determine the discontinuation of the paracetamol antidote, Acetylcysteine
When serving of any medication, ensure the medication doesn’t contraindicate with liver failure, e.g. paracetamol
Management of poor nutrition/dehydration/nauseas/vomiting/diarrhea
NBM until patient is able to eat without vomiting or when GI discomfort is manageable
Administer any IV nutrition if prescribed by doctor
When patient is able to eat, start with soft diet before progressing on to full diet to allow the gastric to slowly improve it’s tolerance level
Administer Antacids (Omeprazole) to relieve GI discomfort if prescribed by doctor
Administer Antiemetics to relieve nauseas and vomiting if prescribed by doctor
Administer Anti-diarrhea drugs to relieve diarrhea if prescribed by doctor
Administer Vitamins and Electrolyte supplements to improve overall nutrition when prescribed by doctor
Make arrangement with dietician if referred by the doctor
Strict I/O to monitor the nutritional progress of the patient
Management of hypoglycemia
Maintain glucose levels > 4.0mmol/l
Administer IV Dextrose to increase blood glucose level if prescribed by doctor
Follow the MOH guideline to do hourly hypocount or as prescribed by doctor
Strict I/O to monitor the calories intake of the patient
Management of poor coagulation/risk for bleeding
Order for GXM and prepare for blood/platelet transfusion if prescribed by doctor
Ensure patient is CRIB or RIB to reduce risk of injury when ordered by doctor
Inform patient of her bleeding tendency and instruct her to call for help if she needs to get out of bed
Attend to patient promptly so that she will know that help is readily available and will not risk getting herself injured
Management of confusion/depression/risk for suicide
Promote communication that contributes to the patient’s sense of integrity such as providing care-takers with health information and giving respect to the patient during conversation
Provide sufficient and meaningful sensory input to the patient such as discussing about current events and giving one instruction at a time
Promote safety of patient such as ensuring patient swallow every medication that is served and allocating a bed that is visible from the nurses’ station
Arrange with MSW if the patient has any personal problems if referred by the doctor
Arrange with psychiatrist to treat depression/ confusion if referred by the doctor
Monitor conscious level of patient with Conscious Level Chart
Health Education
(Presenter: Benjamin and Phui Yun with role play)
Educate the patient about the danger of drug overdose
Inform the patient that drug overdose cause acute liver failure which may lead to death if no emergency treatment given promptly
To teach patient to how to find and follow the recommended dosage when taking any over-the-counter drugs
Inform patient about acute liver failure
Teach the patient about liver failure and the most common causes of liver failure
Teach patient to identify signs and symptoms.
Inform her about the complications of liver failure. E.g. Encephalopathy, renal failure etc
Instruct the patient about the need to change in lifestyle after acute liver failure
Encourage her to take low salt and low fat diet
Inform the patient that alcohol is strictly not allowed as it might harm the liver even further and delay the recovery progress
Encourage her to adapt a more pleasant lifestyle and discourage a sedentary lifestyle
Encourage the patient to quit smoking if she smokes
Discuss with the patient and family members about depression and suicidal tendency management
· Teach patient about stress management as she might be facing a lot of stress at home or even at work, so we would like to highlight some easy-to-do relaxation technique like Meditation, or she may go out with friends to go shopping or movies once in awhile.
· Encourage supportive care by involving the patient’s family, peer and support group: Family and peer involvement is vital as she can’t be coping alone.
· Try to boost up her self-esteem.
· We could give her the Hotline for counseling @ Samaritans: 1800-221 4444 (24 hours hotline available) so that she can find someone to talk to if she needs
· Encourage patient to express herself, encourage her to talk to her parents or friends whenever she wants, do not keep things to her own
(Presenter: Benjamin)
We have learnt:
Paracetamol overdose can lead to Acute Liver Failure
Signs and Symptoms, Pathophysiology and Complication of Acute Liver Failure
Liver Function Test is the testing of the level of AST, Alt and albumin in blood to assess liver function
How liver dysfunction can affect certain laboratory results
Acetylcysteine is the antidote for Paracetamol Overdose
The Collaborative Management for the symptomatic treatment of a Liver Failure patient
Collaborative Management of a Confused, Depressed and Suicidal Drug Overdosed patient
A need to change in lifestyle after Acute Liver Failure
Helpline for Depressed patients
Capenito-Moyet, L. J (2006) Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis (11th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Willaims & Wilkins.
Joyce, L. K (2005) Handbook of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implication (5th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall
Lemone, P., Burke, K. M. & Carpenito-Moyet, L. J (2000) Clinical Handbook Medical Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care (2nd ed.). New Jersey: Pretence Hall Health.
Wilson, B. A., Shannon, M. T. & Stang, C. L. (2006) Nurse’s Drug Guide 2006 Australia: Pearson Education Inc
http:// (2006, January 24) (2006, January 24) (2006, January 24) (2006, January 24) (2006, January 24) (2006, January 24) (2006, January 24)
Disclaimer: I am not responbile for the accuracy of the information I had posted here. This is the original copy that we submitted to our lecturer and it may not be free of mistakes. But in any case you spot any inaccuracy, you can always notify me but I will not change anything on this post because my intention to post here is to keep it as a memory of my team's presentation and not as a reference point. Therefore, if you wish to use any information posted here, you use it at YOUR OWN RISK.
For now, gonna rest as much as I can and get as many ang baos for Chinese New Year. Hahaha.
GOD IS GOOD. Hahaha.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
The Wanderlust taking a break.
I spent the whole night to create the slides and edit the scripts. I edit over and over again then this morning, I decided that it can still be imrpoved so I worked almost througout my 3 hours break in schoold just to keep touching up. In the end, I rushed for my lunch in the last 15mins and was almost late for lesson.
I actually told my group members to go for their lunch 1st while I continue to edit the scripts. One of them even offered to get me lunch because she was worried that I may not have time to eat. Hahaha. That's really nice.
School ends at 2pm today. I told myself to finish up the ICA by 2.30pm so that I can reach home by 3.30pm. In the end, I left school at 3.30pm instead. I think I am a perfectionist when I am really really tired and when I am really stressed out. Hahaha.
Well, going to have my well deserved sleep tonight so gonna sleep early. I pray all the best for the presentation tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Wanderlust 7 (Again! Hahaha!)
Once again I am blogging in school and I will tell you why.
Last week, I missed an important lesson and I had to come at 9am today to attend a make up lesson. I met my lecturer in school and she was asking me "Why I didn't turn up last week?"
Great... She told me last week to go for make up, "next Wednesday" which she meant the coming Wednesday. Haiz... Anyway, she said she will arrange a day to have a make up lesson with me personally another day.
So here I am, 9am in the morning. Suppose to come for an 1 hour make up lesson. My next lesson is only starting at 12pm. 3 hours...
I went to the North canteen to have my breakfast, went all the way to the Shopping Arcade to withdraw money from the ATM. Praise the Lord! My allowance had being banked in, so once again... I am "rich"! Hahaha.
Went to shop in the arcade a little, checked the price of the hair wax and decided that I can actually get it cheaper else where. Went to the bookshop to find some nursing textbooks but they were all out of stock. Oh wells. So where else to go but to the Computer Lab at the 5th floor.
By the way, I have just recieved some photos from Joanna, which was taken during the CHCSA Appreciation Dinner.

Ok. Time to mug for my projects again. This Friday is the presentation. 2 more days!!! Stress!!! But Praise the Lord! GOD IS GOOD. :)
Monday, January 23, 2006
Fatigue rear its ugly head.
And despite of my fatigue, I suddenly thought of an interesting way to do one of the presentation... Which you will not to read it on my blog yet, not until the presentation is over. It is "industrial secret". Hahaha. GOD IS GOOD.
Here's some photos taken during the CHCSA appreciation dinner yesterday. All the different departments from the children outreach to the prison outreach were there. I am part of the elderly outreach department.
(The photos isn't too fantastic because my phone camera isn't meant to take pictures in dim lights. Oh wells... Hahaha.) A performance by THE TRIOS! They had volunteered to perform in many outreach events too. They really had the crowd cheering for them during the dinner!
A drama put up by IMAGINE THEATRE. They had also volunteered to perform in many outreach events too. They really tickled everyone with their hilarious acting. Hahaha.
The Vice-President of CHCSA, MR. Tan Ye Peng giving his thanksgiving and vision speech. He really stayed true to his faith with once a while "Amens" and "Hallelujah" in between his speech. Hahaha. You should also see one of the department head, MR. Derek Dunn in the photo too. Hahaha.
The awards winners of all the best volunteers from different departments taking a group photo. The best volunteer of our department is VIVIAN!!! We are so proud of you!
Oh, just another rare shot of Hong Yun again. Hahaha. This fellow always run away from the camera because he said he had "photo-taking-phobia". It was interesting how he came to have this phobia.
It was when he was a boy, a friend wanted to take a photo of him. The friend stood really close and the moment the friend said, "1, 2, 3, CHEEZ!!!", water spray out from the lens. Not just any water but some smelly black water. When little Hong Yun got home, he was caned by mummy for dirtying the clothes.
From then on, Hong Yun never dared to have his photo taken again because he felt, "water will just spray out from the camera" anytime.
(The above story is totally fictitious. Any resemblance to anyone dead or alive or any event is purely a coincidence.)
Ok. Time to mug for my project. I pray that everything will go well with my 1st presentation this coming Friday.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Wanderlust 6
I am so terribly tired as I wake up this morning. As usual, no matter how tired I am, I will still get up at 830am lastest and I would not be able to sleep anymore.
I felt kinda daze in the morning and dun really feel like doing anything. I am thinking that today is my "Sabbath" and I shall so nothing. In the end, staring blankly at my computer made me decided to blog. Hahaha.
Wanderlust... As I was sitting in front of my computer, I saw myself in my imagination what I have always wanna do. I saw myself backpacking and travel to many different places.
I saw myself wearing a hat to block the midday sun. I was carrying a big bagpack and wearing a sturdy pair of boots. Sometimes I wore shorts, sometimes I wore a long pants. I was wearing sunglasses and holding on to a long wooden staff.
I figure I would be using that wooden staff as a walking-aid when I travel for long distance on foot. And perhaps also for self-defence.
I saw myself walking down beautiful streets, and also the crowded cities and even slums. No matter where I go, I am always walking, taking my time, mixing with the people and appreciating their culture and their colours. Perhaps, I would stop by orphanages and hospitals of third world countries to give a little helping hand or comfort as I travel.
So what I really need now is LOTS of money to do that. Hahaha. Thou I will travel by foot most of the time (I really love walking), the airfares and accomodation still need to be paid. PLUS! How could you really appreciates the culture if you have no money to enjoy their food! Hahaha.
The Chinese has a saying, that "Food is the pinnacle of culture." (Ming Yi Shi Wei Zhong).
And not forgetting, a real good digital camera. I would rather carry memory cards around then a bunch of bulky film rolls. :)
Lastly, a good travelling companion. I don't mind travelling alone but it would be more fun to travel with someone. "Two is better than one". :)
I woke up early yesterday, was really tired. COPE meeting early because we are bringing the elderly to visit all the food maunfacturing factories for Chinese New Year shopping.
We visited Bengawan Solo, Ken Ken Seafood, Kong Guang Dumplings and Fragrance BBQ Pork factories. The elderly and the COPERs really enjoyed themselves. I even bought Bar Kua (BBQ pork) and treated my CG members during service. Hahaha.
Here's some photos taken.
Irene also brought Kean along!!! This is a photo of Kean with Coper, Nam Yan. Kean's grown so much. Hehehe. The baby boy still remembers me thou. When I carry him and play with him once again, he was very familiar with me and laughed. Hahaha. I missed him so much. :)
The elderly enjoyed the shopping trip a lot. They sure bought a lot of stuff.
The Copers will not allow themeselves to lose out too. This is Kelly, queueing up to get her goodies. Things are really cheap at the factories. Hahaha.
A candid snapshot of Nam Yan as she tried out the pineapple tarts at Bengawan Solo. Look at her shocked expression! Hahaha.
Irene (not Ho) helping an elderly. At the end of the day, it was the passion to serve the elderly that brought every Copers into this wonderful ministry.
After ministry, I gotta rush home as I was helping Irene to carry a lot of things. I stepped home for only 30mins and I am out again to go for service at Expo.
I was really exhausted but still, it has become a good habit too really wanna seek the presence of God, go to church no matter how tired I am.
Praise and worship was good as usual, except that I was sitting by the side where the stairs is, so there's a lot of movement and it was pretty distracting. Then I was quite annoyed with a particular female usher who seems very panicky, she ran around, up and down and keep knocking into me. Haiz.
My headache wasn't helping much. I popped 2 panadols during service but it didn't seems to get better.
By the way, I also mangaed to complete the bible reading for the year 2005. Just when I though that I will buy and read the NLT version for the year 2006, the gift for the bible reading completion happened to be a NLT BIBLE! Praise the LORD! Hahaha. There was a choice between a Metal Bible or a Dual-Tone Bible. I picked the Dual-Tone as it would be more user-friendly to flip throught the pages. Both bible cost around $30++. What a gift. Hehehe.
Anyway, pastor Kong preached a really great message about the POWER OF CONFESSION.
To summarize the whole sermon,
There is power in the words we spoke. If we always speak negatively, then we will reap negative results. If we confess of positive things, then we can expect to achieve positive results. So, gotta think and speak more positively about myself and my situation because "all things happened for the good of those who love God." Amen!
Later, my CG decided not to go visit the RIVER ANG BAO since it was getting late. A blessing in disguise. Hehehe. I was still having a headache and the problem is, I will still go anyway to fellowship even if my headache don't go away. Hahaha. My wanderlust nature.
We decided to settle for dinner at Bedok instead. As we were boarding the MRT at Expo, something happened.
We were getting into the train and just when the train was moving off, Sharlyne suddenly screamed and we all turned to look. To our "horrors", we saw Xue Ting alone outside the train!!! We were like "HO NO!" but we started laughing. So bad hor.
What happened according to Ji Ji was that, she was talking to Xue Ting then the door suddenly closed. I was thinking, of all place to talk, they have to stand BETWEEN THE DOOR to talk. It was so funny that I kept calling Ji Ji a "Xian Hai Wang" ( master of sabotage) that night. Hahaha.
Hopefully I can get a real good rest one of these days. Hahaha. I will be going to Marine Parade in the evening for my COPE appreciation dinner.
Still wanna say God loves me and GOD IS GOOD. :)
Friday, January 20, 2006
Wanderlust 5
I think I prefer this definition to the previous ones.
Roam around in school again today, to get away from distractions and focus on the things I wanna do. Lots of reflection to be done by the end of this month.
Once again I am blogging in school. Why not? Since I am having break from 10am to 2pm. Later I will be meeting Eunice to bring Yixuan around for the NYP open house. If Yixuan really gonna study in NYP, that would means 3 of my members will be studying in NYP! We can start a NYP fellowship and prayer group already. Hahaha.
Another reason that I blog in school is so that I have more time to do other stuff at home. Do what? Pray and read my bible of course. Hahaha.
The CG sermon mentioned about evaluating the friends you are hanging out with. Brother Ming Jing challenged us to mix with companies that would challenge us to grow more intellectually and spiritually; with people who will talk about spiritual stuff.
So after cell goup, I went to fellowship and get to know my new members. On our way home, I was talking to Desmond and John of Brother Ming Jing's CG, not John the guitar mentor (I felt as if I am writing the New Testements) and we touched on the topic of bible reading and scripture memory.
Desmond and John don't just talk about memorizing scriptures, they talked about memorizing one whole BOOK! WOW!!! I thought that was awesome. The conversation really struck me that I am not as hungry as these two persons. In fact, I considered myself lukewarm ever since I stepped down from CG ministry. Man! Gotta challenged myself from today onwards. W372 is one fantasic CG! I'm gonna fellowship more with them and learn fom them. Such men and women of GOD! In a posiive way, I really feel like a grasshopper compare to them. Hahaha.
With God, all things are possible. I will rise up to become spiritual giant like them, soon enough. Hahaha. Amen! This is the first time I feel so spiritually challenged by any group of people. Thank God I can call these wonderful people my friends from today on.
I guess I have nothing to hide. I felt I have backsliden ever since I left CG ministry. I told no one about this and now, I am gonna tell the whole world because I'm gonna pick myself up again! Once again, I am excited to see what changes can God make in me.
I am gonna leave the old things behind.
I am gonna start all over again.
I am gonna make new friends who will truly challenge me and appreciate me.
I am gonna go to the next level in everything I do.
I am gonna love God more.
Good bye old bad habits. Good bye old mindsets. Good bye old friends. I shall say "Hello!" to Jesus once again!
Am I unreasonable? Am I heartless to so easily throw everything behind? Yes indeed! Man of faith can be truly unreasonable.
When people say it is impossible, I will say, "With God, all things are possible. "
When people say you should treasure your friends and what you have, I say, "I treasure my Father in Heaven more than anything in this world. I want to be loved by man but I will seek to please God more than pleasing man!"
When people say you shouldn't give up where you are after working so hard for it, I say, "My business is not of this world but to fulfill the purpose of what God has for me! Naked I came to this world, naked I shall return. Whom have I in heaven but GOD!"
If my friends are hindering me or not helping me to grow spiritually, I shall leave them and ask God to lead me to godly people.
If my ministry is causing me to lose focus in God, I will put away my ministry and repent before God.
If my lifestyle is distracting me from God's purpose, I will change it and aligne my habits with the will of God.
If I have any hidden sins in my life, I will confess it and forsake it every single day.
These I will confess and pray everyday until I am truly dead to all these distractions. The day will come when I will not just be confessing but I shall truly proclaim that, "It is no longer I who lives but God who lives in me!" Amen!
Seek first the His Kingdom and all His righteousness and all things shall be added on to you. Be it studies, work, friends or even a wife (hahaha), God will provide. My blessings are God's business. My business is to glorify Jesus. :)
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Wanderlust 4
I just realised that is this is the 103rd time I post on this blog, "The Mad One". Altogether, I had made a total of 138 post (including this one) on 3 blogs. I actually wanted to 'celebrate' my 100th post on "The Mad One" but kinda missed it. You can really lose count when you blog so often! So anyway...
Happy Belated 100th POST! Hahaha. (the 100th post is titled "Wanderlust 3" by the way.)
So once again I wandered around alone in school again. Don't really feel like talking to anyone for a period of time. Not that I am depressed but I am thinking and reflecting over a few matters. I am trying to review my past year and come out with the appropriate resolution for this year and thus, do not wish to be distracted with mundane conversations.
Anyway, I am also packing my own lunch these days (usually ham and cheese sandwich with wholemeal bread) so I wouldn't wanna go to the canteen with my classmates for lunch. They will just be staying there for the whole break most of the time, which I feel is quite a waste of time. Also, going to the canteen will tempt me to eat more, not gonna let wallet waste away and let my tummy grow.
I walked around a little before I end up in the Computer Lab at the 3rd floor (the one with the faster computers). The NYP open house starts today and many stalls were set up. Most of the stalls were the usual food and CCA stalls that will be there on any open house or special events. Nothing creative or new, just the usual hyped up fanfare.
At this point of time, something happened and disrupted my blogging. Below in blue is the "thoughts" that are going through my mind during te transition.
Argh!!! Why do they need to have lessons in this lab now. Sign... gotta go over to the E-learning Plaza and make do with all those sh**ty, slow, ancient computers.
Man... this computer is taking forever to start up... ok, now double-click on explorer... so slow too... I hope it don't hang... OK. Back in blogger.
Anyway, the stalls at the open house don't really interest me. I only wanted to go to the German Club stall to
It appears that the stalls are still setting up so I don't get to see my friend there. Saw a few guided groups of people here for the open house. Most of them came in their secondary school uniforms (and it makes me wonder why.)
Come to think of it, I never attended any open house before because I think they will only try to show all the good stuff in an open house. It is until they start school then they realise the poly life is really
So for sure, I will not be blogging again tonight. I will be going for the much awaited CG meeting at 7.30pm tonight!!! Yeah!!! It's at Marine Parade so I wouldn't be home anytime early. On top of that, lesson is starting at 8am tomorrow so I gonna sleep once I reach home. Not forgetting that I needa shower and pray too. :)
God loves me. GOD IS GOOD. :)
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Some Photos Taken Over The Weekends
On Saturday

Never judge a book by it cover. She normally seem so quiet but she can really
On Sunday

End of Story. for now* GOD IS GOOD. :)
Blogged in Ten Minutes
Finally I woke up without any headache today. Since Sunday, I have being having this headache all the way till yesterday. Thank God it's over. Hahaha.
It is kinda sad that Xueting and Eunice will not be able to make it for lunch after school today. Oh wells. Hahaha. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise, I have more time to do something I need to complete by this week. Let's hope the three of us will be free anytime after I get my pay on 21st this month. Hahaha.
CG is now changed to Thursday. In other words, I gotta change my guitar lesson days; which is usually on Thursday. John was suggesting this Wednesday, which is today but I postphoned it since I am really tight with my schedule and physically tired this whole week. Guitar lesson will continue next Monday from next week onwards.
It was great praying and worshipping God before I came out today. I realised my worship has improved quite a lot from last week. Really gotta thank John for all the effort he made to teach me. I feel much better today, so thank God I don't feel moody like the past two days. Hahaha.
God loves me. GOD IS GOOD. :)
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Wanderlust 3
Wandered around in school alone today. Went up and down and finally decided to go to the computer lab at the 5th floor. Hahaha. Quite a nice place compared to the s**ty e-learing lab assigned to the nursing students on the 3rd floor. The computers here are much faster and there is always bound to have vacancies.
Lately, I kinda realised that I am setting up to fulfil the resolution I made at the end of last year, which is to score at least as As for every module for this semester. There was a dip in my results last semester and that really disappoint me.
I realised that it is because I had being entertaining my classmates and talking to them during lecture instead of listening to the lecture last semester. Once in a while, I will even skip lecture just because I am tired or I feel the lecture is going to be boring or if my friends decided not to attend the lecture. It is no one's fault that I didn't do as well as I wanted to.
Gotta repent cuz all these really don't glorify God...
Results for last semester were 2 Distinction, 3 B+, 1 B and 1 C+. It was shocking to see a C+ and no As at all! Ok, it is still good overall but it was really quite a big dip compare to previous semester. Gotta work harder and be more diligent from now onwards.
I no longer try to skip any lecture since the beginning of this semester. I don't even try to chat with any of my classmates during lectures. I focused on what the lecturers had to say and filled my lecture notes with a lot of extra informations. I can write a lot even in lectures that seems boring. Praise God that I no longer feel tempted to skip lectures with my friends.
Some of my friend commented that lecture is not important because we can get all those information in our textbooks. I realised by now that those people who buy the most textbooks and doesn't focus during lectures happened to be one of the lowest scoring students.
I agreed textbooks are important but attending those "boring" lectures and listening to the lecturers still prove to be more effective than trying to read the textbooks on our own. Sometimes, we have a Chinese slang that goes, "du si shu, du tao si" (translated as, reading dead book, read till you die. Paraphased, "reading books alone will ruin oneself.")
Yup Yup. So all in all, GOD IS GOOD. :)
Monday, January 16, 2006
Wanderlust 2
The bible study on the Tabernacle come to a close yesterday. It was really a good ending and it reminded me of many things about my walk with God.
I actually had a headache yesterday but I still decided to go fellowship at Bugis with my members after bible study. Hahaha. I really love to stay out. I am the kind who will never turn down an invitation for fellowship or shopping.
The ladies can really shop! They spend like 30 to 40mins in an optical shop and almost tried every spectacles! They also spend a lot of time in different fashion shops. Hahaha. It was really fun to shop with them. I love to shop! I love to give opinions. I love to try out things myself if the shop is selling man's wear. Hahaha.
Reason why I can shop and like to shop:
1. I am closer to my mum then my dad. Learnt to wait patiently as my mum shop like any other ladies.
2. As a nursing student, I learnt how to shop with girls and make shopping interesting.
3. I have a friend who is a fashion student and I learnt how to look out for the trend from her.
4. I like to admire beautiful things and is picky when it comes to spending my money.
As for the rest of the guys, they stood outside the shops whenever the ladies shop. As usual. Hahaha.
When I reached home, I was really suffering from much fatigue and headache. So much things to plan and so little sleep last week. I actually misread my timetable and thought lesson will start at 1pm the next day but in fact, it actually starts at 10am!
Anyway, I woke up at 8am, had a bad headache and fell into a deep sleep again. I woke up again at 930am and forced myself to wakeup. My classmates called and sms me as I was having my shower. Only then did i know I miss one of the most important lesson, the clinical skills lab. Argh!!!
I sms my classmates to explain to the lecturer that I was not feeling well. I went to school and search for my lecturer and explained that I was having a bad headache in the morning. Thank goodness that I always have a good track record so she didn't doubt me or give me a hard time. She simply just smiled, asked me to take a seat and process a lesson makeup form for me.
Later on, I attended lecture as usual but I was extremely quiet the whole day. It must have being scary to see a normally noisy Ben so quiet. Hahaha. I was really tired, with a bit of headache. Therefore, I decided that I will not wanna be distracted by other things but focus on the lectures. I can't believe I took down so much notes today despite the fact I am not feeling well. Hahaha.
So things still goes on pretty well despite I am not in my best of health. I only hope my fatigue will be over by tonight. GOD IS GOOD.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
That's what I always feel about myself. I like to travel around. I like stay out late before going home, only to sleep and step out of the house again the next day. No matter how tired I am, I will never turn away an invitation to go out with my friends.
I love to talk, I love to fellowship. People who know me well, know that I love to hang around with people.
And with a great CG like W372, who wouldn't love to fellowship? Hahaha. We went to China Town again tonight. It was so crowded that we could hardly move! We didn't even bother to look around but only focused on finding our way out. Hahaha.
We end up eating roti prata at a shop near Outram MRT. Though we didn't shop as we intended to, fellowship was great throughout. Hahaha.
I got to know another 5 of my members more. Mei Hui, Desmond, Eunice, Yi Xuan and Summer. Hahaha. It was really nice talking to each and everyone of them. But I really enjoyed talking to Summer a lot. She's from Shanghai and came to Singapore about a year ago to study. I don't know why but I always like to talk to Indonesians and Chinese. Perhaps it was due to the fact that my Grandmother is Taiwanese and Grandfather is Indonesian. Hahaha. I tried to talk in "pure' mandarin with her and found that I could actually speak quite well without English or Singlish. Hahaha.
AND more importantly, I don't try to fake that strange Chinese accent many people will do so when speaking to someone from China. It is so irritating to hear Singaporeans fake accent when speaking to Americans, Britains, Japanese (Oh, reminds me of that horrible 'Japanese accent; Michelle tried to fake when interviewing Zhang Ziyi for Memoirs of a Geisha. Kudos to Zhang Ziyi for telling Michelle off for trying to insult Japanese.) Chinese natives and the like. Can't people just sound like who they are? Singaporeans.
Pastor really preach such a wonderful message today. Hahaha. I always like to summarize the whole sermon in my own words if you have realised by now, so I will do so again today. Hahaha.
To sum up:
God already predestined our purpose before even we were born. If we are willing to seek God's predestined purpose, we will find it and we will succeed in life. If we reject it, God will just raise another person up and fill him in with the purpose you rejected and you will be doom for failure.
(Reminds me that Pastor said before that God told him he was a "plan B" to pastor a megachurch like CHC.)
So don't ever lose sight of God and lose what God has install for you. Seek 1st the kingdom and all His righteousness, and all things shall be added on to you.
So I will be going to the Jurong building for The Tabernacle bible study tomorrow. After that, it will be all the way to Expo again for the Dog Exhibition. Hahaha.
By the way, one of my member, Eunice, is also studying in NYP. We will be going out for lunch this Wednesday with Xueting, one of our zone member. Hahaha. So easy to catch up with each other. :)
To end off once again, I will say what I always confess all the time. GOD IS GOOD! Hahaha.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Elective was relaxing but a little boring...
1. this elective only have written test and no presentation.
Yeah!!! No need to meet up for tiring group discussion. With four presentation awaiting in hand, I already have enough.
2. this elective is interesting as it is about doing research on HUMAN SUBJECTS.
That's right, not animals, not lab test but testing on real humans. Of course we will not get to do it in the elective itself but it is good to know the ethics and principles behind human research.
But the downside of this elective is that, the lecture will be at least 2 hours and it can get a bit boring and dry. So what me and my friends did was to get some titbits during the break and snacked inside. We even decided that we are going to bring different snacks next week to picnic during lecture. Hahaha. Gotta make the best out of everything. :p
The other presentation discussions had being going on pretty well. My team members had contributed much and everyone was clear about what to do. I promised my team members that every meeting is going to be as short as possible as I never believe in LONG meetings but PRODUCTIVE meetings. Hahaha. I had stayed true to my words, for the past 3 meetings, it last only from 40mins to 1hr each time. And everytime, we are getting nearer to our completion at good speed.
God is Good. :)
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Blame It on The Rain.
If you wanna plan any outings, better go check out the weather for the next few days at
it will show the weather forecast for the next four days. :p
I finally got this necklace that I wanted.
Doesn't it look so much like the international medical symbol? A cross with a serpent and a pair of wings on top. Anyway, this is the logo of Japanese anime Full Metal Alchemist. I got it at Comix Connection.
A little about yesterday...
I went to fellowship with my CG yesterday. Watch he movie, A Chinese Tall Story. It is a totally brainless movie; very funny but very dumb. Hahaha. Unless you have money to spend, you should watch other movies. But it could be worthwhile if all you wanna do is to laugh and think of nothing else later on.
You pay to laugh to watch this movie. Hahaha.
We went on to the Chinese New Year night market at China Town later. Here are some photos taken.

It was raining the whole of last night. At least it didn't dampen the mood of our outing. Hahaha. Fellowship had indeed gotten a lot better ever since the CG merge.
Which is why, even when things don't turn up as I expected, God always have a plan that is even higher then my own expectation.
So like I always say, God is Good. Thank God for everything. :)
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Gotta RELAX!!!
I actually wanted to blog last night but was just too tired. Didn't even went to check my mail, which by now should be flooding with the research articles my group members sent me. Argh!!! Hahaha.
Yesterday woke up with a headache and felt like I am falling sick with a cold. Was tempted not to go to school but I went anyway. School starts at 8am and ends 3pm. I almost wanted to skip the last 5 hours, which were all lectures and breaks but I didn't. Hahaha.
Felt very sleepy and almost doze off a few times but ended up flooding my lecture notes with all the extra info the lecturer gave. I think that was a miracle. Hahaha. The Lord is my strength. God is Good. Hahaha.
A lot really happened in class since lst week. The major thing was the seperation of people into 5 subgroups for one module, 6 subgroups for another module and 2 big subgroups for yet another module.
Everyone just wanna be with someone they think they can work with and kinda refused to work with the ones everyone dun like. In the end, some group have too many people, some group doesn't have enough and no one willing to make any internal adjustments. They question why must it be their group to make the adjustment. Then someone who was really unhappy went around to say that it is"not allowed" for 2 ENs ro be in the same team, making it as if I was the one who said it, which I didn't. In the end, everyone starts to grunt, "Unfair, unfair!" (Sounds like some chapter taken out of the Old Testements. Hahaha.)
The majority decided that it would be fairer if I group the people according to the class list. Which means the 1st 5 people in the list make up the first team and the next 5 people make up the 2nd team and so on, thus no one can choose who to work with and it is a supposingly "fair" system.
The fact of the matter is, there is no way to please everyone. One person was really unhappy that she was grouped together with 3 China students. (My own group also have 2 China students mah.) I mean what's wrong? My previous subgroup had 2 China students, Ming Jing and Jiangfeng. Both of them are very hardworking and find very relevent information for whatever presentation we were working on. They have no problem with their English except maybe their pronuciation. However, I never think of them as weaker than the rest, I simply rehearsh a little more with them for their oral presentation and get them to do what they are better at.
Everyone have their own strength and weaknesses. In the hospital, you can never choose who you want to work with. I am exceedingly disgusted at such prejudiced attitue. Don't you know the China students actually have much better attitude in their studies and score better grades then most people?
The thing is, if anyone think his group members are the worst, then you already lost the battle even before it began. You are just on your way to fulfill your own prophecy, to score the worst among other groups in your presentation. I pity no one except the China students who have to put up with such bias attitude of such people.
Anyway later I tried to explain to her, she shouted at me in front of everyone and walk away. Later she gave me the cold shoulder.
One guy in class said it was my fault and asked me not to speak too much. I was not angry or anything, I told him I did nothing wrong and I can't possibly please everyone. I am much more confident in myself ever since hearing what Joyce Meyer said. Hahaha.
Later on, I decided to clear out everything with the whole class, explain my stand in making the decision and clarify the things people said I said but I didn't say. I make it clear that it doesn't matter if a group have more Chinese, Malays, ENs or China students.
The person who had the 3 China students in her team then walked off and shouted, "My fault lah! My fault lah!" Sign.
Other than that, most people are satisfied (but not very happy) with the arrangement. They decided it is fair enough to do things this way. The guy who earlier said I was wrong later came to me and tell me he supported my idea anyway. Hahaha.
I thank God I never lost my temper through out this whole episode. I probably will be sprouting nonsense in the past but I just smiled and make little comments to anyone. No point getting angry with people who are not willing to be teach. Now that everything is 'settled', I wouldn't be bothered at how others think. If I do not stand firm now, I will lose my self-esteem and my words to the rest of the people. Gotta rise above the pressure. Gotta RELAX! Hahaha.
You know what, Joyce Meyer said that 10% of the people you meet will never like you. So true. Hahaha.
Currently, a few of us are planning an overseas outing from Feb27 to Mar1 during our 1 week break. Just to get away from all these internal politics and study stress. Hahaha. Most likely it will be Bangkok. We are gonna fly there on budget airline and stay in hostel to cut cost. Hahaha. Looking forward to it as I have yet to visit Thailand.
I will be going out with my CG today to watch the movie, A Chinese Tall Story. I like to call this movie "Alien vs. Ape (Monkey King Sun Wukong)" for obvious reasons. Hahaha. Gotta enjoy fellowship later!!!
All in all, God is Good. :)
Sunday, January 08, 2006
No Longer I!
I will slowly savour it. :)
To sum up what Dr. Joyce Meyer preached today, "It is no longer I who lives but Chirst who lives in me.
Take away poor self image, take away jealousy. Die to your own self, stop all the "what about me?" attitude. It was never about myself, but what God can do through me.
Important lesson learnt today:
The best gift a person can give to the people around to to have confidence and knowing who we are in Christ Jesus.
Gotta say that I am also a person who tend to dwell to much in guilt. Hahaha. But from now onwards, I shall confess everyday that "God Loves ME!!!"
This is one message that I really need to hear. Hehehe.
So so so tired today thou. But still, I had fun fellowship with people from MJ zone at the airport.
Not really sure what else to blog now. Perhaps my brain is shutting down. Dun wanna blog too much crap here. I shall blog more tomorrow. Perhaps, update Langundo again. I think I am addicted to Langundo. Hahaha.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
'But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another.' - Bible
Hi, I'm Phil PringleYou're going to love this;
People in a dark room want to turn the light on; they want to see where they can walk.
Communication in an organisation turns the light on for everyone.
People do not function well in the dark.
Absence of communication leaves people in the dark.
Fear, distrust, suspicion, gossip, and rumour all fester in this dark.
Trust, faith and security make an organisation healthy.
Communicate with people all the time.
Arrange systems of communication.
Use all the technology available to maintain open lines.
Any military strategist will tell you that an army without communications is a defeated army.
Turn on the light on in your families, your workplace, and your networks.
Isn't it so true? We see it today that,
Business failed cuz of lack of communication.
Marriage ended in divorce cuz of lack of communication.
Friends misunderstood each other cuz of lack of communication.
Communication is truly so important.
And I take this seriously.
Never take things for granted. Always communicate.
Reply the sms.
Pick up the phone call.
Don't lose your temper without warning.
No one can read another person's mind.
Unless you take an effort to communicate, who can understand?
Keeping quiet is cruel.
It keeps a person guessing.
Coldness can make a person go mad.
That's why the bible says, "The truth shall set you free."
SO COMMUNICATE. Don't lose whatever you hold dear, be it your studies, your career, your marriage or your friendship because of the lack of communication.
And don't lose God by not praying.
A revelation. God is Good. :)
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Hmmm... Talk About Stress
One of the module requires the whole group to spilt into TWO subgroups only. Which means 14 people for each side for my class. Each subgroup given FIFTY MINUTES to present. And I am the leader who will be leading FOURTEEN people.
Talk about stress.
Another module doesn't need to break into any subgroups. Everyone is expected to do an INDIVIDUAL graded presentation. That's right. Go out there, prepare your own visual materials and make a speech and pray hard no one falls asleep.
Talk about stress.
I will be taking elective this year. All of us are gving the option to choose any elective we preferred, so long as there is still vacancy. Guess what? I am the only person in my whole group who choose this particular elective. Yup. I will be ALL ALONE, with one whole class of STRANGERS from other groups.
Talk about stress.
Anyway, looking on the bright side of life, maybe I will learn something out of it. Why? Cuz God is Good. Hahaha. :)
Here's a song that can express my feelings now.
RAIN DOWN by Delirious
Verse 1:
Verse 2:
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
1st Day of School and Nothing to Do.
I reached school at around 12pm to get my lecture notes. I intended to withdraw cash from the ATM machine in school.
As usual, the ATM machine was a long queue. When it finally reached my turn (after 5 to 10 mins of waiting), the machine suddenly become "temporary out of service". What a way to start school.
I ended up having to wait till 1245pm for a friend to borrow cash. Anyway, praise God for friends like this and I managed to get all the lecture notes today. :) God is Good.
During that 5 hours break, I went out with a few classmates to Ang Mo Kio. Ate teochew porridge at the newly renovated S11. Then we walked aound before we went back to school at around 430pm.
So since there is nothing much to do, here I am blogging about what happened today, which nothing really much happened.
Can you feel the "boring" mood as you read this post? Hahaha.
Ok. Once I get home, I wanna continue with chapter 10 of Langundo. I wanna quickly reach that particular plot that I had in mind... :)
Monday, January 02, 2006
End of Holidays.
Not that I failed my modules or anything, but I believed I could have done better. I allowed myself to be distracted by too many things in the last semester. I have decided to put aside many things, and shoulder less burdens this year.
If anything I will concentrate on, it would be my studys and COPE ministry. Everything else will be secondary.
New year resolution. Get at least an A for all my modules in every semester. Lose weight.
That means:
1. eat only bread for breakfast every morning.
2. eat only half of what I usually eat or eat sandwich for lunch.
3. eat only half of what I usually eat for dinner.
4. allow only very light snacks in between.
5. no sugar laced drinks during meal times. limit sugared drinks to only one can per day.
(P.S. Doesn't this sounds like some 1200/1500 cal diabetic diet?)
6. exercise at least 3 times a week. jogging must be the main exercise everytime.
7. optional. get diet pills from pharmacy.
Target. lose at least 2kg every month.
Ok. enough with the slimming issue...
Another thing I would like to do, I would like to post at least one chapter every week for my Langundo story blog.
Then I went shopping with my mum for Chinese New Year Clothes today. My mum blessed me with clothes from Top Man, Samuel & Kevin and Converse. Thanks mum!!!
I happen to chance upon a cool wallet in Top Man. It's brown leather, with zip. What is more inportant, it has a coin compartment and it cost only $20! The only down side was that it lacks in the card compartment, only 5 slots. But still, it is a good buy. Maybe I will consider that over the Billabong wallet. Will put that on my wish-list.
All in all, God is Good. :)
Sunday, January 01, 2006
A New Start.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! hahaha.
If there is anyone special I wanna thank, I already did so in this post, <I Wanna Say Thank You...> Hahaha. (Did this earlier than you Cin. :p)
Anyway, I will just mention the names, with a few photos of the people who had made this year a great year for me. :)
And they are:

I will only put these photos up cuz
1. Not easy to put so many photos on blog due to the server.
2. Dun have your photos. (SORRY!!!)
So without photos a do, these people are,
Jasmine from N196, Irene from N196, Pastor Audrey, Brother Ming Jing, Abel, Jing Ying, John my guitar mentor, Vincent my COPE leader, Vivian my COPE leader, Lifeng, Chloe, Desmond, Maison, Eve, Ji Ji, Jenna, Szemin, Phui Yun, Feng Lin.
The rest of the people in MJ Zone, COPE, NYP, AH Ward 4, CDC Ward 71.
Not forgeting my mum and bro and the rest of my family members.
Not forgeting the most important person, Jesus Christ. :)
And the changes for the new year.
1. No more N196 but merge to form W372. A good change. :)
2. A new CGL, Brother Ming Jing.
3. A new zone!!! MJ ZONE!
4. Zone shifted to Saturday service from this weekend onwards. Briony's cg also going for Sat service from now onwards. Saw many other CG from AN zone attending too. (MJ zone is still under AN zone for now.)
5. CG day may also change.
6. A possible nothing-to-do Sundays from now onwards. Argh!!!
7. A new semester for year 2.
What a way to greet the new year. hahaha. God is Good.
Side issues, (The first things...)
The first creature I saw on a New Year's day morning, (around 1215AM), was "Xiao Qiang" aka cockroach. crawling around the void deck of my block.
The second creature I saw was another "Xiao Qiang". This time on the stairs that I am climbing up to my flat.
Looks like everyone just wanna stay awake to celebrate new year, (or simply there is a need to clean the block.)
The first thing I did when I reach home on a New Year's day morning (around 1220AM) was to shit in the toilet.
What used to be food last year, was shit this year.
Moral of the story:
"Don't hold on to your past, empty yourself to be ready for the future."
Cockroach and shit... I wonder what this year has in stall for me...