My Wants
- An Ultra Portable Mini PC
- New Laptop (must be better and faster than my current one of course)
- New Leather Shoe with Pointy Front
- Sony Ericsson Cybershot Cellphone
- White Converse Tote Bag
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
My Blog Had Moved!!!
I will be keeping this blog for the sake of all my old entries and pictures. The tag board at the new blog is the same as the one here.
Be sure to add me!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
It's Hard Holding You, Loving You, Losing You.
You can't live with a friend offending you all the time.
Neither can you just burst out all of a sudden when you are frustrated.
Both ways will destroy your friendship. There must be a balance.
Regarding relationships I have in the past it can be sung this song.
Should I Stay
Had a drive
Driven by your love
But when you messed around
I lost the drive I found
Thought you needed
Needed someone true
But you changed your mind
Or had I failed you?
Wish you'd been
Careful with my heart
But you tore it apart
And broke an angel's heart
The kiss was true
Has to end somehow
But I am livin' proof of what love is about
It's hard holding you
Loving you, losing you
It's sad to be true
And be fooled by you
I don't know (I don't know)
I gotta know
Should I stay or should I go?
You played me on
Played me like a clown
But I feel for you
Eventhough I'm down
My heart is heavy
Heavy like a rock
But I am so amused
You're still in my thoughts
It's hard holding you
Loving you, losing you
It's sad to be true
And be fooled by you
I don't know (I don't know)
I gotta know
Should I stay or should I go?
Oooohh... should I stay?
Should I go?
It's hard holding you
Loving you, losing you
It's sad to be true
And be fooled by you
I don't know (I don't know)
I wanna know
Should I stay or should I...?
This time its done
It'll never feel the same
But we had some good times
Guess it's sad just the same
I guess the truth
Doesn't matter somehow
But you were livin' proof of what love is about...
So I wondered how come I never talk to some people anymore. I realise that I was greatly hurt by these people and even felt cheated.
I know I am not perfect myself. But there are some things that once done, there can hardly be any trust between two persons anymore.
I remember I am always the one who will initiate the reconciliation.
Even though there may no longer be any anger, there is already a barrier between us.
Harsh? I think not. It is just the consequences of actions.
Have I forgiven them? Yes, and again, maybe not. Because I still remember them. I am no longer angry and I am no longer bothered by it but I still remember how I was hurt.
Nonetheless, I pray to God that these people may be set free. I love them just as Jesus loved them. :)
Why have I not talked to some who was so close to me just a while ago?
Because I have found better friends and I can no longer consider that person a close friend. I have moved on, I have become wiser with who I call friends. It's that simple.
But if you come to me and say "Hi!", we can still talk like old friends. For we are after all, friends to begin with. However, you can no longer expect me to share my most personal things with you.
I am sure you don't share everything about yourself to everyone. So do I. It's that simple.
This time its done
It'll never feel the same
But we had some good times
Guess it's sad just the same
Monday, September 25, 2006
And ACTUALLY, I never watched any episode of Singapore Idol this season. At most, it was only five or ten minutes when I happen to surf channels or when it was aired on TVMoblie. Haha!
I gathered the information through the news, magazines and of course, the adrenal conversations among the ladies who either roots for Hardy or Jonathon
They are also the one who:
Thinks that Paul Twohill is a freak with bad makeup and singing from bad to worse.
Feels that ousting Mathilda was a great loss to the competition.
Felt that Joakim really can't sing.
And that Jasmine kinda overstayed in the competition.
And the rest are not worth mentioning. Haha!
Went shopping with Minqi and Hong Yun at Parkway Parade on Sunday. Went into TOP MAN and found that after one whole year, they finally come out with some really good designs for their T-shirts and Polos once more. Haha.
I guess TOP MAN is seasonal. It happen that the fall/winter collection last year was also pretty good.
I really like this light-blue T-shirt that has a pattern of a skull on it, looks very Ed Hardy. Haha! Some of the white T-shirts are nice too! (I wear XL by the way cuz I like it loose.)
The polos like I said are also quite nice. But I only like a few of the designs. Most of the tops cost $36. Cheaper than last season. However... I think I had overspent a little so I didn't buy any.
Oh wells...
There's always next time. Haha!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
GOD's W.I.P.
This was my Final Year Project with my team members. It was presented on a Monday two weeks ago. The topic is about Training Caregivers for Terminal Cancer.
We put in a lot of time, money and effort. We made posters, banners and even booked a lecture room to hold our exhibits.
Putting the long story short, we had a Distinction for it! Praise the Lord! Yeah!!! Haha! After the project's over, we finally felt more relaxed.This was the class gathering we had last Thursday. I was planning and my Treasurer, Tracy helped me a lot with it.
I played two games.
The first game was Murderer. Every "night", everyone will go to sleep (closing their eyes) and the murderers will go and kill someone. The next "morning", the surviving town's people must vote who is the murderer and remove the person with the highest vote out of the game. This goes on till the murderders (I had two murderers for this game) are all voted out.
The game was a little unfamiliar to the class but they got a hang of it by the second round and there were much commotion going on when those who "died" found out who the murderers were. Haha!
For the first time in my life, I actually see the whole town killed! Not even one murderer was voted out of the game! Haha!
The second game was People Bingo. Everyone were very active in this game, running around to ask people to sign on their paper and at the same time, trying to grab the limited pens that was provided. Haha!
Choy Fung won the first prize of $20 Tangs Voucher (sponsored by yours truly :) ) and Lizhen won the second prize of a Uni Tri-Color Pen which cost $5+.
We had Canadian Pizza and KFC after that. The lecturers we invited said it was well-organized. :)Here's some funny pictures.
Have a look at "Father" Desmond. Haha!
That's Tidus, a cute little boy. Love to have him around.
Yixuan's "monkey business".
That's Minqi blowing bubble into her Almond Milk Tea. Haha!
Love my CG. Haha!
By the way, I am God's W.I.P. (Work In Progress). So please be patient with me. Really wanna thank Sister Darryl, Desmond and Carolyn for being so supportive during this period of time.
Praise God for friends like you around. :)
"If I must die, I am willing to die."
No man is perfect, not even leaders.
I know this long time ago, but I can never believe what I know.
The sooner I had realise how true it is, the sooner I would have understood my leaders and instead of working against them, I would have being a great help to them.
Well... Even I am in the changing phase.
Praise more, don't criticize.
Be careful not to hurt people when I joke.
Be open and truthful to others, especially to the people you treasure.
Be loving and be private when correcting someone.
After all these years, have I not heard all these? Many times. Yet, it takes determination and a change of mindset to put all these into actions.
If I have not totally eliminated all critical words in my conversations and joke, I am sure it had significantly lessened over the past 2 to 3 weeks.
I am stopping to think what I want to say. I am sieving through the choice of words for my jokes.
If it isn't appropriate, if it isn't going to sound nice, I will not let it out of my mouth. Even at the expenses of being called dull and boring.
I have to learn. I rather be dull and boring, than to be irritating and offensive. But I am sure I can strike a balance to be interesting yet at the same time loving.
"If I must die, I am willing to die."
If I don't change, the results will always stay the same.
If I want to grow from glory to glory than my efforts must increase and my methods must change.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Somebody Save Me!!!

So this song kinda suit the mood/mode I am in now. I know Jesus is my Saviour and I am already saved, don't get me wrong. I am talking about my feelings.
Ever since I came back from the mission trip, I found myself more open than ever before.
I get to see how Pastor Kong work. When Pastor expressed his tiredness in front of us, about his worries when his son was very sick while he was in KL, how he preached so strongly during the confernce and yet never hide his fatigue from us, the image of Pastor as a mythical Great Man of God all collaspe. He had become a human that I could identify with, just an ordinary man but doing extraordinary things for God.
This experience made me all the more respect and love pastor and his vision.
In the past whenever I heard pastor shared about his struggles, I imagined him like Heracles or Jason doing things that normal humans like us can never do. However, seeing him in person during this mission trip made me realise just how real pastor is, and this made all the future messages he preached more credible, more real and more powerful. Because these are the teachings of God through an ordinary man whose life is transparent and truly love God and trust God with all his heart.
The message that really moved me a lot was the one right after the mission trip, the one about emotional baggages.
Pastor had taught about similar topics in the past. However, this was the first time ever this message had really impacted me so much, after attending church for more than 5 years.
During CG, my CGL leader preached the same message again as pastor sensed that many people need to hear it one more time.
In my heart, only a few words keep repeating itself as I listened to the message.
"Stop it already."
"It is so hurting."
"Please let the CG end quickly."
Yes, behind that smiles are really struggles that had being going on for a long time.
So being a Christian after so many years, one would still have much struggles with past hurts and pride?
Yes. And the greatest woe a Christian can do, is to bury that struggle because of fear and pride.
"How can I let people know I made the same mistake again?"
"What will people think that if they know I am still struggling with the same problem after all these years?"
"Will my leader think that I am problematic or unteachable?"
"Will my leader understand how he/she had hurt me?"
All these questions are made in the heart, with fear in the face of pride.
It is not natural at all to share a person's weakness.
In fact, putting my point straight, someone who goes around sharing his/her problems and weaknesses to everyone all the time is really weird, strange and emotionally traumatising to the listeners.
However, burying everything underneath will not help you to bring your problem to the surface to be healed.
There must be a balance of course, that you share with only with the people who are matured and those that you truly trust. Or else, you may find yourself getting more rejections because people who are not mature enough, are usually quick to judge.
Esther 4:11-16
Then Esther told Hathach to go back and relay this message to Mordecai: "The whole world knows that anyone who appears before the king in his inner court without being invited is doomed to die unless the king holds out his gold scepter. And the king has not called for me to come to him in more than a month."
So Hathach gave Esther's message to Mordecai. Mordecai sent back this reply to Esther: "Don't think for a moment that you will escape there in the palace when all other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. What's more, who can say but that you have been elevated to the palace for just such a time as this?"
Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: "Go and gather together all the Jews of Susa and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will do the same. And then, though it is against the law, I will go in to see the king. If I must die, I am willing to die."
Be like Esther, PRAY and FAST. However, that is not enough. If you want a breakthrough, if you want different results, then you must do something different.
You have to step out of your comfort zone and start facing your struggles openly. It is terrifying to share your weaknesses with another person. That is true even for Esther, don't even think that she was not terrified when she entered into the king's presence. She had to be trembling all the way that day when she left her room and made her way to the king's chamber.
Anyone who go to the king's chamber uninvited was doomed to die if the king doesn't pardon him/her.
And Esther was going to say to the king with words that would contradict a ruling that he made earlier. Another reason that could cost her life.
However, unless you have an attitude of "If I must die, I am willing to die" like Esther, you would never see your breakthroughs in life. You will miss many opportunities and you will only cause more hurts to yourself and to the people around you.
Be strong and God will pave the way. God is good.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Back From KL Mission Trip!!!
Nonetheless, here are some of the pictures I had taken, there will be more on W372's Blog. The mission trip was really AWESOME and UNFORGETABLE! I have also made many new friends, had new encounters with God and got to know the leaders more.

We also went shopping with the very little free thing we had and blessed each other. Haha!
Yixuan bought a very cool looking metal bracelet for me and it wasn't cheap but it was what I wanted! She also bought a pink Mickey T-shirt for Desmond which he likes.
I in turn bought a wallet that she like and a Mickey pouch thay she wanted. Desmond bought her a colorful Mickey polo-tee for her. Haha!

Finally, I just want to thank all of you who had prayed for me and the rest of the mission team. God is good, He had protected us and made this trip very successful. I am sure revival is indeed happening in Malaysia! Amen!
Monday, August 28, 2006
Mission Trip KL!
Just before I go, I wanna thank Jacelyn for helping me take so many photos during the AH health screening. They are beautiful! I will post the photos when I return.
Visit W372's Blog for the lastest updates.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Great Day of Revelations
Sometimes, I really wonder why I don't seem to have any best friends who stayed with me young. I do have people I used to call best friends in the past, but as time pass, I called someone else my best friends.
Sometimes I wonder if there is anything wrong with that and that was until Pastor mentioned that we have to keep moving on from where we are and as we move on, we will change the company we hang out with. Also, friends are there to see you through different periods of your life.
The foreword for "The Heavenly Man" was written by one of the brothers who went through thick and thin with Brother Yun in the past. They were arrested and tortured in prison. Because they were locked in different cells, they even shouted to each other down the corridor to encourage one another.
That brother then mentioned that they have since drifted apart because God had called them to move in different directions.
I am sure many people have not even went through what these two persons have experienced and yet when it is time for them to part, the two of them were still willing to let go and choose to obey God, leaving behind the many wonderful memories they had together.
As I look back at the friends I have made, I just realise that my best friends just change as I move on in life. In fact, the quality of the friends and friendships improved over the years. It is really interesting indeed, that I am making friends with more awesome people. Perhaps, that is a good sign that I am growing.
And so just today, I just knew that we have gotten "A" for both the presentation we have presented! Praise the Lord! Haha.
I also chatted a lot on W372's tagboard this afternoon. Chloe, Cordy, Mei Hui was online! It is amazing to see the Tagboard so busy. Haha.
After that, I went to Bugis Street to get some new jeans and top. Meihui came to joined me and also bought a pair of jeans. She got it at a pretty good deal cuz I know the shop owner pretty well. Haha.
Meihui was almost late for her bible study after trying out and buying the jeans. We rushed down to church office as fast as we could. Had many interesting conversation with her. Haha.
Later, I went down to City Hall to meet Carolyn who offered to help out with COPE. As it was still early, we went down to Toa Payoh central and ate some really nice Chwee Kuey.
We move on to Toa Payoh meeting area to register the elderly for this Saturday's health screening at AH. We were also joined by Guan Him, one of the ministry member. The elderly were very active tonight. Haha. Had some very interesting conversation with them.
In fact, this Saturday, Carolyn will also come to help out at COPE. However, I was called back to AH to help the hospital with the health screening. So I will get to see the COPErs on Saturday but I will not be with them... It will still be fun but it will never be the same when not serving with them. Haha.
Carolyn left to meet her friend after that. Guan Him and I went to meet Jacelyn for dinner. She happen to just finished bible study and was on her way home, to Ang Mo Kio. I knew very well she will yet to have dinner as she expected to end her work late today. Haha.
We ate at Ang Mo Kio central S11. The prawn noodle there is really nice! The soup is very thick and fragrant and the chilli isn't too hot but it enhanced the flavour of the noodle.
Had some interesting talks with Jace and Guan Him too. Later took the MRT together with Guan Him and shared quite many revelations with to each other.
Yes. Today is very much a fruitful day. Haha.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Photos with my new camera.

Attended Dr. A.R. Bernard's conference and it was FANTASIC!!! More about it on my post in W372's Blog.
Going to sleep now. More updates again... Haven't sleep for 2 nights.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Finally... A DIGI CAM! and MISSION TRIP!!
A certain electronic chain is selling it at $459. However, this particular shop at Ang Mo Kio call M S Color Service is selling it at $449.
The best thing is, they will allow you to bargain and I manage to get it at $410! With an original pouch, a 512mb SD card and a screen protector thrown in!
What else about it?
Slim, light-weight, 6 megapixel, 3x optical zoom, large screen, best-shot function, anti-shake function and of course, SUPER USER FRIENDLY! Almost foolproof. And it is more affordable than other cameras around it's range. Casio is also a trustworthy brand.
I will be going for KL mission trip from 28th Aug to 1st Sept. It is going to be KL's Emerge and I believe it is going to be AWESOME!
Going to capture all the excitement with my Z60. Haha. Praise the Lord!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Mr. and Mrs. Seet
This was the first time I made curry and it isn't too fantastic. It isn't so bad, really. My mum, bro and I finished the whole portion of 9 chicken wings, potatoes and carrots! I am a natural cook I guess. Haha. However, I hope I can make better curry next time.
Yesterday, my team completed one of the four presentations for this semester, on Cleft Lip and Palate. As our facilitator gave us more time to present, we came up with certain new ideas.
First of all, I introduced myself when it was my turn to present. I crap a little bit, saying that i always have to take care of both child and parents so I am like a father to them. Thus, everyone called me the Godfather. The class and the facilitator were a little lost, but only for a while, they laughed the moment my team mate played the theme music from "The Godfather". Haha.
I have this idea of getting the audience to participate in our role play. Everyone wasn't very sure about the idea at first but after explaining to them how it will work, they all think it is a great plan to get points for audience participation!
So before the role play, I will call out the class to vote one guy and one gal from the audience. They will play as parents and will be instructed by my team mate what to do, which basically just answering three questions.
The guy's family name was Seet, so I refered to them throughout the role play as Mr. and Mrs. Seet. Their awkwardness made the whole thing even more entertaining. Haha. (I am evil. :P)
There were much clappings and laughter among the audiences. Haha. There was a part where my team mate asked the "mother" if she breast feed, she forgot the answer and turned to ask the "father", "Do I breast feed?"
"You are asking me?" The "father" replied in astonishment.
This unplanned senerio made the whole class laughed. Haha.
The last part to every presentation is a conclusion. Instead of doing a "quick" and "thank goodness it is over" kind of conclusion like everyone else, I asked my team mate to present a bit longer for it.
We used a newspaper article to talk about the topic. It was summarized together with a picture from the article, a boy who had cleft lip surgery and his before operation photo. It proved to be a very good move.
The facilitator said we could have add in a few points but we manage to cover very extensively on that very short twenty minutes. (Yes! We manage to do it within 20mins!) He said we will definitely get a "A" for this presentation. Haha.
So one down and three more to go. The next one is this Friday! Busy busy! But Fun! Haha.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
National Day Parade! (NDP)
Two weeks ago, I brought the elderly to watch NDP Preview with the Copers. I took a lot of pictures with my friend's camera. Waited quite awhile to get the picture's from her.

Happy Birthday SINGAPORE!!!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Gigs and Geeks.

That's Alex and his band, "Gethesemane".

Photos of me and my CG members. We also took photos with other supporters. :)

This is my friend, Julia, whom I used to serve together in Bookstore Ministry. Happen to see her here. :)
A video I shot during Alex's perfomance.
We didn't manage to stay throughout the whole performance. The whole thing was suppose to last till 11pm but since some of us had yet to have dinner, we left after Gethsemane's performance.
We came to this eatery that sells Taiwan's food, just across Bugis Junction. It used to sell smelly beancurd but apparently, it has to stop doing so because people were complaining.

Doesn't this bowl of "Kong Ba" rice goes well with Yixuan? Haha.
Helped out with the Extreme Makeover on Saturday. Basically helping the residents living in one two-rooms flats around Redhill to clean and paint their house.
I have 17 students plus one teacher (who happened to be my friend, Jing Ying!) attached to me.
We were assigned 4 units on the 8th and 9th floor of Blk XX. However on that day, 3 units cancelled their appointments because of family problems. Then later, a resident from the 15th floor also wanted her flat painted. The request was approved so I was assigned that unit too.
Apparently, I need to keep going around to source for equipments and running between level 8 and level 15 to oversee the two units. Since the old lifts don't serve the levels in between, I have to keep running up and down the stairs and slightly twisted my right archilles tendon.
It was very tiring yet it was fun. It is always a pleasure to serve the community.
Later on, we rushed to church and my friend, Kelly gave us a lift. Haha.
Went for the Marriage Enrichment course last weekend. I have to say it is one of the best bible study I ever attended. Pastor taught about the purpose of marriage and taught many other issue regarding relationships and the roles of husbands and wives.
Thank goodness Pastor decided to open this bible study to the whole church. I believe people should learn about such things way before even they want to get married. After all, if it is only open to the married couples, those whose marriage is already on the rocks probably will not attend. Then the only ones who attend are most likely having healthy marriage. Know what I mean? Haha.
Anyway, I was down with flu last week, kept tearing, having running nose and headache and missed the prayer meeting on Tuesday. Man...
It was worse when I try to look into the monitor. My eyes will keep tearing. Even experience that before? Haha. Anyway, I am fine now and I have to catch up with all the tutorials that my class have submitted to me and I am suppose to collaborate and submit to the lecturers.
Stress? Yup. But enjoying it. Haha.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Week of Fellowship
On Wednesday, I went down to TTSH to visit Sjeting's Granny. Since I was very early, I went to shop around and read newspaper at Ya Kun at United Square. I also bought a new watch at $124.50, with was already after 50% discount! Haha. Praise God for Great Singapore Sale.
Currently, I own 9 watches. The cheapest is only $10 while the most expensive is a Tag Heuer which cost $1000+ (obviously a gift from my mum, haha)
Met up with Sjeting when she arrived. Her granny had chest infection and was bed-bounded for near 2 weeks. However, the good news is that one of Sjeting's cousin had already led her in the Sinner's Prayer. Praise the Lord! I prayed for her just before I left. Remember to pray for her!
Since I was alone after that, I called Jacelyn, one of my ministry member who happen to work in Novena Square, and meet up with her.
We went to try out this chicken rice stall at Seah Street, Sin Swee Kee Chicken Rice Restaurant, as we are organizing a ministry fellowship that on Sunday. It is not bad, the rice is fragrant, the chicken is smooth.
The most commendable dish has to be the Fried Tofu with Thai Salad Sauce. The fried tofu skin absorded the sweet, sour and spicy favour of the sauce. This dish is crunchy on the outside and juicy on the inside! Awesome!
Later, Jace brought me to this dessert store down Bras Basah Road called Ah Qiu Dessert. She ordered Almond Paste (this dish is a No No for me. Haha!) and I ordered Peanut Paste.
It is indeed one of the better peanut paste I have ever eaten, smooth and rich though Jace said the one at Chinatown would be better. I have yet to tried that though. :)
I also brought Jace to Musuem of Shanghai Toys after that. I can't remember how many times I went there but all my friends really enjoyed themselves there. We spent nearly one and a half hours there! Haha.
Jace was quite caught up with some of the puzzle games. She seems to like such games... though she isn't exactly that good at it. Haha.
Here, she was trying to solve the Seven-Piece Puzzle. A puzzle that have seven pieces and a frame with many ways to arrange it.
Reached home nearly at 12 that night.
On Thursday, I rushed off after school to watch Pirates of the Caribbean with my CG. My friends Lina and Wang Ling also joined us. Read "YO HO! YO HO! A PiRatE's LiFe foR mE!" on W372's blog for more of it.
Friday. Went to attend briefing at CHEC for the Extreme Makeover, a community project to help refurbish the flats of elderly who live alone. The event will be held on the morning of 22th July. Do join us if you are interested!
Went to have dinner/supper with some of the Copers at Burger King, Raffles City. Another good time of fellowship.
Went for COPE saturation on Saturday. Tiring but fun as usual. Finally get to lunch with the Copers again. Haha. I used to have bible study just before service and have to rush off after ministry. Now that bible study would be after service, it means I will get to fellowship more often with my ministry members. Haha.
Rev. Che An preached today and he was sharing his life with us. It was amazing how he came to receive Jesus in the midst of all his drug addiction and immorality and become the man he is today. He is indeed a living testimony of the goodness of God.
Rev. Che An also prayed for the sick and many healing takes place. People with knee, stomach and other problems were healed. The atmosphere of faith was so strong that day that some of the healing took place even before people start praying for them! Praise the Lord! I have noted that many people seems to have back problems in my church. Haha. May the Lord heal them.
Went to have chicken rice at this place which Alex have recommended. It is somewhere near Peace Centre but I can't remember where. One of the sauce they provide was grinded ginger and it goes really well with the chicken! After that, we went to this soya bean shop two units away which sells the smoothest soya bean curd I ever eaten!
Sunday, sleep as much as possible. Was going to meet a few Copers for dinner at City Hall, 6pm. Went to visit my grandparents before that. I was glad they seemed pretty well.
Wanted to get something at Bugis before going to City Hall. Jace called me as she had just finished watching Pirates of the Caribbeans with her Colleauges at Plaza Singapura. We meet up at Bugis and walked to City Hall to meet the rest of the Copers.
We went to Sin Swee Kee Chicken Rice Restaurant (That is the 3rd time I ate chicken rice this week! Haha.) and ordered quite a lot of dishes. There was only 6 of us, Jace, Vincent, James, Yee Kiat, Yehui and me but it was a good fellowship. Do not despise small beginnings. Haha. I am sure we can get more people to join u next time.
We also went to shop at Bugis street as Vincent wanted to look for some clothes for his workplace. Later on, we went down to Ah Qiu's Dessert Shop. I ordered the Coffee Flavoured Fresh Milk with Steam Egg, Vincent ordered Mango with Sago and Ice-cream, Jace ordered Grass Jelly with Longan, James ordered Bubur Hitam with Ice-cream, Ye Hui ordered Mango with Sago and Yee Kiat ordered Yam with Sago.
My dessert wasn't bad. However, I think the Mango with Sago was the best! I got to tried one spoonful from Yehui's and it was fabulous! Gotta order that for myself the next time I go there.
Really enjoyed myself this week. Haha. I hope I can get to know the Copers more.
God is Good. :)
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Time for Leisure?
1. I bought some snow jelly from the frog farm 2 weeks ago. Still yet to make desserts out of it. Reason? Too busy.
2. Jacelyn came back from Kuantan last week and gave me some salted fish. Still yet to cook 咸鱼炒饭 (Salted fish fried rice) with it. Reason? No time. Thanks Jace for the salted fish thou. :)
3. Complete the copying of Ecclesiastes into a notebook. Reason? Lazy. Haha. Ok, I was tired too.
And I was on 2 days MC last week because of stomach flu. I have to make up for my hospital attachment last Saturday and this coming Saturday. Missed two weeks of COPE ministry. That is so annoying.
Lesson learnt? Don't ever fall sick again. (Or try to fall sick less often.)
Finally started off with my weight training exercises. Hopefully the muscles on my arms and shoulders will start to be visible by the end of this month. Haha. No matter how little time I have, I guess it is still good to keep myself healthy.
So school has started and still so little time. ICA projects are getting more demanding. The higher you climb, the more is expected of you.
Lesson learnt about living in this society?
You are either a winner or a loser. You are either someone useful or you are trash. A little contribution is still much. Do the best in everything in hand. Know your limits and work within your means.
What is this post about?
It is to commemorate the end of my second year and the start of my third year in Nursing Course. Haha.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Parental guidance advised.
Just when I thought my attachments are almost over, I have to come down with stomach flu, diarrhoea, vomiting and back sprain. Totally no appetite at all... The sight of food and the smell of strong spices (e.g. curry) makes me nausea.
Still having diarrhoea. Still feeling giddy the whole day, probably due to dehydration. No matter how much water I drank, my mouth still feels very dry...
Slept the whole day yesterday. It is amazing how much I can sleep when I am sick... Most likely not going for CG tonight... Haiz...
My stomach grumbling again... hope it will be alright by tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
I will be performing in front of sixty ambassadors from Africa this Friday. Stress sia. Haha. Apparently, many were called but only six were chosen to perform practical skills for the guests. Had to rush to school today to practise till 5.30pm.
What's more, I am fasting.
Am I tired? Of course I am. But I am enjoying everything at the same time. Haha.
Got to know some other students from nursing today. One of them looks so strikingly like a friend I used to know that I thought maybe they were related. But they weren't, of course.
One of the thing that I really look forward to everyweek is the reply of my spiritual diary from Sister Darryl.
So come to think about it, my words are indeed harsh at times. Although I may love unconditionally, I may just be over-zealous when it comes to work attitude.
I got to admit. I tend to be judgmental. That, I have to change, for sure.
For most people, I am friendly and hilarious. Yes, crappy at times. For some people, I am their worst nightmare. Meticulous and unwavering.
Perhaps, it is the nature of my work, every decision could mean life or death.
But still, I could be less judgmental and be more loving instead.
My post isn't making much sense? I guess that is because I am sleepy. YAWN*
So said, I hope I can do a more detailed post next time.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Christians. Holy or Hole-ly?
So my Grandpa was discharged and my attachment has started.
What else is interesting? I realized that I am a very night person. Haha. Tend to feel real sleepy during the morning duty. However, I seems to get more and more active during the afternoon duty when evening time is approaching. Haha. Maybe I should ask for permanent night duties next time?
Nonetheless, I built a pretty good rapport with my patients and all the nurses; staff nurses, assisstant nurses and student nurses, as usual.
Seeing the mistakes that others made (actually, most of the mistakes are made by one student and she never learn) helped me to learn from them. Everyone in the ward hates her and they have reasonS to do so. She is a Chirstian since birth, fast regularly but her attitude speaks of another thing.
Another crazy girl from the previous attachment is in the same ward again. I make it a point not to go near her. She is scary (psychotic). I openly talked to everyone except her, steering clear of her whenever she pass by. Apparently she isn't popular with others too, and worst, she is also a Christian.
Sometimes I wonder, it is no wonder no one likes Christians. Not just because the Lord says we will face persecution, but sometimes it is just the consequences of our own actions and attitudes. Even my mother would used to associates all the bad attributes like agressiveness, rude, selfishness and laziness with Christians. Well, with Christians like these out there, who could blame my mum from believing so?
God looks on the inside, but man isn't God, man looks on the outside (unless you are Prof X from the X-Men). In fact, what you do reflects what is truly on the inside of you. So please don't try to talk all holy when you are showing all the lousy attitudes. It is like eating the wrong stuff and the stomach wants to force it out. It makes people want to puke.
Fasting and praying while showing lousy attitudes, it is meaningless - like chasing the wind.
Oh well, with my presence in the ward these days, what used to be in the hearts of people, everyone starts to pour it out to me. Strange, but now everyone in the ward openly shows their displeasure to the first girl I talked about. I have nothing against that. After all, our service is to our patients and the hospital. If there is poor service, it should be brought out and not kept, so that service can improve.
With the over-saturation of nurses in the current market, it will also do good to sieve out the bad ones. After all, no one wants their patient to suffer and die in the hands of some incompetent and uninterested nurses. And it also give other hopefuls out there a chance to join nursing.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Not going to use Chinese anymore. Ah!!! I can speak Mandarin pretty well but my "typing" of the language will take ages!
Anyway, I was saying that today is the second day my grandpa is hospitalize. He had bleeding in the brain and it is causing him to have headaches and body weakness. He slept alomost the whole day and he couldn't even master the strength to stand up.
It is partly due to the medication, Waffarin, he is taking. The side effect of this drug is the tendency to bleed. Also, he had history of stroke.
When I was about to visit him today, I just felt I really need to pray for him before I leave the house. After praying, I just sense something isn't quite right so I decided to take a cab.
While on the cab, my mum called me and told me that grandpa is going for an emergency operation within two hours time to remove the blood clot in the brain. You can't believe how anxious I was.
Nonetheless, I stayed with my grandpa and prayed with him, asking for his recovery and a few more good years to be added to him.
The surgery took nearly 4 hours but it turned out successful. PRAISE THE LORD!
Currently, he needs to be under observation for 48 hours and if everything is well, he should be able to leave the ICU to a step-down unit or the general ward.
Grandpa is certainly looking much better after the surgery. He is more alert now.
While looking at the sickly grandpa, I remembered the days when he was younger and healthier, when he could still drive and bring us out every Sunday to eat, to shop and to play.
My name, "Benjamin", which means "Favourite Son" in Hebrew befits me well. As the first grandson, I was adored by everyone in the family. I remembered that my grandpa always buy toys for me whenever we went out to shop.
Among my toys include those big LEGO sets, action figures of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, G.I. Joes and a full set of Star Wars Action figures! Yes! I remember Han Solo, Storm Troopers, Luke Skywalker, R2D2, CPO3 and even Darth Vader among them! Haha.
In fact, mum was telling me that all it takes was for me to stare at any toy for a little while, my grandpa would just get it for me.
Thank God that the operation is successful. May God protect my beloved grandpa.
Anyway, I also saw Ms. Gwendoline at the ward. She happened to be the facilitator there and she came over to talk to me for awhile.
Yup. I also wanna thank all of you who had prayed for my grandpa and in one way or another showed concerned for him.
I am happy now. At least the worst seems to be over. PRAISE THE LORD!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Unplanned Outing. Where to go when you don't know where to go. :)
Together with Alvin, Chloe, Meihui, Peishan and Sandy, we went to this place call The Inle Myanmar Restaurant for dinner. This restaurant serves authentic Burmese food, which tastes somewhere between spiciness, sour and sweet as they favor tomatoes in their cooking.
If you are not sure what to order, just go for anything in the Noodle and Rice section. Everything is NICE and everything is WORTH TRYING! Price range from $5 to $10.
Alvin ordered Butter Rice with Curry Chicken, Chloe ordered their Inle Special Fried Rice, Meihui ordered a special soup-based rice noodle dish (the name is in Burmese, can't remember), Sandy ordered Crispy Noodle and I ordered Fried Kway Teow. Every dish smells GREAT and looks TEMPTING! Every ingredient used were very FRESH, especially the seafood! It doesn't taste like our local food as Burmese doesn't use soy sauce in their cooking. Every dish has a unique taste that truly tingle the taste bud!
Not forgetting Peishan, she didn't order any main dish but she ordered their specialty dessert, the Hpa Lu Da (read pa-lu-dar, the 'H' is silent). It is a dessert with rose syrup, milk, lots of hidden 'treasures' and topped off with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream. The outlook is IRRESISTABLE and the blend of sweetness and chewy items is WONDERFUL!
And not forgetting their Myanmar Milk Tea. The taste is very different from the milk tea at your local coffee shop. Their strict quality control and making of the milk tea is so good that it always taste the same no matter how many times you have being there. The blend of milk and tea is so well-balanced that the sweetness of the milk doesn't overwhelm the frangrance of the tea. What's more, the temperature is just right! The tea is warm and doesn't scald your tongue. This is very important as tea tend to turn sour when left to cool on the table. If it is too hot, your tongue will become numb and marred the taste of the tea. This milk tea indeed deserves a 10/10!
The Inle Myanmar Restaurant is just walking distance from City Hall MRT. The address is:
111, North Bridge Rd
#B1-07(B) Peninsula Plaza, Singapore 179098
Tel: 63335438
Opening Hours: 11 am to 10 pm (Mon - Sun)
Be warned that this restaurant tend to have a lot of patrons during meal times. I recommend you come early to avoid disappointment! Haha. (Forgot to take photos...)
Later on, Peishan left as she needs to reach home early and Geogina came to join us. As it was totally unplanned, we decided to visit the Museum of Shanghai Toys (MoST), which is near Little India. For Geogina, Meihui and Sandy, it was their first time there.
The owner, Marvin is a very nice man and a good host. He opened the museum out of passion and was very hospitable to the guest. The museum displayed vintage toys made in China from the late Qing period to Chairman Mao's time. This is a very interesting and fun place to bring your friends and family for a weekend outing. If you have any friends from oversea, it would also be a great place to invite them to. This place can indeed be one of the MUST-VISIT places in Singapore!
We took a lot of pictures as usual. Haha. Here are just some of them.

MoST is just walking distance from Farrer Park MRT. The address is:
83 Rowell Road, Singapore 208015
Tel: 6294 7747
Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 10am to 8pm
Admission: Adults: $5, Children/Students: $3
Seeya there! :)
Monday, May 29, 2006
Letting Go to Receive.
Perhaps, it is because you have not put in enough effort.
Maybe not.
More likely you wanted it for the wrong motive.
Fame, pride, selfish reasons.
Sometimes to get something, all you have to do is to humble yourself. Sometimes, not wanting something for yourself will place that very thing into your hands. When you start to realise your life is not just yours alone.
"Not my will but Your will be done."
Have you ever have that experience, that you just keep fighting so hard for something, it just doesn't happen?
Then the day you start to let go, a sense of peace will come. Holding on to things that aren't meant to be is tiring, frustrating, and depressing.
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick..."
All of a sudden, life seems peaceful, and sometimes boring.
Nothing is happening much but you are just contented at how things are now.
As you look back at the old days when you fought so hard, you no longer feel sad or angry about it. It is just another memory, that creeps back at you when you aren't doing anything. It doesn't matter anymore. You may even feel glad that it is over.
Just when you thought everything has ended, you start to see the things you desire begin to come to pass.
A little at a time but at a steady rate. You no longer yearn for it but you find yourself better equiped to handle the challenges.
You have more confident now. You are doing your best. Things are going smoothly and you wonder why it wasn't like this in the past.
That is because your "lust" has turned to "love". You no longer look at yourself and you have learnt to let go.
The work is no longer a burden, it is become a joy.
"To enjoy your work and your lot in life... God keeps such people so busy enjoying life that they take no time to brood over the past."
Delay is not denial.
Hold on to the promise and let go of your undue self-awareness.
You can never succeed on your own.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
The Liberation - Chapter One
~ Genesis 1:26
Chapter One
The year was A.D. 2057. The date was 7th of May. The time was 8.16pm, Singapore time.
The human brain was still a mystery. Other than knowing its primitive functions and anatomy, no man had ever been able to fully utilize the brain.
For unknown reasons, the past few decades had seen the increase in the number of cases where individuals all over the world could utilize their brain function above the normal human range.
At first, such cases manifested as individuals with high Intelligence Quotient or possessing certain passive mental abilities such as having superb memorizing power.
Later on, individuals with Psychic Powers started to increase.
These incidences sparked a renewed interest in what was once known as the “pseudoscience” of Psionics or “Psi” for short. It movement started 35 years ago and was known as “The Great Liberation”.
Even though extensive researches are still ongoing, there is still no specific evidence of what really causes these sudden increases in the utilization of the human brain.
About 1 in every 1000 individuals in the world today demonstrates some form of Psi. However, most people who possessed such abilities could only do nothing more then bending an object or toppling a glass of water.
More powerful ones could cause multiple objects to move in mid-air, ignite fire, levitates and even cause mild quakes. However, such cases are rare.
“Deputy Superintendent! The suspect is hiding in that warehouse. Three of our men were hurt in action, all of them were injured by small flying objects. One of our men was also held hostage.”
“Thanks Inspector. My team will take over from here. Hagan and Elise, both of you ready?”
“Anytime Louis.”
“Inspector, seal all entrance to the warehouse. Hagan and Elise, put on your gears and follow me.”
In these day and age, Psi crimes are increasing although it is still rare. Most cases were deranged psychics who went around causing injuries and damages.
Louis Tan, Hagan Lee and Elise Lohan belonged to the Psionics Department of the Singapore Police Force to handle such cases. The Department was formed 7 years ago and it was runned by a group of specially trained personnels, 7 altogether, head by Superintendent Daniel Manikum.
Others were Intelligence officer Razak , Administration officers Alexis Liew and Nicole Tan.
Being in the Department need not neccesarily means they have Psychic powers. They were just trained and dedicated to handle cases of such nature.
“Razak, run a check on the suspect. Do you copy?”
“Richard Ho Kim Siang. 32 years old. A confirmed Psi, Level 2 Telekinesis. No criminal record. Currently receiving treatment for mild psychological disorder.”
“Roger. Another deranged one.”
The three donned their vest, head protector, face shield and cocked their handguns. They entered by the back door and hid behind some crates.
The warehouse was dark except for the lights that shone in throught the windows.
Elise ran a mental scan on the layout of the warehouse.
“Louis. I sense some movement at the centre of the warehouse. The way there is on our right.”
“Let’s move in. Remember there is a hostage. Don’t attack blindly.”
The three moved quickly and silently towards the centre of the warehouse. Just then, Hagan accidentally made some noise by stepping onto a pile of nails.
“Who’s there!”
The nails on the floor started to rise.
The three ran and dived in different directions as nails and other small debris flew and bounced off walls and other obstacles everywhere.
Louis kept low as he quickly assessed the situation. He couldn’t see where is the target and things were still flying around.
Looking up, Louis saw some lamps on the ceiling and it gave him an idea.
“Hagan! Elise! Close your eyes!”
Louis focused on the lamps and there was a sudden electrical surge running through the warehouse. Every machinary was turned on and the lamps shone forth brightly. For a moment, the whole place was lighted up with blinding white lights.
“Argh! My eyes! What did you do!”
All the flying objects fell to the ground. The room became dimmer as the lamps fused one by one. The target and the hostage were now clearly in sight.
Hagan and Elise spranged up and fired at the criminal.
Richard slumped to the ground, laying still.
Monday, May 22, 2006
The Liberation - Prologue
Two human figures were moving through the wilderness. There was no road nor path paved out for them. Bare-footed, they walked aimlessly and each of them wore only a piece of rugged fur that barely shelters them from the chill.
The furs reeked of blood. It was the first time they ever killed another creature for covering. They wondered why they never felt the need to wear something before that.
The man looked back at his weaker companion who was struggling to keep up. As he looked at her, joy, anger and hope filled him.
Just a few days ago, he and his beloved could soar in the sky to appreciate the beauty of creation. They could dive deep into the waters and yet breathe, allowing them to experience the magnificent marine life. They had command over every other creature, every inanimate object and even the weather.
When they were cold, they could just command fire to ignite.
When they needed to water the plants, they could command the heavens to rain.
They could shift boulders and mountains by merely ordering them.
They enjoyed the daily pleasure of meeting their Creator face-to-face.
Nothing can harm them and nothing would disobey them. They could have had anything in the Garden, almost everything.
“Now everything was gone, all because of this woman.”
Both of them longed to return to the Garden. Both of them missed their Creator. However, a moment of disobedience had cost them everything.
The Creator had cast them out. Fearsome creatures and flying swords now guard the entrance to the Garden.
What’s more, the accursed fruit had poisoned their mind. The knowledge of Evil clouded their thinking. Their thoughts were darkened and their abilities were lost.
The beasts no longer listened to them.
They could no longer fly nor breathe under water.
When they used to just flick a finger to ignite fire, they had to rub stones and branches until their hands were blistered to create it.
Even though the man was angry and tried to push the blame to the woman, he knew in his heart that he shouldn’t have eaten the fruit in the first place. He knew he could have stopped her, but he choose to follow. He knew he had failed in his part to obey the Creator.
And he also failed in his part to protect the very companion who had taken away his loneliness.
“Adam, could we find a place to rest? I am tired.”
I am Back!
I know not every one will come and read this but just from the bottom of my heart, these are the thoughts that run through my mind as I think about these friends.
Is everything going well for you Jovi? How's things in Philipines? Hopefully whatever is going on in your relationship is resolved.
Thanks Abel for being such a good friend. One of these day, I am gonna get you and Samuel out for a cuppa to catch up.
Briony! Thanks for the movie! And I hope those nail paints can last you for awhile. Haha. We shall meet up again soon.
So Cinthia, how's school? When you are in school, I am out. When I am back, you will be out. Hope presentations are not giving you too much headache these days.
How's everything back in China, Li Fen? See you in AH soon. You will probably be a staff nurse the next time I see you. I will drop by to say "hi" when I am on attachment.
Linda. Hope you make up your mind soon which hospital you wanna work. Although it isn't easy to find a job as a nurse, there is still time. I strongly recommend AH or KKH for you.
Feel so sad for you that your friends all went back to China except you, Li Na. When I go out with my friends, I shall call you along, if you are interested. Let's catch Da Vinci Code!
Hope you are feeling better Michelle. I will be praying for you. In the mean while, I will get back to you as soon as possible where to find the most affordable dental whitening service.
Stay strong Sze Min. No storm last forever. Remember I am always praying for you.
Lifeng! We really need some serious catching up, that is if I manage to catch you. Hahaha. You are always so busy. I am glad that you are doing pretty well now and really focus on what you really want.
Dad. Though I never call you nor have I heard from you for a long time, it doesn't mean you are forgotten. You are always in my prayer. There isn't really much I can do for you, except to hope that you will be in good health and live a realistic life. There is no more sadness, or hurt or anger when I think or talk about you because you are forgiven. I hope you will be wise in your ways. I love you.
There are still many many people who I will think about, I only mentioned a few of you who I don't really get to spend time with. All the best and may God bless you.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Attachment kept me busy but it was fun. Not going to say too much to protect the identity of the staffs and patients at my workplace.
My mind is cluttered with a lot of things to say just like there is a lot of rubbish in my computer I need to clear. You can see for yourself how disorganize this entry is.
My friend was telling me about how frustrating to make friends and only to know that they are not your type of people. "They could not understand you, they are insercure, they always think so big about themselves."
So I tell her, "I have made many friends and I have let go many too. For the same reasons as you."
Friends come and go. As I get on with my life, I realise that most of the friends I made are not permanent. In fact, some of the closest friends I have are the ones who hurt me the most. The fact when something like this happen, it is almost not possible to try to be "like in the old days" anymore. There is a lack of trust though there is forgiveness.
What are some of the things that my ex-friends used to do?
Backstab me, spread rumours about me, irritates me, think too big about themselves, treat me unfairly, and a couple of them downright treat me as non-existant by not bothering to sms or reply and blame me for things I never done.
Yup. Come to think about it, it is scary. But nonetheless, there are still friends who will care about me and friends whom I can truly trust.
"Why didn't you try to make friends with people who will not hurt you then?"
Because there is no where to avoid hurts. Even your best friends can hurt you.
"Why didn't you choose your friends wisely then?"
Because you never know who a person is really like until you get to know them as a friend.
"Why are you still making friends then?"
Are you CRAZY? Of course I am still making friends for the fact that all of us need friends. Good ones will support you, bad ones will betray you. But on one can ever make it on their own. That is the irony of life.
To fail doesn't means you are a failure. To lose a battle doesn't means you lose the war.
The only people who don't need anyone anymore are six feet underground.
So to say, there is nothing wrong, to be friends with someone today, and on longer friends tomorrow. It is just part and parcel of life. The fact there we are all alive and moving on with life. That we keep making friends believing that there is someone better out there.
For God is my friend forever and ever, and He never lets me down.
Many things are indeed meaningless without God.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
I wonder if it is because I didn't sleep much the day before or was it because of the blood donation, I felt really tired after donating blood yesterday. Hahaha. Apparently I am not the only one, so is Alex, Yiquan and Desmond who also donated blood. We were struggling to keep ourselves awake during service. Hahaha.
Saw Cinthia and Weisheng at the blood donation drive too. Haven't seen her for a long long time but she hasn't changed much. Hahaha.
Also saw Sister Irene and a few Copers helping out there. It was quite fun seeing familiar faces that I don't get to see other than during some special events.
Here is a video I took and edited during the blood donation. Hahaha. Look out for the guy lying down. As if like having a last rite. :p
Saturday, April 08, 2006
MoST! Fun Day!
Today happen to be the only day I will be free for the next 3 weeks as my attachment will be starting next Monday. Went out with Alvin, Chloe and Xueting to Little India. We shop around at Mustafa a little.
Here's a few photos we took over at the Children's section.

After that, we went to Bersar (dunno how to spell) food centre and had dinner. We had Turtle Soup, Stew Frog and the only thing that seems normal was the Roast Meat. It was very delicious! Thou Xueting almost freak out when we made her ate turtle meat. Hahaha.
We were on our way to the MRT when we chance upon this Museum of Shanghai Toys. Suppose to go home but we ended up spending more than an hour there! Hahaha. We took a lot of photos, had lots of laugh and was really amaze that we found such an interesting place! The toys were all from olden days China; some from as early as the Late Ming Dynasty! Wow! Hahaha.
Here's a video we took at the museum. (Pause the video and allow it to download fully for smooth viewing.)
Here's some of the photos.

Before we left, the shop owner gave each of us a BIG gift! Each of us received a tin toy that cost more than $60!!! Wow! I guess we really made a lot of noise there and enjoyed ourselves so much that the owner really loved us. Hahaha. He even autographed on the toys for us. :)
Gotta get Alvin to bring us to other places to eat. He knows a lot of "Makan" places. Hahaha.