I am a creature of Earth call HUMAN. In case you think I come from some other star systems, I don't.
As with other feral humans, I also feel happy, sad, angry and pressured. Just as imperfect as other humans.
But of cuz, I don't try to show forth the unpleasant side of humanity most of the time. It doesn't mean that I am much less human. I just try to show forth the better side of humanity most of the time.
Now... what is it that I really dislike most. Ya, when humans have this attitude that I came from the planet Krypton.
Nope, I am in no way related to Clarke Kent (Thou I wouldn't mind to have his looks). I may always try to do my best, I am in the limelight most of the time, BUT, I don't like the idea that other humans think I am infallible, think that I can do and know everything, think I am not suppose to be angry or sad.
Once in a while, I also wanna have time alone. Spend time with my closest of friends, rant at some unfair issues, or simply just wanna whine. Well, not many humans think I do that, but I do, and i NEED to do it.
Sometimes when you see that I am not acting like myself, it is cuz I may be burdened or simply feeling anything but happy. Don't worry, I am not morphing into some more powerful form or what. Neither had some mind-control bug took over me. I am still me, just that you happen to see the rare side of me. That's all. If anyone bothered to ask, I would simply shared it with them. If not, I will share it with my close friends, who are also fellow humans and the divine being whom I know personally as Yahweh. Oh, by the way, Yahweh was the one who created me. Hahaha.
So in summary, here's my planatery profile.

Name: Benjamin Tan
Home System: Milky Way
Home Planet: Earth, 3rd rock from the Sun
Planetary Citizenship: Earthling, creature oringinating from the planet Earth
Species: Human
Sub-Species: Chinese
Maternal Species: Human
Paternal Species: Human
Contact with other planetary system: Nil