Answer: Cannot make it.
Here's a few examples, (with the usual Singapore Engrish.)
Diarrhea related to something wrong with the stomach
As evidence by,
Subjective data: patient complain of stomach pain for 3 days, keep running to the toilet until legs weak, shit more than 4 times since last night and shit is like water.
Objective data: Patient was seen running to the toilet a few times since coming in to hospital. He shit like no body's business and his shit is like water, looks a bit like milk coffee but smells like rotten fish.
Self-care deficit (feeding) related to old already cannot think properly
As evidence by,
Subjective data: patient's daughter said that patient start to act like a child since 3 yrs ago.
Objective data: patient 90 years old already, he talk no

Risk for fall related to weak legs
As evidence by
Subjective data: Patient said he need someone to help him walk, cannot walk without walking stick.
Objective data: Patient likes to sleep all day in bed. Needs help to get out of bed and sit on chair. When standing up, his legs wobble like jelly until I scare he will fall.
How about in Singrish style? ( I try ok?)
Lao Sai related to eating char pah lang food

As evidence by
Subject data: patient say he kar cheng jung, makan sambal already still drink Japanese Sake, later eat Yogurt, at home lao sai lao ka bin qi qi.
Objective data: Patient now bo lat to go toilet liao. He ask to wear jiu por (diapers) and we got to keep on changing for him, si beh kang kor. And the patient's sai ma chiam like teh tarik, come out also like making teh tarik, but dun smell like teh tarik lah. Make me dun wanna drink teh or kopi for the next few days.
So nurses out there... please learn your medical terms well and look more pro when writing your documents.