My Wants
- An Ultra Portable Mini PC
- New Laptop (must be better and faster than my current one of course)
- New Leather Shoe with Pointy Front
- Sony Ericsson Cybershot Cellphone
- White Converse Tote Bag
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Busy!! Busy!! Busy!! 3 DOWN! Hahaha.
Finally, halfway through the week, I had completed my Bioscience practical test, Clinical Lab practical test and theory test.
Thank GOD Bioscience practical test was pretty manageable, except for a few tricky questions. To describe how tricky it is, I will say that the RIGHT answer seems WRONG but the WRONG answer seems RIGHT? Got it? Hahaha.
The Clinical Lab theory test was quite manageable too. Although this time round, there are less "common sense" questions but more thinking and systematic questions.
The Clinical Lab practical test is the best. First of all, I got a pretty nice invigilator. Secondly, I was given a pretty easy case senerio.
My hands are trembling madly as I was preparing my stuff. Thank GOD my mouth isn't. I was speaking confidently and was very clear in explaining the steps I am doing. In the end, the invigilator said I did very well, was very confident and said I have potential to be a good staff. Hahaha. Praise the LORD! (P.S. I happen to know one of the previous group had 9 failures out of the 16 students who are tested. A few of the invigilators were known to be very strict and failed almost every student they invigilated. It is not an easy test and I got to thank GOD for my blessings.)
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Busy! Busy! Busy!
On top of that, two important ICA presentation is also due this Friday and next Monday. Argh!!!
So it is revise revise revise, research research research, rehearse rehearse rehearse! I will survive this week!!! God is the strength of my heart! Hahaha.
Alright, that means I may not be blogging that much (I will still blog) this week. However, for you viewing pleasure, I had just made my Blog a little easier to navigate, highlighting some of my special postings and added new photo albums (in case you didn't notice). Hehehe.
Do feel free to put up any comment, I will still read them even when I am busy. (I do that to rest and destress. Hahaha.)
Saturday, September 24, 2005
AH Elderly Health Screening with COPE

Alexandra Hospital (AH) organised a health screening for the elderly today. The COPERs arrived at where the elderlys stayed at 7.30am. We gathered the participants and left around 8.20am, reached AH at about 8.50am.

There were altogether 4 different health screenings; general health screening, eye screening, osteoporosis screening, strength and balance assessment. There were also health talks, Tai Chi demostration, refreshments and many other acitivites going on.

It was really a long wait for the elderly participants as most of the health screening will take quite awhile and many of them have to wait for 2 to 3 hrs for their turn. Nonetheless, the elderlys entertained themselves by talking among themselves, chatting with the COPERs, taking picture with us and one of them even performed a trick or two for us. Hahaha.

During the refreshment time, some of the COPERs help out with serving the food. There was a looong queue as most of the elderlys were already hungry after a whole morning of actvities.
After serving the food happily, the COPERs got together and had our share of food. Guess what? Nothing was better than the milk product that the hospital was promoting!

Finally, after everything was done, the COPERs had a photo taking session. You can see that everyone enjoyed themselves in the photos. Hahaha. we gathered the elderlys and brought them home. On the way, we announced our programme for next month; visit to the tortoise farm. Most of the elderlys happily signed up with us on the spot!
We reached the elderlys' estates at 4pm. It was a tiring, but wonderful day. Hahaha.
COPE Omake!!!
Special appearance: Hong Yun (COPER)
So another busy day for the COPE ministry again. We woke up so early that none of us ate breakfast yet. Now we are so busy we could hardly take a rest... We are so hungry and tired...

Hold on a minute... What is this COPER sneaking around doing?

What! He is eating ICE-CREAM! Who is he?!!

Hong Yun!!! That's it!!!

No animal is killed or injured in the making of this omake.
Parental guidance adviced.
Children, do not try this at home.
Be Part of the TEAM!
If you are a member of City Harvest Church and want to sign up for COPE as a ministry or if you want to sign up as a public/school volunteer, please visit the CHCSA website to find out more.
Creativity: Marketing old stuff requires new methods.
Have you ever being approached by financial planners who tries all ways to "do a survey" with you? They set up make shift out post at MRT stations and tries to approach anyone whom they think can afford to invest in a financial plan by 1st of all saying that they just want to do a "survey".
And today, over at Jurong East MRT, I came across these people again. As this is not the 1st time I came across them, I just walk quickly past them, ignoring them, as usual. A few of them who approach me but whom I ignored actually snickered, "Zsk!" behind me. SO RUDE! It is so obvious that I don't want to be approached already and one of them just keep following me from behind and keep trying to get me interested. Here's how it goes.
Agent (from behind, pacing me): Hi, this is no hard selling or anything, I'm just doing a survey.
Me (kept walking): Sorry, I am not interested.
Agent (kept pacing behind me): Please, can I just have a minute with you? Have you done this survey before.
Me (getting annoyed, by the way, I am having some gastric problem at that time and I just want to get home quickly. I just kept walking): Yes. I have done it before and I am not interested in doing it now (again).
Agent (still refuse to give up and keep pacing me): Then how do you feel about it?
Me (I finally stop, turn my head back and stare at her, with my stomach growling): ...Irritating.
Agent (Stop with me, sounded a little shock): Huh. Er... Why?
Me: ... (decided to ignored her and walk off.)
If you think it is just me who is annoyed by such marketing techniques, then I should also tell you that ALL my friends are annoyed. If you are one of the annoyed ones, please feel free to drop a comment about your experience.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Day Well Spent. 2
Anyway, starting in school 1st, My classmate Fung Lun beat me up and broke a braclet in the process. You can read about it in her Blog at my link. Hahaha.
So I was suppose to meet Briony for bible study. Went to Suntec to get her Royce chocolate before that, hoping a small gift will cheer her up. She really apreciates it and ate up almost 3/4 bar of the chocolate. Hahaha.
Bible study was about spiritual warfare. It was one of the most indepth bible study I had attended so far. It was great! I have learnt something new today.
Anyway, went to had dinner with Briony at Magic Wok Resturant. Ordered Pai Tai, Cereal prawns and stir-fried beef with baby kai lan. Then we went shopping at Bata, City Link, Suntec and Plaza Singapura. We went around and try out different clothings. So nice! But can't afford it at the moment...
But we did bought something. :P To be continued in later post.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Day Well Spent.
Anyway, we went for lunch at a western food stall her friend recommended. Not bad. And we were taking about how she was so afraid of cockroaches and discussing ways to kill cockroaches and different pest... over lunch. Hahaha. (Maybe I can post those methods on a later publication "Ways to exterminate pest." Hehehe.)
Cinthia wanted to get a pair of black leather shoes for her nursing attachment. Initially, she wanted to get at Bata, but I thought I knew there are better selection over at World of Sports at Suntec City (and I can get discount over there) so I brought her over. However, what I didn't realise was... The leather shoes there are mostly for man!!! Argh!!!
Then we met my cell group leader. I went to greet her and Cinthia was nowhere to be seem. My leader thought she was hiding and wonder was she up to. I hope my CGL don't get the wrong IDEA!
Anyway, the trip to Suntec wasn't wasted. My CGL recommended us to get Kappa shoes over at Orchard Takashimaya. And also, we stop by Foxes Boutique at Suntec and Cinthia bought a cool looking long-sleeve shirt. It looks good on her. It really suits her well, she looks cute and at the same time, trendy and pretty. Hahaha. I matched a short, demin skirt for her to try too. It has a faded colour and flayed edges that make it look kinda rugged. But the combination looks so great on her! Hahaha. (She complained she got fat legs thou and refuse to get that skirt, cuz she think it is too short. I thought those pair of legs look fabulous instead. Hehehe.)
P.S. I would have posted the photo online if she had not threatened to shoot me.
We then went to Orchard Takashimaya to get the Kappa shoes. It cost only $29.90!!! It is made of PVC leather so it should be acceptable for nursing attachment. Cinthia said it is comfortable and it was a very popular brand back in her secondary school days. So Thanks Irene. Hahaha. Fellow nursing student, so now you know what brand of shoes to get for you attachment. Hehehe.
Later, we went to Yoshinoya for dinner. Just nice! Yoshinoya is celebrating their 8th Anniversary for today and tomorrow only. Many dishes were priced at only $1.80! that include the beef bowl, salmon bowl, chicken bowl and many others! We order quite a bit and was really full. Hahaha.
Went for prayer meeting in church after that. Prayer meeting was great! When we were stretching out our hands towards the zone pastors and zone supervisors to pray for the different zones, I can actually feel a flow of electrical wave from my belly all the way to my palms! It is like the Holy Spirit in me passing the anointing and strengh to the leaders whom I am praying for! Wow! Indeed, the bible said that "We are the temple of the Holy Spirit" and "The Spirit of God dwells in us"! Amen!
You can read about Cinthia's version of today's event in her blog. :)
How NOT to ask questions. By author of Mad One bestseller "How NOT to introduce yourself".
Here, I have replicated an actual "Question and Answer" session of a presentation. The words spoken may not be exact, but the meaning remains the same. Even the sequence of the questions are 80% the same. I was attending the presentation and I felt like... shooting that person who ask all these questions. Hahaha. So without further a do... Let get on with it.
The presentation is about nurtrition and eating habits. The audience are all student nurses. So at the end of the presentation, the presentor open up a "Question and Answer" seesion to the audience. This particular person then just keep asking questions upon questions and it goes like this...
Questioner: So as a nurse, how could a nurse ensure having proper nutrition?
Presentor: It is the same with everyone else, through having proper meals and a balanced diet.
Questioner: But a nurse is always so busy, how can we ensure we have proper meals?
Presentor: As I had said earlier, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you think you are going to be very busy, have a good breakfast before work.
Questioner: But morning shift starts at 7am. It is so early, how could we find time to have breakfast?
Presentor: We manage our own time. We can always wake up earlier to ensure our breakfast is taken.
Questioner: Then how about hydration? Nurses are always so busy. How do we ensure we have enough water for the day?
Presentor: Whenever possible, we could always go and have a drink of water during work. There's always water purifier in the wards.
Questioner: But what if we forget?
Presentor: We can always do something to remind ourselves. Like we can place a water bottle at the nurse station so that we will remember to drink whenever we walk pass the nurse station.
Questioner: But what if the person doesn't have a water bottle?
Presentor: There is always disposable cups at the water purifier.
Questioner: What if there is no more disposable cups?
Presentor: ...
At this point of time, I just wanted to shout, "SHUT UP!!!" Haiz...
How NOT to introduce yourself Part 2: How not to make conversations."
Now here is one conversation that is ah...
"I think this hairstyle suits you... but it doesn't suit your face." ~ A conversation between 2 ladies. I was laughing like crazy when I heard that.
Can guess who said that? Read my comments in "How NOT to introduce yourself" (Dated 17 September 2005) to get a hint. Hahaha.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
How NOT to introduce yourself.
I had met with many people and most of my friends are also outgoing people. A few times we shared about our encounters with... "unique" individuals, who have "uncommon" ways of introducing themselves. I happen to be talking with my friends about these encounters again.
So here are a few... unforgettable quotes and moments.
- "Don't tell anyone, but I am actually on a secret mission for George Bush and the CIAs are after me." ~ He goes around telling everyone.
- "My grandmother is the Queen of England." ~ Try saying this in Queen's English. Sounds cool, or rather dumb....
- "I am thinking ways of torture..." ~ When asked what is he doing over the phone.
- "Blah blah blah blah blah..." ~ Can't exactly remember what this guy had said. Only remember calling him, said, "Hello" in the beginning, let him talked for don't know how long, and I said my second sentence at the end, "Bye bye!"
- "I went to Hong Kong for holiday and stay at my cousin's place. My cousin's Andy Lau." ~ The same guy who said his grandmother is the Queen of England.
- "Do you believe there is ghost?" ~ I think I am more frightened by this guy.
- "I used to practise black magic, now because I believe in God, I only practise white magic."~ Don't put curses on me, please...
- "Before knowing God, I summon demons. Now I only summon angels." ~ Did he tell you his name is Gabriel? Or perhaps he was Michael?
- "I think.. a REAL man must not make a lady cry. If I am someone's boyfriend, I will blah blah blah..." ~ Obviously spoken when there was girls around. The girls were fancinated but not impressed. (Like seeing some rare creature.)
- "I had so many girls interested in me, I don't know who to choose." ~ Are you serious?
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Waiting... It is something constant in life.
Humans still go to war. They used swords and spear in the past, now they use guns and atomics.
Humans still fall in love. They exchanged locks of hair in the past, now they exchange wedding rings.
However, I also discover another thing that is constant. That is waiting. You are always waiting for something.
In the morning, you wait for the water to boil to brew coffee. You wait for the bus to come.
In the afternoon, you wait for instructions from your boss. You wait for your friends for lunch.
In the evening, you wait for work to end. You wait for your favourite TV programme.
Of cuz these are just short term waiting. You may not even notice. How about long term ones? You waited months for your promotion. You waited years to marry to someone you love. You waited for you baby to be born. You wait for your dreams and purpose to come to pass.
A question everyone asked too many a times in their whole life, "Why must I wait?" I don't really know the answer myself.
Someone said, "To develope patience." Then I will ask "Why do we need to have patience then? If we can just get what we want when we want."
Most of the time, the most impatient people we come across are children. The younger they are, the more they cry. They just can't wait, they don't understand, that daddy and mummy are also humans. Daddy and mummy could be doing their best but they are not perfect.
So patience = maturity?
Let's say if a 3yr old throw tantrum and insist on his way, maybe you will think he is cute.
What if a 13yr old throw tantrum? Perhaps still acceptable.
How about a 23yr old, 33 yr old, 43yr old grown up throwing tantrum? Disgusting...
However, it still doesn't really explain why we have to wait...
Perhaps, the most reasonable answer to why we have to wait, is so that we treasure what we are waiting for. When things don't come by easily, people will learn to save up or treat it as something precious.
In a rich country like Singapore, we find it inexcusable to even wait 20mins for our food to be served. But go to a crisis hit region, maybe like Banda Aceh when it was hit by the tsunami. Food, water, electricity supply was cut off, transport route damaged, you shall see people waiting day and night for relief to come. Do you think they will ever complain about the quality of the relief or dump whatever food that is "not nice"?
"There is a time for everything under the sun."~Ecc3:1. Indeed, I have learn that delay is never a denial. Just because you don't get it now doesn't means you are not going to get it. Are you ready for it? Will you treasure it? Is it worth it? Is it time yet? Perhaps, asking these question could help to answer why you have to wait.
Nonetheless, like it or not, "waiting" is inevitable. That's life.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Torn Apart... I am not who I used to be...

This music is the theme song for this character called "Id". He is a red-haired, violent, gloomy killer who has no friends and no allies. He lives only to fight and he is very strong, he can take down robots 10 times his size with his bare fists and not just one, but a whole lot of them. He is very much known as a demon by forces of both good and evil.
"Id" is the split personality of the game's main character, "Fei". He is a very cheerful, friendly and outgoing person who due to a trumatizing past had lost his memories. However, he will have flashbacks once in a while and when that happen, "Id" will take over. He will have no knowlegde of what Id has done while he is unconsious. No one seems to know about his split personality... except for a few people who knew his past... mostly not his friends.
About me.
Just a few years back, I am not this outgoing nor chatty. I am very much a reserved person. Very much critical, moody and poor conversationist. I made many people hate me in secondary school and in junior college. Hate emails were circulated by people whom I thought were my "friends". An outcast everywhere I go...
I grow up in a broken family, had a father addicted to gambling, with debts piling and "creditors" coming to harrass us every once in a while. My family would always live in fear back in those days. My father was also unfaithful to my mum. I learnt about it from my mum when I was about 12 to 14yrs old. I was very angry, very sad, and very much couldn't hold this burden as a young adolescent. This probably cause me to close up even more and become overly-sensitive to my feelings and insensitive to other people... which doesn't help me much with socialising.
I then see the needs of protecting my family 1st. Thus I kept persuading my mum to divorce my father. As others had hurt me, and also how my dad had hurt my mum and I, I decided to close up even further so that no one can ever get close enough to hurt me.
I held bitterness as if it is the reason I live. I wanted to get back at the people who back-stabbed me, who spread falsehood about me. I fell into depression, my school results dropped drastically. It makes me feel worse to know that my "enemies" are doing better in life... while I am good-for-nothing.
I yearn for acceptance, for love that is... unconditional. When I heard about this Easter Day celebration back in junior college, I wanted to be a part of it. It was really quite a topic back then. The Christians from City Harvest Church were inviting everyone and everyone was so excited about it. I though it is a good opportunity to make friends so I decided to approach one of them.
God knows, perhaps I am really too notorious. The 1st City Harvester I approached actually said that he had "too many people" and ask me to find someone else. (This person later backslided. I thank God that a few of the people he invited eventually become very fervent Chirstians.) I approached a second City Harvester, who welcomed me to joined him. Btw, he is Samuel See. Thanks Samuel.
I felt the presence of God during the celebration. It was a wonderful experience. I can feel love and acceptance in that presence. I was so touched back then, but I didn't response to the call for conversion during Easter Day itself, for I was... insecure. Nonetheless, I yearn for that feeling again, I decided to go for cell group the following Friday and attended my 1st service on Saturday. On Saturday, I gave my life to Jesus. :)
Life after conversion isn't a bed of roses. I was still struggling with bitterness and depression. My grades were still dropping and I still have yet to find any true friends in school and in church. It goes on like this for almost 2 years. It is really the grace of God that I haven't give up but kept holding on.
I then had my 2nd cell group multiplication and was put under a new cell group leader, Catherine Lee. She was the one who spent time to disciple me and teach me to open up. I had asked her why did she choose to spend so much time on me when they are others who could fare much better than me. She said something that goes like this, "Because weird people are the ones God likes to use." HAHAHA. Thanks Cat! Hehehe.
That was when my life start to change. My character and my personalities was shifted and I become very open with people, very outgoing and very dependable. God is good indeed. I had prayed for a break through in my life and He answer it. It took quite some time but it developes my patience and my dependance on Him. For when I can find nothing else to satisfy my needs during those time, I will always look to God in prayers and fellowship with Him.
Today, no matter what I have to go through, I know and I know that God is always there with me and I will never leave him for any other alternaitves.
Most people who knew me recently would describe me as witty, funny, outgoing, always smiling etc etc. Hahaha. So here, I wanna thank Jesus once again for a new life He gave me, and also the people whom in one way or another, believed in me and showed me the love of God by accepting me as who I am.
Currently, I am pursuing my Diploma in Nursing in NYP. My results are one of the best in school, scoring As and Distinctions every semesters. I recieve good appraisal in all my attachments in the hospitals. That is one big difference from my failed "A" level results back in junoir college. I am very happy now and is serving God and people the best I know how. Thanks Irene Ho (My current CGL) for your continual guidance/lecturing/care/(you name it) to mold me into the man God wants me to be. Praise The LORD! Hahaha.
Oh, BTW, I had already forgiven my dad. My parents are divorced now. I don't get to see my dad anymore, I don't know where is he and how is he doing. But I pray that he may be in good health and turn over a new leaf. For with God, all things are possible. Amen!
AN Zone Games. WET WET WET!!!
It was FUN FUN FUN! Hahaha. But also WET WET WET! We had water games and water bombs are flying everywhere!
At the end of the whole thing, we had a final water fight and make sure everyone's wet. (Especially the game masters who are "not involve" in the games) Hehehe...
Something I learnt about humans... They like to reflect how other humans act...
What do I mean?
- When you run with puny little water bombs in your hands towards someone and shout as you run, your target will also shout and run away from you.
- If you walk calmly past someone with a LARGE pail of water, the person will also calmly walk past you (even if that person had just dunk you in water awhile ago and know you are "seeking revenge"...). At this point of time, you can just turn back and SLOWLY pour the whole pail of water over your target's head. Strangely, your target will just stand there for 1 sec, start screaming (and still standing on the spot) until the whole pail of water is SLOWLY emptied (about 5 sec later). Hahahaha.
Mid-Autumn Festival with COPE.

COPE stands for Community Outreach Programme for the Elderly.
On the 10th Sept 2005, Saturday, I went for my 1st duty with COPE Ministry. They were having an event on that day to bring the elderlies to the Lantern Safari at Chinese Garden

I invited Thia along as I think she would enjoy this exposure. She did! She was having so much fun interacting with the elderlies that I was so glad to have brought her along. Hahaha. Read about her experience in her blog. :)

The elderlies always have a lot to say, to share. If you can be open enough, you can talk to them about anything under the sun! Hahaha. I just boarded the bus and greeted, "DA JIA HAO!" and every elderly on the bus just replied "HAO!!!" Hahaha.

I really enjoyed myself during the whole trip. It is not so much of the Lantern Safari itself, (Thou I also enjoyed that and took many photos. Hehehe. Catch them in my photo album!) it is the company of these elderlies that I enjoyed the most. Hahaha.

Looking forward to my next service. :)
Be Part of the TEAM!
If you are a member of City Harvest Church and want to sign up for COPE as a ministry or if you want to sign up as a public/school volunteer, please visit the CHCSA website to find out more.
Anger Unleashed!
Here's a few cases.
Case #1: Patient is a "Buddhist". The entry in the patient's interview form was "Christian". Told the Nursing Officer about the error and the staff nurse was corrected.
Case #2: According to the patient's case notes, patient was warded with very severe abdominal pain. Entry in patient assessment form by staff nurse in charge. "No pain. Pain: nil". Pointed out the error to the Nursing officer and she told off the staff nurse in charge right in front of everyone.
Case #3: Patient showed me a pill and asked if he is suppose to take it after food. As I am not sure, I went to ask a staff nurse. (This staff nurse is not the one who dispense this medcine.) She kindly told me it is for after food. She was then shocked to also noted that the pill is suppose to be dissolved in water before comsumption! I went back and ask the paitent if he knew he has to dissolve the pill. "No." He said. "Do you know what is this pill use for?" "No." He said. I go on to explain to the patient and later informed the Nursing Officer about this incident. The staff nurse who dispensed this medication got one good scolding.
None of the nurses who got "corrected" knew it was I who reported the errors.
Something you learn about me:
- I am not someone who can tolerate sloppiness.
- When I am angry, you may not know it.
- "Wrath" will not come from me, it will come from someone scarier. You will not know what hit you. Hehehe...
Monday, September 12, 2005
How do you know your patient is anxious?
- The patient keep pressing the call bell... anxiously.
- The patient looked real anxious.
- The patient keep asking the same questions, anxiously.
Obvious enough?
Let's look at a particular conversation I had with this patient who had lung effusion. (fluid and air retention in the lung cavity.) He has a chest tube inserted into the chest to suck out the fluid and air.
Patient: Nurse nurse. I think there is something wrong with my chest tube.
Me: What's wrong?
Patient: I think it is not working.
Me (make a check on the chest tube): It is working alright.
Patient: Look at the bottle attached there, there is no water inside. Isn't it suppose to be filled with water?
Me (Had a closer look at the bottle and saw "Do not add water into this bottle" printed on the bottle.): No, it is not suppose to have any water.
Patient: I think my chest tube is leaking.
Me (Thinking to myself, if the chest tube is leaking, the patient will already collaspe as air will rush into the lungs.): It is really alright. There is no leaking. I assure you.
Patient: Then why is it only so few fluid is suck out of my lungs after 1 whole day.
Me (Fact of the matter, there is more air then fluids in this patient's lung.): I think it is sucking out air more than fluid. It seems like you have more air retention.
Patient: Then how much air had being suck out?
Me (answering the question in a very logical and calm manner.): Uncle, I can't see air.
Patient and I rehearsed the same dialouge every once in a while. I told the Nursing Officer about the patient's anxiety. Don't know whether to laugh or to cry about it. Haiz...
I Got It!!! AH replied!
I was the 2nd interviewee. The 1st interviewee was interviewed for about 15mins and he left smiling. I thought that was a good sign.
My interview started at 4.30pm. There were 3 interviewers. They only asked 3 questions but it lasted for nearly 40mins! The interviewers just keep sharing stories and experiences and we were laughing away! Hahaha. More like a conversation I say.
Later on, they arrange a special tour of the hospital with a Nursing Officer just for me. The tour was wonderful as I was learning from the NO and also familiarizing with the hospital wards. I finally left the hospital at around 5.40pm. Kinda long for an interview huh? Hahaha.
Anyway, I got a call this afternoon that I got the sponsorship! Praise the Lord! Hahaha!
This is Where It All Begin... HAHAHAHA!

Perhaps writing things down will allow me to reflect on my actions... or savour the chaos... hehehe.
Nonetheless, it may seems mad to people who don't understand why I do the things I do. I hold on to the principle, "The world can but I cannot" attitude.
Ok. So even if you don't think I am mad, some people do. Crazy for God, I am. hahaha. The name MAD ONE was invented by me and use affectionately by someone close (who agrees that I am mad in a certain sense. hahaha).
What do you need to know about me?
- I... am exceeding loyal to the group or organisation I belong to. Defending honour and overlooking flaws but will seek to improve it.
- I... love everyone but pamper my closest of friends. I will go "an extra mile" for anyone anytime but will go "2 extra miles" for my closest friends. Hahaha.
- I... have a tendency to hide my temper. You may not even feel it when I am angry. Sometimes, people don't even know what hit them when my anger hit it's limits. Hehehe... (No, I wouldn't shout at you or beat you up. Don't worry. More about it in later publications.)
- I... have a strange way to relate things in a funny manner when I speak, even when it is something serious. Some people think I am witty, some people think I am annoying. Nonetheless, I don't bother to PLEASE everyone. MWAHAHAHA!
- I love God more than anything else in this world. I am sorry to say that if you are my lover, you can only be in the second place. (And my lover shall also put God 1st and me 2nd.)
So I guess that's about all for my introduction.