Sometimes, the more you desire something, the harder it is for you to get it.
Perhaps, it is because you have not put in enough effort.
Maybe not.
More likely you wanted it for the wrong motive.
Fame, pride, selfish reasons.
Sometimes to get something, all you have to do is to humble yourself. Sometimes, not wanting something for yourself will place that very thing into your hands. When you start to realise your life is not just yours alone.
"Not my will but Your will be done."
Have you ever have that experience, that you just keep fighting so hard for something, it just doesn't happen?
Then the day you start to let go, a sense of peace will come. Holding on to things that aren't meant to be is tiring, frustrating, and depressing.
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick..."
All of a sudden, life seems peaceful, and sometimes boring.
Nothing is happening much but you are just contented at how things are now.
As you look back at the old days when you fought so hard, you no longer feel sad or angry about it. It is just another memory, that creeps back at you when you aren't doing anything. It doesn't matter anymore. You may even feel glad that it is over.
Just when you thought everything has ended, you start to see the things you desire begin to come to pass.
A little at a time but at a steady rate. You no longer yearn for it but you find yourself better equiped to handle the challenges.
You have more confident now. You are doing your best. Things are going smoothly and you wonder why it wasn't like this in the past.
That is because your "lust" has turned to "love". You no longer look at yourself and you have learnt to let go.
The work is no longer a burden, it is become a joy.
"To enjoy your work and your lot in life... God keeps such people so busy enjoying life that they take no time to brood over the past."
Delay is not denial.
Hold on to the promise and let go of your undue self-awareness.
You can never succeed on your own.
My Wants
- An Ultra Portable Mini PC
- New Laptop (must be better and faster than my current one of course)
- New Leather Shoe with Pointy Front
- Sony Ericsson Cybershot Cellphone
- White Converse Tote Bag
Monday, May 29, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
The Liberation - Chapter One
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”
~ Genesis 1:26
Chapter One
The year was A.D. 2057. The date was 7th of May. The time was 8.16pm, Singapore time.
The human brain was still a mystery. Other than knowing its primitive functions and anatomy, no man had ever been able to fully utilize the brain.
For unknown reasons, the past few decades had seen the increase in the number of cases where individuals all over the world could utilize their brain function above the normal human range.
At first, such cases manifested as individuals with high Intelligence Quotient or possessing certain passive mental abilities such as having superb memorizing power.
Later on, individuals with Psychic Powers started to increase.
These incidences sparked a renewed interest in what was once known as the “pseudoscience” of Psionics or “Psi” for short. It movement started 35 years ago and was known as “The Great Liberation”.
Even though extensive researches are still ongoing, there is still no specific evidence of what really causes these sudden increases in the utilization of the human brain.
About 1 in every 1000 individuals in the world today demonstrates some form of Psi. However, most people who possessed such abilities could only do nothing more then bending an object or toppling a glass of water.
More powerful ones could cause multiple objects to move in mid-air, ignite fire, levitates and even cause mild quakes. However, such cases are rare.
“Deputy Superintendent! The suspect is hiding in that warehouse. Three of our men were hurt in action, all of them were injured by small flying objects. One of our men was also held hostage.”
“Thanks Inspector. My team will take over from here. Hagan and Elise, both of you ready?”
“Anytime Louis.”
“Inspector, seal all entrance to the warehouse. Hagan and Elise, put on your gears and follow me.”
In these day and age, Psi crimes are increasing although it is still rare. Most cases were deranged psychics who went around causing injuries and damages.
Louis Tan, Hagan Lee and Elise Lohan belonged to the Psionics Department of the Singapore Police Force to handle such cases. The Department was formed 7 years ago and it was runned by a group of specially trained personnels, 7 altogether, head by Superintendent Daniel Manikum.
Others were Intelligence officer Razak , Administration officers Alexis Liew and Nicole Tan.
Being in the Department need not neccesarily means they have Psychic powers. They were just trained and dedicated to handle cases of such nature.
“Razak, run a check on the suspect. Do you copy?”
“Richard Ho Kim Siang. 32 years old. A confirmed Psi, Level 2 Telekinesis. No criminal record. Currently receiving treatment for mild psychological disorder.”
“Roger. Another deranged one.”
The three donned their vest, head protector, face shield and cocked their handguns. They entered by the back door and hid behind some crates.
The warehouse was dark except for the lights that shone in throught the windows.
Elise ran a mental scan on the layout of the warehouse.
“Louis. I sense some movement at the centre of the warehouse. The way there is on our right.”
“Let’s move in. Remember there is a hostage. Don’t attack blindly.”
The three moved quickly and silently towards the centre of the warehouse. Just then, Hagan accidentally made some noise by stepping onto a pile of nails.
“Who’s there!”
The nails on the floor started to rise.
The three ran and dived in different directions as nails and other small debris flew and bounced off walls and other obstacles everywhere.
Louis kept low as he quickly assessed the situation. He couldn’t see where is the target and things were still flying around.
Looking up, Louis saw some lamps on the ceiling and it gave him an idea.
“Hagan! Elise! Close your eyes!”
Louis focused on the lamps and there was a sudden electrical surge running through the warehouse. Every machinary was turned on and the lamps shone forth brightly. For a moment, the whole place was lighted up with blinding white lights.
“Argh! My eyes! What did you do!”
All the flying objects fell to the ground. The room became dimmer as the lamps fused one by one. The target and the hostage were now clearly in sight.
Hagan and Elise spranged up and fired at the criminal.
Richard slumped to the ground, laying still.
~ Genesis 1:26
Chapter One
The year was A.D. 2057. The date was 7th of May. The time was 8.16pm, Singapore time.
The human brain was still a mystery. Other than knowing its primitive functions and anatomy, no man had ever been able to fully utilize the brain.
For unknown reasons, the past few decades had seen the increase in the number of cases where individuals all over the world could utilize their brain function above the normal human range.
At first, such cases manifested as individuals with high Intelligence Quotient or possessing certain passive mental abilities such as having superb memorizing power.
Later on, individuals with Psychic Powers started to increase.
These incidences sparked a renewed interest in what was once known as the “pseudoscience” of Psionics or “Psi” for short. It movement started 35 years ago and was known as “The Great Liberation”.
Even though extensive researches are still ongoing, there is still no specific evidence of what really causes these sudden increases in the utilization of the human brain.
About 1 in every 1000 individuals in the world today demonstrates some form of Psi. However, most people who possessed such abilities could only do nothing more then bending an object or toppling a glass of water.
More powerful ones could cause multiple objects to move in mid-air, ignite fire, levitates and even cause mild quakes. However, such cases are rare.
“Deputy Superintendent! The suspect is hiding in that warehouse. Three of our men were hurt in action, all of them were injured by small flying objects. One of our men was also held hostage.”
“Thanks Inspector. My team will take over from here. Hagan and Elise, both of you ready?”
“Anytime Louis.”
“Inspector, seal all entrance to the warehouse. Hagan and Elise, put on your gears and follow me.”
In these day and age, Psi crimes are increasing although it is still rare. Most cases were deranged psychics who went around causing injuries and damages.
Louis Tan, Hagan Lee and Elise Lohan belonged to the Psionics Department of the Singapore Police Force to handle such cases. The Department was formed 7 years ago and it was runned by a group of specially trained personnels, 7 altogether, head by Superintendent Daniel Manikum.
Others were Intelligence officer Razak , Administration officers Alexis Liew and Nicole Tan.
Being in the Department need not neccesarily means they have Psychic powers. They were just trained and dedicated to handle cases of such nature.
“Razak, run a check on the suspect. Do you copy?”
“Richard Ho Kim Siang. 32 years old. A confirmed Psi, Level 2 Telekinesis. No criminal record. Currently receiving treatment for mild psychological disorder.”
“Roger. Another deranged one.”
The three donned their vest, head protector, face shield and cocked their handguns. They entered by the back door and hid behind some crates.
The warehouse was dark except for the lights that shone in throught the windows.
Elise ran a mental scan on the layout of the warehouse.
“Louis. I sense some movement at the centre of the warehouse. The way there is on our right.”
“Let’s move in. Remember there is a hostage. Don’t attack blindly.”
The three moved quickly and silently towards the centre of the warehouse. Just then, Hagan accidentally made some noise by stepping onto a pile of nails.
“Who’s there!”
The nails on the floor started to rise.
The three ran and dived in different directions as nails and other small debris flew and bounced off walls and other obstacles everywhere.
Louis kept low as he quickly assessed the situation. He couldn’t see where is the target and things were still flying around.
Looking up, Louis saw some lamps on the ceiling and it gave him an idea.
“Hagan! Elise! Close your eyes!”
Louis focused on the lamps and there was a sudden electrical surge running through the warehouse. Every machinary was turned on and the lamps shone forth brightly. For a moment, the whole place was lighted up with blinding white lights.
“Argh! My eyes! What did you do!”
All the flying objects fell to the ground. The room became dimmer as the lamps fused one by one. The target and the hostage were now clearly in sight.
Hagan and Elise spranged up and fired at the criminal.
Richard slumped to the ground, laying still.
Monday, May 22, 2006
The Liberation - Prologue
Two human figures were moving through the wilderness. There was no road nor path paved out for them. Bare-footed, they walked aimlessly and each of them wore only a piece of rugged fur that barely shelters them from the chill.
The furs reeked of blood. It was the first time they ever killed another creature for covering. They wondered why they never felt the need to wear something before that.
The man looked back at his weaker companion who was struggling to keep up. As he looked at her, joy, anger and hope filled him.
Just a few days ago, he and his beloved could soar in the sky to appreciate the beauty of creation. They could dive deep into the waters and yet breathe, allowing them to experience the magnificent marine life. They had command over every other creature, every inanimate object and even the weather.
When they were cold, they could just command fire to ignite.
When they needed to water the plants, they could command the heavens to rain.
They could shift boulders and mountains by merely ordering them.
They enjoyed the daily pleasure of meeting their Creator face-to-face.
Nothing can harm them and nothing would disobey them. They could have had anything in the Garden, almost everything.
“Now everything was gone, all because of this woman.”
Both of them longed to return to the Garden. Both of them missed their Creator. However, a moment of disobedience had cost them everything.
The Creator had cast them out. Fearsome creatures and flying swords now guard the entrance to the Garden.
What’s more, the accursed fruit had poisoned their mind. The knowledge of Evil clouded their thinking. Their thoughts were darkened and their abilities were lost.
The beasts no longer listened to them.
They could no longer fly nor breathe under water.
When they used to just flick a finger to ignite fire, they had to rub stones and branches until their hands were blistered to create it.
Even though the man was angry and tried to push the blame to the woman, he knew in his heart that he shouldn’t have eaten the fruit in the first place. He knew he could have stopped her, but he choose to follow. He knew he had failed in his part to obey the Creator.
And he also failed in his part to protect the very companion who had taken away his loneliness.
“Adam, could we find a place to rest? I am tired.”
Two human figures were moving through the wilderness. There was no road nor path paved out for them. Bare-footed, they walked aimlessly and each of them wore only a piece of rugged fur that barely shelters them from the chill.
The furs reeked of blood. It was the first time they ever killed another creature for covering. They wondered why they never felt the need to wear something before that.
The man looked back at his weaker companion who was struggling to keep up. As he looked at her, joy, anger and hope filled him.
Just a few days ago, he and his beloved could soar in the sky to appreciate the beauty of creation. They could dive deep into the waters and yet breathe, allowing them to experience the magnificent marine life. They had command over every other creature, every inanimate object and even the weather.
When they were cold, they could just command fire to ignite.
When they needed to water the plants, they could command the heavens to rain.
They could shift boulders and mountains by merely ordering them.
They enjoyed the daily pleasure of meeting their Creator face-to-face.
Nothing can harm them and nothing would disobey them. They could have had anything in the Garden, almost everything.
“Now everything was gone, all because of this woman.”
Both of them longed to return to the Garden. Both of them missed their Creator. However, a moment of disobedience had cost them everything.
The Creator had cast them out. Fearsome creatures and flying swords now guard the entrance to the Garden.
What’s more, the accursed fruit had poisoned their mind. The knowledge of Evil clouded their thinking. Their thoughts were darkened and their abilities were lost.
The beasts no longer listened to them.
They could no longer fly nor breathe under water.
When they used to just flick a finger to ignite fire, they had to rub stones and branches until their hands were blistered to create it.
Even though the man was angry and tried to push the blame to the woman, he knew in his heart that he shouldn’t have eaten the fruit in the first place. He knew he could have stopped her, but he choose to follow. He knew he had failed in his part to obey the Creator.
And he also failed in his part to protect the very companion who had taken away his loneliness.
“Adam, could we find a place to rest? I am tired.”
I am Back!
I am back. I was busy with attachment and decided to put aside with blogging for awhile. So how is everyone doing?
I know not every one will come and read this but just from the bottom of my heart, these are the thoughts that run through my mind as I think about these friends.
Is everything going well for you Jovi? How's things in Philipines? Hopefully whatever is going on in your relationship is resolved.
Thanks Abel for being such a good friend. One of these day, I am gonna get you and Samuel out for a cuppa to catch up.
Briony! Thanks for the movie! And I hope those nail paints can last you for awhile. Haha. We shall meet up again soon.
So Cinthia, how's school? When you are in school, I am out. When I am back, you will be out. Hope presentations are not giving you too much headache these days.
How's everything back in China, Li Fen? See you in AH soon. You will probably be a staff nurse the next time I see you. I will drop by to say "hi" when I am on attachment.
Linda. Hope you make up your mind soon which hospital you wanna work. Although it isn't easy to find a job as a nurse, there is still time. I strongly recommend AH or KKH for you.
Feel so sad for you that your friends all went back to China except you, Li Na. When I go out with my friends, I shall call you along, if you are interested. Let's catch Da Vinci Code!
Hope you are feeling better Michelle. I will be praying for you. In the mean while, I will get back to you as soon as possible where to find the most affordable dental whitening service.
Stay strong Sze Min. No storm last forever. Remember I am always praying for you.
Lifeng! We really need some serious catching up, that is if I manage to catch you. Hahaha. You are always so busy. I am glad that you are doing pretty well now and really focus on what you really want.
Dad. Though I never call you nor have I heard from you for a long time, it doesn't mean you are forgotten. You are always in my prayer. There isn't really much I can do for you, except to hope that you will be in good health and live a realistic life. There is no more sadness, or hurt or anger when I think or talk about you because you are forgiven. I hope you will be wise in your ways. I love you.
There are still many many people who I will think about, I only mentioned a few of you who I don't really get to spend time with. All the best and may God bless you.
I know not every one will come and read this but just from the bottom of my heart, these are the thoughts that run through my mind as I think about these friends.
Is everything going well for you Jovi? How's things in Philipines? Hopefully whatever is going on in your relationship is resolved.
Thanks Abel for being such a good friend. One of these day, I am gonna get you and Samuel out for a cuppa to catch up.
Briony! Thanks for the movie! And I hope those nail paints can last you for awhile. Haha. We shall meet up again soon.
So Cinthia, how's school? When you are in school, I am out. When I am back, you will be out. Hope presentations are not giving you too much headache these days.
How's everything back in China, Li Fen? See you in AH soon. You will probably be a staff nurse the next time I see you. I will drop by to say "hi" when I am on attachment.
Linda. Hope you make up your mind soon which hospital you wanna work. Although it isn't easy to find a job as a nurse, there is still time. I strongly recommend AH or KKH for you.
Feel so sad for you that your friends all went back to China except you, Li Na. When I go out with my friends, I shall call you along, if you are interested. Let's catch Da Vinci Code!
Hope you are feeling better Michelle. I will be praying for you. In the mean while, I will get back to you as soon as possible where to find the most affordable dental whitening service.
Stay strong Sze Min. No storm last forever. Remember I am always praying for you.
Lifeng! We really need some serious catching up, that is if I manage to catch you. Hahaha. You are always so busy. I am glad that you are doing pretty well now and really focus on what you really want.
Dad. Though I never call you nor have I heard from you for a long time, it doesn't mean you are forgotten. You are always in my prayer. There isn't really much I can do for you, except to hope that you will be in good health and live a realistic life. There is no more sadness, or hurt or anger when I think or talk about you because you are forgiven. I hope you will be wise in your ways. I love you.
There are still many many people who I will think about, I only mentioned a few of you who I don't really get to spend time with. All the best and may God bless you.
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